Friday, 30 October 2015

Blurb Blitz Tour & Giveaway - Travel Bites by The Hungry Traveller

Travel Bites
Author: The Hungry Traveller
Genre: Non-fiction travel literature

Book Description:
Travel Bites is a collection of anecdotal travel stories that crisscross the globe. It is the first work by The Hungry Traveller who has combined his two great life passions: travelling and eating! The Hungry Traveller has been travelling for the last fifteen years and, along the way, has experienced many different sights, tastes, and cultures. Central to his travel experiences has been the role of food. Through his unique and very personal style of storytelling, you too can share in the highs and the lows of his stories from around the world. At the end of each story is a recipe for a dish inspired by his adventure. Travel Bites will capture your imagination and curiosity; and will leave you yearning to plan your next holiday, adventure or escape!

Author Links:


The Bridge on the River Kwai
Location: Kanchanaburi, Thailand

I remember watching The Bridge on the River Kwai growing up. This classic movie is based on the novel written by Pierre Boulle, about the construction of a bridge over the River Kwai by Allied prisoners of war, as part of the “Death Railway” during World War II. There were a number of things that I always remembered from the movie as a kid. There was William Holden’s character, who escaped from the prison camp only to return as part of a commando mission to try to destroy the bridge.

About the Author
The Hungry Traveller is a travelling enthusiast who loves to eat! When travelling, he enjoys meeting new people and engaging with locals to learn about their culture, history and the food that they eat. 

Author Links:


$10 Amazon / B&N Gift Card.

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