Saturday 31 October 2015

Book Blitz & Giveaway - The 13th Bridage by Ky Lehman

The 13th Brigade
(Rosefire Trilogy, #2)
Author: Ky Lehman
Publication Date: October 31st, 2015
Genre: YA Paranormal Romance

Book Description:
The Light bore her.
The Earth whittled her.
The Air swayed her.
The Water cleansed her.
The Fire renewed her.

And after thirteen lifetimes, her blood still condemns her…

As the final battle between her ancient enemies and her kin rages around her, Ren must decide if it will be her first great love, or the great man who has loved her since the first, who will sacrifice their last life on Earth to bring the truth to light to save a world teetering on the brink of eternal darkness.

This second installment of The Rosefire Trilogy by Ky Lehman: a series created for all young adults at heart, answers many of the questions raised in Book 1, THE 13TH DESCENT, as the individual battles of Ren, Josh, Mike and the Tor all come to a head as they wage their final war against humankind’s greatest threat. Ren also must cross swords with the traitorous Tor Princess, Avira, who is determined to claim Mike as her own, so they can live, and forget, together under the Bloodstones dictatorship of the new world: a darkness Ren and The 13th Brigade will fight until their last breath to save Mike, Josh, and the people of Earth from enduring.

The third and final book in The Rosefire Trilogy, THE 13TH RISING, is in the making, and will be coming…soon…

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Breaking his nose, kicking out two of his teeth, splitting his lip and dislocating his kneecap was the initial result, but realising that I was capable of doing much worse was what summoned the rain, dowsing the flames and clearing the way; when I backed off and Teddy saw my hesitation and grabbed me. It was through my hate-fuelled rage that I realised I could brawl, but in it was in my retreat that I realised how well I could fight.

I won’t deny that beating the crap out of Gil didn’t appease me a bit. At the time, it actually felt quite good unleashing my fury on someone I believe deserved it. But it was when my thrashing fists turned into calculated actions, and the reactive blocks I had stashed in my expanding back pocket weren’t getting any play that I saw his meekness, felt his sorrow and received his surrender. And it was in the subduing humility of his strength where I finally found my own.

We make it to the outskirts of the forest and part ways with Aiden, Ash and Kade, who we will soon see on the other side. As they race around to the front of the fortress and disappear in through the main entrance, we all assemble behind a thicket of trees only strides from the moats edge.

After their uncoordinated gallop through the woods, Morgan, Tre, Kolora, and Hali will get in a good five minutes of rest and refreshment before they have to swim me, Teddy, and Gil - snug Stu’s wetsuit gear - across the moat: a circular stretch of water that looked big and wide on the map, but in reality, looks much bigger and wider than I imagined, making the Bloodstones stronghold look illusively small in the distance.

With the seven of us crouched in the bushes, Teddy looks over at a visibly tired Morgan and in a hushed voice, he cheekily asks, “How do you explain it to the girls at the beach when they see you swimming laps around the ocean, but after walking up the sand dunes and across the parking lot to your car, you need to take a nap in the back seat?”

“First of all, considering that I’m the size of a little surf grommet, they’d probably assume that I rode my bike,” he snippily whispers back. “But if I was asked, I’d tell them that water fitness trumps land fitness any day of the week...hang on, what the hell are you talking about, Teddy? You’re puffing and blowing too!” he points out.

“You can do a lot more with babes on land than you can on water, my friend. And let’s just say, I’m land fit enough for that,” Teddy jibes.

“Horny Earth Tormen. You’re all about pro-creation, aren’t you?” Kolora hisses at Teddy, rolling her eyes.

“Repopulating the Earth is our duty,” Teddy responds with a wink.

In celebration of the release of Book 2, THE 13TH BRIGADE coming out on 31 October, Book 1, THE 13TH DESCENT, will be FREE on Amazon Kindle from 26-30 October!


About the Author:
KY LEHMAN is a novelist, a children's author, a teacher of swimming and water safety and a swim school owner, wife to her high school sweetheart and the proud mother of their three very tall sons. She lives in the Yarra Ranges, Victoria, Australia with her husband and their children where she is currently writing the second book in The Rosefire Trilogy, THE 13TH BRIGADE.

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  1. Question to the author: Have you ever had a secret admirer?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Thank you for having me, CBY!
