Signs Point to Yes
Author: Sandy Hall
Genre: Young Adult Romance
Publication date: October 20th, 2015
Book Description:
Author: Sandy Hall
Genre: Young Adult Romance
Publication date: October 20th, 2015
Book Description:
The author of A Little Something Different brings you the most adorkable romance ever.
Jane, a superstitious fangirl, takes an anonymous babysitting job to avoid an unpaid internship with her college-obsessed mom. The only problem? She’s babysitting the siblings of her childhood friend and new crush, Teo.
Teo doesn’t dislike Jane, but his best friend Ravi hates her, and is determined to keep them apart. So Teo’s pretty sure his plans for a peaceful summer are shot. His only hope is that his intermittent search for his birth father will finally pan out and he’ll find a new, less awkward home. Meanwhile, at Jane’s house, her sister Margo wants to come out as bisexual, but she’s terrified of how her parents will react.
In a summer filled with secrets and questions, even Jane’s Magic 8 ball can’t give them clear answers, but Signs Point to Yes.
Jane, a superstitious fangirl, takes an anonymous babysitting job to avoid an unpaid internship with her college-obsessed mom. The only problem? She’s babysitting the siblings of her childhood friend and new crush, Teo.
Teo doesn’t dislike Jane, but his best friend Ravi hates her, and is determined to keep them apart. So Teo’s pretty sure his plans for a peaceful summer are shot. His only hope is that his intermittent search for his birth father will finally pan out and he’ll find a new, less awkward home. Meanwhile, at Jane’s house, her sister Margo wants to come out as bisexual, but she’s terrified of how her parents will react.
In a summer filled with secrets and questions, even Jane’s Magic 8 ball can’t give them clear answers, but Signs Point to Yes.
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When Jane got to fifty, she yelled, “Ready or not, here I come!”
Checking upstairs first seemed like a good idea, since she hadn’t heard the door to the basement open. Jane was met with a long hallway of closed doors, and she tried to listen for giggles, but there was complete, eerie silence.
Maybe the girls hadn’t gone upstairs; maybe they went outside to hide, even though Jane had told them outside was off-limits. Or maybe they had left completely and were on their way to Acapulco, for all Jane knew.
She tried to imagine breaking the news to Connie and Buck that somehow she had lost all three children while playing hide-and-seek on her first day. After the court trial, there would be a made-for-TV movie about the girls: Hide-and-Seek Gone Horribly Wrong: The Story of the Buchanan Sisters.
After prowling the hallway, listening for any sound of the girls behind the closed doors, she decided she needed to be more systematic in her approach. She would open each door and check under the beds and in the closets. After that she would check the basement.
The first door she opened was obviously the twins’ room. Two beds to check under and just a tiny closet. Next was Connie and Buck’s room. She scanned it fast because it felt totally wrong to be in there. Unfortunately, they had a rather large walk-in closet that required extra effort.
After that there was the bathroom, where she looked behind the shower curtain and then in the linen closet. Unless the girls had climbed onto a shelf and perfectly replaced all the folded towels and sheets in front of them, she could definitely cross off the linen closet with one quick look.
The next room was Teo’s. She really didn’t want to be in Teo’s room, but she had to check for the girls, because now she was getting a little nervous.
She bumped her hip on his computer desk, and the screen came alive. She didn’t mean to look at the search bar, but her eye was drawn to it.
How to find your biological father, it said.
Jane gasped and put her hand over her mouth. This was not information that she should be privy to. Immediately she x-ed out the window, and a second one was open behind it. Consuela Garcia and Jose Rodriguez, the search said in that window. She closed that one, too, and backed out of the room, shutting the door and fleeing back downstairs, trying not to think about what she’d just seen.
The girls were all sitting at the kitchen table, eating grapes.
“You didn’t come find us,” Keegan said.
“I was looking for you everywhere upstairs,” Jane explained, taking a grape for herself and sitting across from the girls.
“We were in the basement.”
“I thought for sure you would have hidden under a bed or in a closet.”
Rory looked terrified. “That’s where the monsters live.”
Jane laughed. “Good to know,” she said. “How did you get downstairs without the door making any noise as you opened and closed it?”
“You have to do it really slow,” Keegan said.
“Also good to know,” Jane said as she focused on the kids, determined to forget that she had ever been in Teo’s room.

I’m a teen librarian from New Jersey where I was born and raised. I have a BA in Communication and a Master of Library and Information Science from Rutgers University. When I’m not writing, or teen librarian-ing, I enjoy reading, slot machines, marathoning TV shows, and long scrolls through Tumblr. A LITTLE SOMETHING DIFFERENT is my first novel.
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