Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Fool for Books Giveaway Hop - Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash

Fool for Books Giveaway Hop
April 1st - 7th

Several blogs are taking part, so there's lots of amazing gifts to be won. Check out the rules of the other blogs. I will contact the winner via email within 5 days following the end of the contest. Winner will also be announced on this page.


My giveaway is for a $10 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal cash.
Ends April 7th (midnight GMT).

Contest is void where prohibited. Entrants must be 13 or else have parent or guardian’s permission to enter. Winners will be notified via email and will have 48 hours to respond or another winner will be selected. The winner will be posted on this page after the winner responds. Winning entries will be verified for authenticity.

Enter the giveaway and then hop on to the next one.
Thanks and good luck to everyone!



  1. Goodreads reviews and recommendations.

  2. I judge books by their covers quite a lot. An intriguing cover or title makes me want to read the excerpt.

  3. Favorite authors, reliable reviews, friends recommendations. I have way too many books on my TBR shelves to step out to most new-to-me authors unless their books sounds so amazing, has high ratings & reviews...then I will go for it.

  4. Through amazing book blogs like yours!

  5. Favorite authors, blog reviews and cover :D

  6. Depends on if it's a favorite author or a lot of my bookish friends that recommend it to me and the synopsis. :)

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  7. by review and the book's cover :)
    thx u for hosting...

  8. Combination of their covers and their reviews but also I'm in a few facebook groups and I get a lot of recommendations from there.

  9. I read reviews and recommendations and I will read if they are by an author already like.

  10. I decide mostly based on genre, and then recommendations and reviews. And I have a core group of authors where I will read anything that they write.

  11. I like to read whatever is popular and mainstream.

  12. I decide to read by reviews from my goodreads friends

  13. Thanks for the giveaway! Good reviews usually help me determine books that I want to read. :)

  14. By the authors I have read before and liked.

  15. Mostly by recommendations from friends and family...and good book bloggers. ;-)

  16. I have a lot of favorite authors that I read their books, and I enjoy checking our the blogs to find their reviews and recommendations. I also am a cover lover. I usually know if I will enjoy a book by its cover!!!

  17. Reviews, covers and friends :)

  18. I find most of my books on other blogs!! Thanks for the chance to win!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  19. I decide by goodreads reviews and with the recommendations page it have.

  20. I have many authors that I follow, and I look at reviews (goodreads/amazon) and some blogging recommendations!

  21. I like to look at established bloggers as my best option.Ignoring the ratings they give, I read the reasoning. That way, I can get a better idea of if I'll enjoy a book. Star ratings are nice, but they're kind of arbitrary values. If blogs aren't an option, I cautiously do the same with Amazon or goodreads reviews, ignoring stars but reading the reviews. But that's how I am with most things - I like understanding why people feel the way they do. And this way, you can avoid those 1 * reviews where a person just says they hate the genre. Well if you hate it, why'd you pick up the book? Unless it was unclear what the story's about, no excuse. Gather evidence/facts and draw my own conclusions, I always say!

  22. If the summary or cover grabs my attention. If I read a previous book by the authors and enjoyed it, their next book is an automatic read for me. Thank you so much for the giveaway.

  23. I go to used book fairs and just glance through the stacks until something catches my eye.

  24. It completely depends! Goodreads reviews, blog reviews, recommendations from friends, browsing the library shelves, or bookstore shelves! Thank you for the giveaway!

  25. I usually read the synopsis and then decide!

  26. I decide via bloggers posts, goodreads, recommendations from friends and by judging a book by its cover. Thanks

  27. blogs, author sites, reviews on amazon, a person also bought this sections on amazon, browsing at the bookstore... lots of ways. :)

  28. Goodreads and amazon reviews!

  29. Reviews play a big part, but a really interesting blurb is a big part too.

  30. I know my own taste pretty well so I can often tell whether something's a 'me' book from the synopsis, otherwise an excerpt of the author's writing will do the trick. I also look for reviews from bloggers with similar taste to me.

  31. I go by recommendations and I follow a few blogs that read the stuff as myself

  32. I follow several authors, and always buy their book. Plus, recommendations from Amazon, and friends.

  33. Mostly summaries or by reviews.

  34. If the synopsis catches my interest I'd read reviews to help me see if I I think I would enjoy the book. Thank you for the giveaway, enjoy your day.

  35. I select books in many different ways, including reviews, recommendations, favorite authors, and blurbs. Thanks for the great giveaway!

  36. I decide what to read based on reviews.

  37. Recommendations from friends! Thanks for the giveaway

  38. I decide what I want to read based on my moods, the rating and my friends' recommendations. But mostly, it's if I find the blurb appealing or not. Thanks for the giveaway!

  39. I pick what books to read based on a few trusted friends and book review blogs.

  40. BOOKTUBE! And based on the synopsis and covers :) If the cover is pretty I am definitely drawn to it!

  41. I usually check out the goodreads page or the reviews of a group of bloggers who have my same tastes...but sometimes I just follow my gut!

  42. Blurb and cover.

  43. I read goodreads reviews but I only read the bad ones to see why they hated it..too see if I would like it..if that makes sense

  44. Recommendations from blogs I follow and goodreads reviews.

  45. Goodreads reviews, friends' TBR lists and recs, favorite bloggers' recommendations.

  46. I usually choose books by reviews.

  47. I read some reviews, but I also do a lot of general book browsing, both online and in book stores.

  48. I rely on a combination of reviews and recommendations to decide which books to read. There are certain book bloggers whose tastes are very similar to mine, so if they rate a book highly whose blurb doesn't initially appeal to me, I'll still put it on my TBR list. I also have a network of friends with discerning taste, so again, if any of them rave about a book that on it's face doesn't seem all that appealing to me, I'm definitely going to check the book out anyway. And of course, it's an automatic, lightning-fast TBR-add if the premise looks appealing *and* the people whose opinions I trust endorse it.

    Thank you for the giveaway! :)

  49. I read GR reviews and ask for my friends recommendations :)

  50. Usually recommendations and reviews.

  51. cover and title grab my attention first the i read the back of the book(paperback) or the excerpt/summary on amazon or authors page

  52. If I already love an author, I will read anything they write. Or I'll read what it's about and sometimes just by a pretty cover.

  53. I follow some authors that I really like and also discover new books through book blogs.

  54. I usually take some recommendations from booktubers!

  55. I look at titles and covers then read the synopsis on the back of the book. If I like that book, then I look to see what other books the author has written :)

  56. I read some reviews, but ultimately I know what I like and I chose based on that.

  57. on both recommendations and reviews so I could have the hint whether its good or not

  58. I decide on which books sound good based on their synopsis. Also, favorite authors!

  59. anything that looks interesting in the bookstore or the library

  60. I search by genre and then find an interesting blurb.
    Tara Woods

  61. I decide by friends recommendations or reading reviews on book blogs

  62. I decided what books to read by recommendations :D

  63. the synopsis and then I read reviews :)

  64. I decide on the author, reviews, goodreads, and summary of the story! Thank you for this amazing chance! :)

  65. I do read reviews and recommendations, but ultimately I decide by the synopsis.

  66. reviews and recommendations

  67. I read blog reviews...but ultimately it's the blurb and the cover that gets my attention.

  68. A combination of reading the reviews and the excerpt. ^_^

  69. I read a lot of blog reviews and read what I'm in the mood for! Thanks!

  70. If I loved the author's previous works then I'll automatically read anything else they write! I also read recommendations from my friends because we share the same book tastes. But mostly I rely on reviews and what other bloggers are currently excited to read.
    Ariel @ Bookish Confessions

  71. Maria Theresa Santos6 April 2015 at 08:16

    goodreads reviews

  72. I am a mood reader so I tend to pick up a book am in the mood for.

    Megan @ reading away the days

  73. Mostly by reading reviews!

  74. Sometimes from reviews and recommendations, especially from people who I know tend to like the same books I like. Once I find a book I like then any other books by that author are added to my list. Sometimes an advertisement for a book will catch my eye, or I'll see one at the library that has an interesting cover and check it out.

  75. mostly I pick up according to my mood, other times it is whatever comes in my area of vision first :P

  76. I read authors that I know, then I look at covers, recommendations and reviews. Thanks for participating in the hop!

  77. I look at recommendations and reviews on Amazon. I also find recommendations on my local library's website when I search for eBooks.

  78. I go by recommendations from friends, blurbs, excerpts, and reviews.

  79. A combination of reviews and recommendation from friends

  80. I decide based on amazon reviews, best seller's list, the cover of a book, the book jacket, all sorts of ways.

  81. I find my books via reviews.

  82. Thanks for the great giveaway!
    I mostly decide by reviews or friends' recommendations.

  83. Reviews, recs, ratings, most esp blurb. Sometimes covers too. XD

  84. I chose my books to read based on recommendations from friends and reviews.

  85. Mostly by friends' recommendations, reading a blurb or a book cover. Trying to stay away from reading reviews, don't want to be influenced by it.
    Thanks for the giveaway! :)

  86. reviews to a point, but books like movies are so subjective, I also go by genre (for instance I love YA Dystopian so even without past experience with an author I would be willing to take a chance reading this genre), past experience with reading from a particular author (Andrea Amy)

  87. Recently I have been relying mainly on blog reviews and recommendations from blogs and my favorite authors. Also I look at the genres and book's blurbs.

  88. I usually decide based on the summary, and also sometimes reviews and friend recommendations!
