Stonhill Downs
Author: Sarah Remy
Publisher: Harper Collins/Voyager
Pages: 400
Genre: Fantasy
Format: Paperback/Kindle/Nook
Book Description:
Publisher: Harper Collins/Voyager
Pages: 400
Genre: Fantasy
Format: Paperback/Kindle/Nook
Book Description:
Stonehill Downs follows Mal, a powerful
mage who functions as Lord Vocent, the king’s personal forensic scientist and
detective. Magic and murder are his calling. Never have the two
entangled in quite as terrifying a manner as on Stonehill Downs, where Avani, a
Goddess-gifted outsider, has discovered a host of gruesome corpses reeking of
supernatural malfeasance.
The investigation is haunted by ghosts of Mal’s past, and the two quickly learn that they must cast aside their secrets if they are to succeed in unearthing the pervading evil—before it’s unleashed from the boundaries of the Downs, straight into the heart of the kingdom.
The investigation is haunted by ghosts of Mal’s past, and the two quickly learn that they must cast aside their secrets if they are to succeed in unearthing the pervading evil—before it’s unleashed from the boundaries of the Downs, straight into the heart of the kingdom.
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Author Interview
1. What inspired you to want to become a writer?
Reading. As a child I had such a hard time letting go of the characters in the books I finished, so I decided to write them into my own stories, keep those beloved fictional people alive, so to speak. Eventually I started creating my own characters and worlds, but I never stopped reading. Reading is everything.
2. Tell us your most rewarding experience since being published.
I love getting email and asks regarding my stories. Believe it or not, my most favorite sort are the “when is the next book coming out” variety, because it means I’m doing something right and someone out there is enjoying the fruits of my imagination.
3. If you could have a signed copy of any novel what would it be and why?
That’s a tough one. As a fan and a geek I have quite a few signed copies in my collection of favorite authors. Robin Hobb, Neal Stephenson, Tom Clancy. Actually, I think I’d really like a signed copy of A Fall of Princes by Judith Tarr. It’s one of my ‘comfort’ books, an old friend, and the paperback copy I have is old and falling apart.
4. If you could have any superpower what would you choose?
I’d like to be able to fly. I still dream of flying quite a lot. I’m really dislike airplane travel, but it’s entirely different when the effort is your own. I don’t need wings, but they’d be a nice addition.
5. Please tell us in one sentence only, why we should read your book.
My characters will get under your skin.
6. Any other books in the works? Goals for future projects?
Stonehill’s sequel, Across the Long Sea, comes out in June. The second volume in my young adult urban fantasy is slotted for an April publication. And I’m working on a LGBT Beauty and the Beast novel as well. I’m pretty busy. I like to keep it that way.
7. Do you write as you go or do you have the book planned before you start the first draft?
I usually have a beginning, middle and end planned out. The in between bits come as I write, and clarify as I edit. I’m definitely not a intricate outline sort of person. I tend to rely a lot on PostIt notes.
8. What movie and/or book are you looking forward to this year?
Mr. Holmes, starring Sir Ian McKellen. Absolutely cannot wait. Also, Fool’s Quest by Robin Hobb.
9. If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?
New York City.
10. Can you see yourself in any of your characters?
I’m probably in all of them, to some extent, but not consciously. I write to escape myself. It’s more fun that way.
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About the Author
In 1994 Sarah Remy earned a BA
in English Literature and Creative Writing from Pomona College in California.
Since then she’s been employed as a receptionist at a high-powered brokerage
firm, managed a boutique bookstore, read television scripts for a small
production company, and, more recently, worked playground duty at the local
elementary school.
When she’s not taking the
service industry by storm, she’s writing fantasy and science fiction. Sarah
likes her fantasy worlds gritty, her characters diverse and fallible, and she
doesn’t believe every protagonist deserves a happy ending.
Before joining the Harper
Voyager family, she published with EDGE, Reuts, and Madison Place Press.
Sarah lives in Washington
State with plenty of animals and people, both. In her limited spare time she
rides horses, rehabs her old home, and supervises a chaotic household. She can
talk to you endlessly about Sherlock Holmes, World of Warcraft, and backyard
chicken husbandry, and she’s been a member of one of Robin Hobb’s
longest-running online fan clubs since 2002.
Her latest is the fantasy
novel, Stonehill
For More Information
- Visit Sarah Remy’s website.
- Connect with Sarah on Facebook and Twitter.
- Find out more about Sarah at Goodreads.
- Visit Sarah’s blog.
- Contact Sarah.
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