Thursday, 16 April 2015

Blog Tour Interview & Giveaway - Prison of Hope by Steve McHugh

Prison of Hope
Author: Steve McHugh
Genre: Urban Fantasy

Book Description:
Long ago, Olympian gods imprisoned the demon Pandora in a human—Hope—creating a creature whose only purpose was chaos and death. Remorseful, the gods locked Pandora away in Tartarus, ruled by Hades.

Now, centuries later, Pandora escapes. Nate Garrett, a 1,600-year-old sorcerer, is sent to recapture her and discovers her plan to disrupt the 1936 Berlin Olympic Games, killing thousands in a misplaced quest for vengeance.

Fast forward to modern-day Berlin, where Nate has agreed to act as guardian on a school trip to Germany to visit Hades at the entrance to Tartarus. When Titan King Cronus becomes the second ever to escape Tartarus, Nate is forced to track him down and bring him back, to avert a civil war between those who would use his escape to gain power.

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Author Interview

1. What inspired you to want to become a writer? 
I always enjoyed writing, even as a very young boy. But when I was about 12 or 13 my English teacher at school advised me to read books from various genres that I didn't normally read, so I went to the local library and picked up David Gemmell, Terry Pratchett and Stephen King. Once I finished them, I knew I wanted to do it myself.

2. Tell us your most rewarding experience since being published. 
It's hard to pick one thing, but it's probably when people read the books and email me to tell me how much they enjoyed them. That's always an amazing feeling. 

3. If you could have a signed copy of any novel what would it be and why? 
Ooh, that's a really hard one. Probably A Study in Scarlet by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. I've always been a massive Sherlock fan, and that was the first book I can remember being given as a birthday present. 

4. If you could have any superpower what would you choose?
The ability to create a clone of myself. It would be handy to have two of me so that I could write, do family time, see my friends, and sleep. Sometimes I don't get the balance for those things all that well, I think a second of me would help greatly. I doubt my wife and family would agree though. I think one of me is probably enough for them.

5. Please tell us in one sentence only, why we should read your book.
It's a fun, action-packed story with good characters who I really love to write.

6. Any other books in the works? Goals for future projects?
Well, book 5, Lies Ripped Open is out in Aug, so that's going through the editing process at the moment. I'm currently writing the first in a sci-fi series too, and I have another few series ideas. See, having two of me would be really helpful. 

7. Do you write as you go or do you have the book planned before you start the first draft? 
I have it planned to a certain degree. I know the major over all arc, and what big plot points I have. I know where I want the major characters to end up. Everything else, including how I actually get to the end of the book, it up in the air. If I did a detailed plan, I'd only ignore it and get annoyed when I did my own thing. 

8. What movie and/or book are you looking forward to this year?
Being a big geek there are two movies this year, Age of Ultron and Star Wars. The first of which, I'm pretty sure will be incredible, and the second of which had better be or the Internet might melt. Book wise, the new Jim Butcher Steampunk story sounds brilliant.

9. If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?
I always wanted to live in Canada. Being from South Yorkshire, cold isn't something I'm too worried about, and everything I've ever seen about the place looks amazing.

10. Can you see yourself in any of your characters?
There's a werewolf, Tommy, who has a young daughter and is a massive geek. He's probably the closest to me in terms of personality. Although the fact that I always seem to torture him probably says something about my psyche I'd rather not know.

About the Author
Steve’s been writing from an early age, his first completed story was done in an English lesson. Unfortunately, after the teacher read it, he had to have a chat with the head of the year about the violent content and bad language. The follow up ‘One boy and his frog’ was less concerning to his teachers and got him an A. 

It wasn’t for another decade that he would start work on a full-length novel that was publishable, the results of which was the action-packed Urban Fantasy, Crimes Against Magic. 

Steve McHugh lives in Southampton on the south coast of England with his wife and three young daughters. When not writing or spending time with his kids, he enjoys watching movies, reading books and comics, and playing video games.

Author Links:


$25 Amazon / B&N Gift Card.

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  1. Thanks very much for having me on your site.

  2. Do you aim for a set amount of words/pages per day?

    1. With a fulltime job and three young daughters, words per day isn't always feasible. If I'm happy with the amount I've written then that's fine. Sometimes that'll be 3,000 words and sometimes only 300.

  3. Loved your interview. Very interesting.

  4. Sounds like an interesting idea for a book. I look forward to reading it. Thanks!

  5. Good interview - I too am looking forward to seeing Age of Voltron ....and I agree...the Star Wars movie better be prequel movies were not so

    1. The prequels weren't very good, no. After the new Star Wars trailer yesterday though, I have hope.

  6. Interesting interview. The book sounds really interesting

  7. I always enjoy reading the author bios most. Like that he is just a down to earth guy when not writing. I love watching movies as well.

  8. Wow. The question and answer was so cool! It's great to see into an author's head :)

  9. Great Interview! Thank you!

  10. Great Interview! Thank you!

  11. I enjoyed the excerpt.
    Thanks for the giveaway! =)

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. What do you think of us Americans?

  14. Prison of Hope sounds like quite the adventure. I would enjoy reading this book. Thank you

  15. I love the fact that you love books from fantastic authors such as David Gemmell, Terry Pratchett and Stephen King. Once I finished them, I knew I wanted to do it myself. Interesting excerpt from your book - Im looking forward to reading it

  16. Great interview. looking forward to reading this book!
