Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Book Blitz & Giveaway - Dragons Are People, Too by Sarah Nicolas

Dragons Are People, Too
Author: Sarah Nicolas
Release Date: 04/28/15
Publisher: Entangled Teen

Summary from Goodreads:
Never judge a dragon by her human cover...

Sixteen-year-old Kitty Lung has everyone convinced she’s a normal teen—not a secret government operative, not the one charged with protecting the president’s son, and certainly not a were-dragon. The only one she trusts with the truth is her best friend—and secret crush—the über-hot Bulisani Mathe.

Then a junior operative breaks Rule Number One by changing into his dragon form in public—on Kitty’s watch—and suddenly, the world knows. About dragons. About the Draconic Intelligence Command (DIC) Kitty works for. About Kitty herself.

Now the government is hunting down and incarcerating dragons to stop a public panic, and a new shape-shifting enemy has kidnapped the president’s son. Kitty and Bulisani are the last free dragons, wanted by both their allies and their enemies. If they can’t rescue the president’s son and liberate their fellow dragons before getting caught themselves, dragons might never live free again.

Buy Links:
AmazonBarnes& NobleKoboBooks


Thank you so much for hosting me on your blog today! I have a little excerpt for you. In this scene, Kitty has just realized there’s something a little off with the girl who just rode off with the President’s son, Jacob. 

"This is Draco Three. Probable threat."  

"What -" Sani begins. I cut him off with a glare and, within half of a heartbeat, a confused realization dawns on his face. 

"In Midday Sun's car. Now." I don't say much, but it's enough for my contact, whose name I don't actually know. 

He pauses for maybe three seconds. It feels like an eternity. "Communication with the agents in the car is down. Can you pursue on foot?" 

I start running at the word "down" and I'm already halfway down the driveway with Sani at my side when I say, "Pursuing." 

"Secure Midday Sun," my contact orders. "At all costs." 

"Understood." I don't bother hanging up before dropping both the phone and my backpack on the grass. Sani has already shed his pack. 

The car is gaining speed on the main road, but traffic is keeping it from escaping completely. I can run about twenty miles an hour for several miles. Sani is faster. He's holding back to stay with me. 

"Go!" I yell.  

I know he wants to argue, but I'm not his friend right now. I'm his superior. To his credit, he doesn't hesitate longer than the time it takes for a single step. His stride lengthens. It's a matter of seconds before he's halfway between me and the car.  

The front half of the black town car explodes in a fireball. My lungs are working overtime and I gulp in the acrid scent of burning rubber and gasoline. Tires all around us squeal as brakes are slammed. Somewhere to my left, a roaring crunch echoes the explosion, as two more cars collide in a less explosive way. 

Dominic pops out of the sun roof, somehow looking confused and focused at the same time. He has his side-arm in his right hand and I dare to hope the Secret Service has control of the situation. But, somewhere inside me, I know better. 

Dominic raises his gun and takes aim at Sani, who's fifty feet from the car. He fires four shots.  

I let loose a primal roar as a bullet rips through Sani's left bicep. His shoulder jerks back at the impact, but his steps don't even falter.

About the Author
Sarah is a 30-something YA author who currently lives in Orlando, FL with a 60-lb mutt who thinks he's a chihuahua. She believes that some boys are worth trusting, all girls have power, and dragons are people too.

She's a proud member of the Gator Nation and has a BS in Mechanical Engineering, but has switched careers entirely. She now works as an Event Coordinator for a County Library and as a freelance book publicist and author's assistant. She also blogs at YAtopia and video blogs at the YA Rebels.

Author Links:
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Book Blitz Organised by:


  1. Thank you so much for hosting me today!

  2. The cover model's hair is awesome! I love dragons. Looking forward to this one.

  3. I am now determined to put a purple streak in my hair. It looks so cool!
