Thanks for stopping by my tour stop for The Wolf's Cry by Natalie
Crown. This is a YA Fantasy book that released in January
2014. This is the first book in the The Semei Trilogy. This tour will run March 10th-21st and consist of reviews, author interviews, guest posts, top tens and a giveaway. Stop by the tour page for the full list of tour stops.
Character Interview with Kammy Helseth
1. For those who don't know you, can you tell us a little about yourself?
I'm seventeen years old and I should probably have enrolled in the college over in Erinsdale when I finished school in the summer. Instead, I took on this part time job cleaning glasses and waiting tables at the pub. The idea was that I would take myself across to the mainland, like Jamie did, so there was no point in going to college. Of course, I was too much of a coward to actually do it.
I guess I should mention that I have this weird thing with my eyes, before you notice it and freak out. You know how normal eyes dilate when a person is excited or whatever? Well, my eyes kind of do the extreme of that if I'm feeling any strong emotion. The pupil disappears all together and they're just a ball of colour.
It never exactly helped me make any friends. I hate my eyes, if I'm honest.
2. What has been the scariest moment in your life?
Losing mum. I mean, she was always sick so I'd been braced for it for a while. And in a weird way I was prepared, but being prepared did nothing to stop the fear. The first few weeks were a haze and then I was numb...and then this paralysis hit.
I'm lucky that I had my Gran, and that she held it together so well. I wish I could be as strong as she is.
3. As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
When I was really little I wanted to be an adventurer!
As I started to grow up and dream of the mainland, all I wanted was to work in an office in London. Boring, I know. But I just wanted to be one of those powerful business types that are able to pull off pencil skirts and heels and that terrify people as they stroll past.
Neither of these future careers were in any way realistic.
4. Who should play you in a film?
Oh, wow. Um...Adelaide Kane, maybe? I don't know. Maybe she's too good for the role? They'd have to use some good CGI for my eyes.
5. What would we find under your bed?
Odd socks and random bits of clothing, mostly.
And that pebble that I found. I don't know why I'm holding onto it. It's pretty and all, but I don't want it. I don't want anything to remind me of that. I don't know why I don't just throw it away but every time I pull it out to look at it, I just...
6. Tell us about your family.
It's just me and my Gran now. My dad died before I was born in an accident at sea. He didn't have anyone else. Then mum died. She was an only child, so was Gran.
Gran has said that I've got cousins from her husband's side somewhere in the world, but I don't know how I'd find them.
I'm happy how things are, but it would be nice to have a bigger family. Family have to like you, right?
7. Do you have a love interest?
Ha. Love? I don't really have time for love right now, with everything that's going on.
I mean, Jad is good looking - in a grumpy, way too intense kind of way. Those moments when he smiles, or when he laughs, I find myself thinking that he's handsome. And, well, he's not so bad now that we've spent a bit of time together. I get it, he's got a lot going on. And he's kind of fascinating too. I've never met somebody like him. I do catch myself watching him sometimes, and just wondering...
But yeah, no love for me.
This or That:
Vampires or Werewolves?
Well, I suppose I should say werewolves, even though Jad's wolf isn't the same thing.
Hotmail or Gmail?
Gmail but I really don't care.
Chocolate or Vanilla Ice Cream?
Chocolate please. Chocolate all the time.
Summer or Winter?
Summer, because it feels like it's ALWAYS winter on Daleswick.
Introvert or Extrovert?
I'm used to time alone.
TV or Movies?
Films. My connection is so bad that I hardly get to watch TV. My DVD's are everything to me.

Book Title: The Wolf's Cry (Book One in the Semei Trilogy)
Author: Natalie Crown
Genre: YA Fantasy
Recommended Age: YA
Length: PDF is 199 pages
Book Description:
She is his weakness.
And she will ruin everything.
Kammy Helseth's idea of adventure never amounted to more than getting a boat across to the mainland and finally escaping to London. That was until she stumbled through the mouth of the forest into a world beneath our own, the world of the Semei.
Her only wish is to find her way home but when Jamie, her best friend, is taken into this new world of shapeshifters and Crystals she has no choice but to stand up to her fear and to remain beneath the surface. Hunted by Bagor, King of Alashdial, and those that are loyal to him, Kammy finds herself in the company of a group of outlaws led by Jad, a Prince with a bitter past and a similarly bitter demeanour.
They overcome age-old prejudice to find a way to work together. But Bagor knows a secret about the Crystals that threatens to change everything. Kammy and Jad must find a way to thwart the king and to save Jamie, but that is just the beginning. For Kammy is in possession of a Key and the fate of countless lives, both human and Semei, may rest in her hands.
Book Links:

About the author Natalie Crown
I grew up in a village called Swilland, in the countryside of Suffolk,
England. There wasn't much around, other than farms and fields, but for
the most part I loved it, and I still do. I’m a passionate person by
nature. I don’t just LIKE things, I LOVE things. Whether it’s a book, a
film, or a sports team. Once I decide to enjoy something, I enjoy it to
the MAX.
I’m a terrible cook. I prioritise essential social media work over keeping my flat tidy, because I know best. I
Onto my love of reading and, consequently, writing - it was my dad that
played a big role in encouraging me to read. He didn't push me towards
books necessarily; he simply read a lot himself. Then I would pick up
his books and read them after him. I was reading high and epic fantasy
from a very young age. I guess that might explain why I have always
loved adventure stories with magic and intrigue and princes and
princesses in.
I was aware that I wanted to ‘be a writer’ from a very young age. I was
convinced I would be the first best seller that hadn't reached double
figures in age yet! I wrote about the Danshees, furry creatures that
lived through a mirror. I wrote about a Sand Bottle that transported a
boy into a world of magic. I wrote about a sick girl finding a music boy
that healed her, but transported her back in time. (Wow, I always have
loved alternate universes…)
When I was eight I wrote my first novel called The Land of No Return.
Despite the title, I am determined to return to it one day. I feel like I
owe it to my past self. So, as you can see, I have always been writing.
There have been times when I have gone weeks without scratching down a
word. Then there are days where I churn out multiple chapters and only
my body’s silly desire for sleep and/or food can stop me.
I write because I enjoy it. I write fantasy because I enjoy it. I try my
hardest to put something of myself into my writing. I like to think my
characters have depth, I like to think that my fantasy worlds reflect
upon the real world in some way. You guys will be the judge of that but
even if you don't agree I know that I at least try and I can do no more
than that.
These days I live in North London and I love it. I work full time and
London is a hectic city. Juggling work, writing and a social life is
tough but nobody is forcing me to do it so I can't complain. The dream
is that writing will be my career one day but it doesn't matter if I
never quite make it. I love writing too much to ever pack it in.
I am desperate to get a dog. My mum suspects I miss my cats at home more
than I miss her. I am a devout Arsenal/Ferrari/Rafael Nadal fan. I get
all mad when confronted with a case of social injustice and then I get
all mad when people take the fight for social justice too far. I mostly
keep those thoughts to myself and simmer with rage. I watch good TV and
bad TV, because I can. What I can’t do is enjoy bad books (subjective
opinion of course). I just can’t.
Author Links:
2 $50 Amazon Gift Cards (INT)
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It was great getting to know Kammy better! Thanks so much for hosting a tour stop and interviewing Kammy!
ReplyDeleteYou are welcome :)
DeleteIt was really great to have this interview to get a better inside of teh author ... i can relate with her because evn if my father was sick and in a sense i was expecting to loose him we are never prepared and we always needs support i'm glad she had her gran by her side
ReplyDeleteThank you for taking part in the tour! I LOVED doing this character interview. It was so much fun!
ReplyDeleteIt's my pleasure, Natalie. Loved the interview answers. Kammy sounds awesome :)
ReplyDeleteGreat book, thanks for the giveaway.