Thursday 19 February 2015

Blog Tour Guest Post & Giveaway - Cameo by Tanille Edwards

Author: Tanille Edwards
Genre: YA Thriller

Book Description:
New Pop R & B Song "Baby Comeback to Me" by Tanille free with purchase of Cameo. Email us Cameo by Tanille is your next sinful beach read. Be 17 again!

This page turning who done it is packed with mystery, drama, and steam. Nia is a high school beauty who discovers she's being stalked by someone in a secret underground society. Everyone is suspect. The pressure is mounting and problems are stacking up. Who is behind all of this? Which one of her friends is connected with this secret society? And why?

Buy Links:

How to Meet Deadlines and Stay Sane

This is tricky. Sanity is up for grabs every time I get close to a publishing deadline. I think one thing I do is try and ground my energy. I take breaks in between all day writing fests. I try to do a few sun salutations when I am home. I schedule time to write outside every other day so it is something to look forward to. Then while I am out I take a few five minute breaks to feel my surroundings and drink the scenery in as if I am working on chapter 1 and have all the time in the world to muse. It's a trick of the mind. When you have the illusion of unlimited time, you suddenly relax and can think clearer because allegedly there is no rush.

Midway through my deadline I do have to push myself. It is then writing starts to feel more like  job and less like this beautiful flow of visions. It is during these times I go back to my post it notes for inspiration. Just so I can see where it all started. I also spend time pacing my apartment with my music on. I think about the song lyrics and how they apply to my characters and then after 2 or 3 songs I get back to the task at hand. I sometimes need a push to open my feelings and not start looking at my list of edits like an accountant doing taxes. I don't want to input changes like line items from a receipt. I want to input ideas that come from challenging the character's notions or the book's themes in some way- where possible.

I must confess I do keep a check list. There has to be a method to the madness. But in order to make meeting deadlines fun I allow myself to change up the rules. I do a fair amount of overnight writing. Sometimes I sleep in 3 or 4 hour spurts and then wake up fresh. Grab my favorite snack, put on one of my favorite movies and promise myself to finish a few items off my completion list.

The last two or three days I just carry my manuscript everywhere. I read over the changes I made thus far when I am stuck to force myself to stay with the manuscript and keep my head in the game. Once I am done I go over the list and go back to each page to make sure I am sure of the changes I have made.

Just describing this process seems a little crazy to me. Yet crazy is sometimes what it takes to get a fresh perspective and answer to concepts you never envisioned for your books while facing a time crunch. When you take time to soak into you and your style you start to flow with ideas and find yourself tracking well toward your deadline.

Good luck with any and all deadlines. Try a change of scenery or making things extra comfortable to meet to work under pressure with ease and fun.

About the Author
Tanille is the co-author and creator of the children's green book series "Jordan & Justine's Weekend Adventures." She is also the author of the new media young adult novels with music "Cameo by Tanille," and "Broken by Tanille."

The Undercover Starlet Journal is a title Tanille created to inspire young women and has extended Undercover Starlet into brand extensions that appear throughout her novels.

Tanille has been writing music and books since age 16. She earned an MBA at 21 and graduated magna cum laude.

Readers of her latest young adult romance novel "Broken by Tanille" get free music downloads of her new Pop R&B hits "All of Me," "Feel It," "Baby Comeback to Me," "It's Not Okay," and "What's a Girl to Do" all written, performed and co-produced by Tanille.

The Undercover Starlet Reading Project is a new project we've launched, tasked with inspiring young teens in urban communities to reads and express themselves. We are committed to going above and beyond to reach youth with inspiring messages.

Buy Broken on Amazon Now.

Author Links:


$15 Amazon / B&N Gift Card.

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  1. Enjoyed the the guest post very much.

  2. I liked the cover and the guest post :)

  3. Loved the excerpt! Thank you for sharing :)

  4. can the winner choose the amazon gift card for the site instead of site because the shipping is cheaper if you live in canada. for the site

  5. Great book description, really like the sound of it!
