Saturday 11 February 2017

Blog Tour Guest Post - Being Here by Jennifer Lynn

Being Here
Author: Jennifer Lynn
Genre: Pagan Fiction, Mystical Fiction, Urban Fantasy, Fantasy

Have you ever wondered if life is more than a series of random events? Or if invisible threads might weave together seemingly unrelated moments? Bree MacLeod – wise woman, shaman and Daughter of the goddess Bríghid – knows the Truth.

When her aunt and foster-mother falls into a coma of unknown origin, Bree is pulled back to Seattle, the city of her childhood. As the family Bean feasa, Bree must work with her Otherworldly Allies to reach Emily and convince her soul to choose – to make Transition or to return to life on This Side of the Veil. But, being back in Seattle puts her within reach of her uncle, the man from whom Bree fled for her life years ago. Can Bree and her Allies find the way?

Glimpse the world through the eyes of a modern-day shaman. Bree MacLeod and her story are waiting for you.

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The Whispering
In support of Being Here
By Jennifer Lynn

“How do you get your ideas?”

I must admit this question always makes me pause. I never know quite how to answer, or just how to explain.

“I listen.” That’s what I tell most people. Of course, that reply usually produces a frown.

The answer is both true and accurate, if somewhat incomplete. Listening is the first step of my writing process. Whether in the silence of meditation, through spontaneous daydreams or as conscious, active questioning, I wait to hear the story whispering to me.

If I am lucky, the narrative finds me near my journal and free to sit for a while as I write down the gifted information. More often the murmuring wakes me out of a sound sleep, grasps me firmly by the scruff of the neck and squeezes until I grab my iPad and type furiously. No matter how long it takes to outline the offered story, I sit hunched over that tiny, internal keyboard, lips moving in silent recitation, taking dictation until that Otherworldly grip releases me.

Then, I write.

About the Author
Jennifer Lynn is a soul midwife, a modern-day mystic and a shamanic practitioner specializing in Celtic mystical techniques and practices. During twenty-plus years of training and experience, she has studied extensively with Tom Cowan, Caitlín Matthews, the Invisible Druid Order, the Order of Bards Ovates and Druids, the Foundation for Shamanic Studies as well as with mystical practitioners internationally.

An award-winning, published poet, Jennifer gives voice to her Bardic craft through poetry and prose. Her writings explore the rhythms of life while honoring the Goddess and the Sacred Conversation. Dance through the moon turnings with Jennifer – read her blog at

Jennifer is also a Chinese medicine practitioner and a Minister of the Circle of the Sacred Earth, a church of animism fostering shamanic principles and practices. She currently resides in Saint Louis, Missouri, under the Fleur-de-Lys, nestled amongst the waters and the oak trees.

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