Monday, 23 May 2016

Blog Tour Spotlight & Giveaway - Survivor Pass by Shirleen Davies

Survivor Pass
Redemption Mountain, Book Five
Historical Western Romance Series
Author: Shirleen Davies

Book Description:
“The Redemption Mountain series is as good as historical romance gets—vivid settings, memorable characters, love, and lots at stake. Shirleen Davies knows how to bring the old west to life. You feel as if you've traveled, with the characters, to the frontier. I hope there will be more to come!” Book Review

He thought he’d found a quiet life…

Cash Coulter settled into a life far removed from his days of fighting for the South and crossing the country as a bounty hunter. Now a deputy sheriff, Cash wants nothing more than to buy some land, raise cattle, and build a simple life in the frontier town of Splendor, Montana. But his whole world shifts when his gaze lands on the most captivating woman he’s ever seen. And the feeling appears to be mutual.

But nothing is as it seems…

Alison McGrath moved from her home in Kentucky to the rugged mountains of Montana for one reason—to find the man responsible for murdering her brother. Despite using a false identity to avoid any tie to her brother’s name, the citizens of Splendor have no intention of sharing their knowledge about the bank robbery which killed her only sibling. Alison knows her circle of lies can’t end well, and her growing for Cash threatens to weaken the revenge which drives her.

And the troubles are mounting

There is danger surrounding them both—men who seek vengeance as a way to silence the past…by any means necessary.

Survivor Pass is book five in the Redemption Mountain historical western romance series. It is a full length novel with an HEA.

Buy Links:


Alison’s breath hitched when she felt Cash’s hands grip her waist, but she couldn’t pull away, didn’t want to break the contact. His large palms and strong fingers almost spanned her slim body, drawing her closer as his gaze held hers.

She’d been kissed once by a boy from a neighboring farm. It had lasted seconds and made no impression, other than causing her to grimace and swipe an arm across her mouth. He’d wanted to do it again. Instead, she’d pushed him away, turned, and ran as fast as possible back to her home. Her feelings today couldn’t be more different.

Although unwise and against all her plans, Alison looked up, her tongue darting out to moisten her lips. She closed her eyes at the feel of his lips brushing hers.

On a low groan, Cash slanted his mouth over hers, ignoring the warnings in his head in favor of the sensations she made him feel. Warmth spread through his body as she allowed him to take control, sweeping his tongue into her mouth when her lips parted on a sigh. She tasted of coffee and pie. He couldn’t get enough and deepened the kiss, tightening his hold, aligning his body with hers. She wrapped her arms around his neck, brushing her fingers through his hair.

Her taste, touch, and unique scent messed with his rational thought and common sense. For a man used to dealing with situations in cool, dispassionate logic, Cash felt all control slip away as their embrace and actions became more zealous.

Knowing he had to stop before the passion caused them both to lose all restraint, he broke the kiss, resting his forehead against hers, his breathing unsteady and ragged.

Taking a step back, Alison looked into eyes reflecting the same desire and confusion she felt. When he placed one more kiss on her forehead, she inhaled a deep breath, touching a finger to her still sensitive lips.

Clearing his throat, Cash grasped her hand in his. “We should be going before we lose sight of the path.”

Unable to form a coherent thought, Alison nodded, leaving her hand in his as he guided her off the hill and back toward town. Neither of them spoke until they stood outside the door to her shop. At least the time had allowed her to get her breathing and erratic heartbeat under control.

“Thank you for a wonderful evening, Cash. It was…well…unexpected.”

Eyes dark and hooded, he pulled her close for one more kiss before setting her aside so as not to draw attention from those few people still on the street. Clearing his throat, he glanced around, searching for control.

“I’ll come by at noon tomorrow and we’ll head out to the Pelletier’s. That is if you’re still interested in going with me.”

“Yes, I’d like to go if you’re certain they won’t mind.” She sucked in a breath, realizing they’d be alone during the ride, posing a temptation she didn’t need. Alison wrapped her arms around her waist to help control the shivers from their brief, intense kiss. “Perhaps it would be best for me to wait. I don’t want to impose.” She let her gaze slowly move from his chest to the opening at the top of his shirt before traveling to his face, which now held an easy smirk.

“You’re not afraid to be alone with me, are you, Mrs. Burns?” He leaned forward, his warm breath washing over her cheeks, his lips brushing hers.

Drawing away and straightening her shoulders, she glared at him. “Of course not, Mr. Coulter.”

Moving close to her ear, he lowered his already husky voice. “You should be, Alison.”

About the Author
Shirleen Davies writes romance—historical, contemporary, and romantic suspense. She grew up in Southern California, attended Oregon State University, and has degrees from San Diego State University and the University of Maryland. During the day she provides consulting services to small and mid-sized businesses. But her real passion is writing emotionally charged stories of flawed people who find redemption through love and acceptance.  She now lives with her husband in a beautiful town in northern Arizona.

Author links:
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  1. The @ShirleenDavis link says it's been suspended. Could you please check into it please.

  2. Yes, I got the same message (about @Shirleen Davis link Twitter suspension).

  3. I've checked @shirleendavies on twitter and find no suspension from three browsers. Hoping it was a glintch.

    Thanks so much for hosting Survivor Pass on your blog.
    I welcome comments or questions from your readers. They may reach me at
    Enjoy your week and your reading!
