Wednesday 9 February 2022

BOOK REVIEW: Birthright (Odyssey Series, Book 1) by Caitlin D Burnside

Series: Odyssey, Book 1
Author: Caitlin D Burnside
Genre: NA Historical Fantasy / Sci-Fi / Paranormal Romance
Publication Date: November 2021

Book Description:
SKYLER’S MOTHER IS a Witch and her Father is a Vampire. A ‘Divine Decree’ looms in Skyler’s future. The position of seventh child and only daughter within this blended race is what had been foretold aeons ago…

Her family’s arrival, on Earth in the 15th Century, activated said ‘Decree’. It was guarded on Blood Island which is anchored to Planet Sangre within the Meridian Galaxy. The scrolls were found inside Quartz Castle but Autumn MazeBright (Skyler’s Mother) retrieved and hid them away…

1990… Horsebridge, Scotland… Skyler’s adventures begin. Upon her 20th birthday, Skyler MazeBright will discover her Mother’s Journals and how to claim her Birthright!

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The MazeBright of Horsebridge, Scotland, are indeed an interesting family with a long history seeped in magic and mystery. Everything about this family is certainly not what it seems. Told through various POVs, Birthright takes readers on a journey through time from when the MazeBright first arrived on earth from the Meridian Galaxy in the 15th Century up to the present timeline in the 21st Century where we meet our main protagonist, Skyler MazeBright. The arrival of Skyler's family activated the Divine Decree that foretells the prophesy of a young girl of two galaxies destined to destroy the Tree of Death and bring peace back to the Meridian Galaxy. That young girl is none other than Skyler MazeBright.

Although she grew up a human, Skyler has always known that she was a witch. She thought she knew everything about herself when in fact she actually knew nothing about who she is, who her family really is and what the destiny that awaits her. Raised by three guardians, one of whom is the mysterious Callen, known to Skyler as Uncle Callen, Skyler grew up unaware of the true identity and history of her family. What she thought she knew of her parents completely dismantles after their disappearance and upon the discovery of a letter from her mother, she discovers a startling revelation, foretelling what would become of her on her 20th birthday. This sets Skyler on a journey of discovery. Has her parents lied to her her entire life? With dark forces set to destroy her, can she truly trust anyone? Will she be able to fulfil her destiny?

This book is seeped in heraldic history, which was a joy to explore. It featured an interesting cast of characters and had an intriguing storyline. I don't know if it's because I'm British why the story resonated with me, but something about it felt familiar and real. There were some things I had trouble with such as the blend of dialogue from two different characters in the same paragraph. It made things a little confusing at times. I liked the journal format. I haven't read many books in journal format, but I'm always a fan of it. The only issue I had with it is that it contributed to the story being told to me for a large portion of the book as opposed to being shown. Still, it didn't take away from the message of the story nor did it interfere with the transition and flow of the plot.

This was a fun read about a family of witches and vampires trying to overcome evil forces from a galaxy far away. For fans of paranormal historical romance.


Rating: 5
Source: Author

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