Sunday 31 October 2021

BOOK REVIEW: A Home Again by Colleen Rowan Kosinski

A Home Again
Author: Colleen Rowan Kosinski
Genre: Children's Picture Book
Publication Date: 1st November 2021

Book Description:
After the last brick is laid, a family moves into a brand-new house. As the family grows, the house delights in the sound of laughter echoing in its halls and the pitter-patter of little feet traversing its floors and realizes it is no longer just a house. It has become a home—their home. One day, the family packs up, and with tears in their eyes, they say goodbye. The house doesn’t know if it can ever be happy again until two men appear. It begins to feel a sliver of hope about this new family…perhaps it can become a home once more.

Told from the perspective of a house, this story’s heartfelt text and beautiful illustrations convey a warmth of feeling as two families change and grow at different times within the same four walls.

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This story is told from the perspective of a home that experiences loss, abandonment, love, appreciation and various others emotions. It centres around the concept of what a home is, which is distinct from what a house is. When House gains a New family, it comes with a bundle of joyous emotions, until the day when the family pack up and leave. Over time, House starts to wither away, becoming long forgotten and rejected by numerous families that wonder by over the years. But when one family shows an interest in House, although reluctant at first to welcome them, House soon start to let its guard down as the idea of being part of a new family starts to fill it with hope once again.

This was a beautiful story that I recommend for the whole family. I loved the perspective it was told from and how the author personified the house. Great illustration and a wonderful read.


Rating: 5 Star
Source: Own Copy

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