Monday, 14 March 2016

Book Blitz & Giveaway - Almana by Julayn Adams

Author: Julayn Adams
Release Date: March 4th, 2016

Summary from Goodreads:
In the aftermath of World War III, the world has become a dangerous place. The ruthless dictator, Equis, and his army, Armageddon, are quickly taking over major metropolitan areas on the west coast. The end of humanity is eminent. Their one hope lies in the hands of a 17 year old girl, Alexa. When Almana volunteers to leave Heaven to guide Alexa, she never thought that her own destiny would include falling in love with a human. Now, cursed to remain on Earth forever, Almana finds that her task is much more than she bargained for.

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hen in disgrace with fortune and men's eyes,
I alone beweep my outcast state
And trouble deaf heaven with my bootless cries,
And look upon myself and curse my fate,
                                                                                Wishing me like to one more rich in hope,”
                                                  Sonnet 29

It is my name. It is my curse.
I am Almana.

About the Author
With a diverse background ranging from preschool teacher and professional princess to diagnostic sonographer, Julayn Adams has discovered a new passion and talent for writing. Originally from Massachusetts, she now resides in Australia with her husband and four children, three of whom she home-schools. With her first work, a children's book illustrated by her youngest son, already released, she is excited to introduce her Young Adult novel, Almana, in January of 2016. Julayn is currently working on the second of this three part series, Vision (Almana #2).

Author Links:
 photo iconwebsite-32x32_zps1f477f69.png  photo icongoodreads32_zps60f83491.png  photo icontwitter-32x32_zpsae13e2b2.png  photo iconfacebook-32x32_zps64a79d4a.png


Book Blit Organised by:


  1. Question to the author: How did you become involved with the subject or theme of your book?

  2. The story of Almana came to me after reading a string of young adult books. I enjoy both dystopian and paranormal, especially angel books, but have never seen the two paired. I hadn't planned on Almana being a trilogy, but once I began writing, the characters and story took on a life of their own.

    If you get a chance to read it, I hope that you'll find a minute to share your thoughts!

  3. I really love that cover artwork! It is stunning!

  4. Thanks for the giveaway. What made you decide to be a writer?

  5. I like the summary. Sounds like a good read.

  6. thank you for the chance to win :)

  7. Sounds like a very good read.

  8. Sounds like a very good read.

  9. I love the cover of your book! It makes you want to read it to see what it's about.

  10. I wonder if the authors' new surrounding now living in Australia gives her added inspiration.

  11. Thanks so much for the positive feedback on the cover! Like may writers, I am working on a shoestring budget (meaning $0). I was thrilled with my original cover design, but was sadly disappointed when I found another YA book cover almost identical. After many, many hours/days of design work, I am far more please with this design! I wanted it to showcase her eyes and have a dream-like feel. It really needed to feel like loneliness, and I think the forest really creates that feel. The feathers eluding to the fact that Almana is an angel was the icing on the cake! (I let you in on a little secret... Amana means "alone" in Hebrew! Shhh)

    1. Sorry, silly autocorrect... Almana, not Amana

  12. Answer to two questions in one...

    Most writers will tell you that their passion for reading and writing began as a young child. I'm a little different (just ask my hubby :P). I had always wanted to enjoy reading, but never found the time. When I would find the time before bed, I would fall asleep within minutes. It wasn't until I started home-schooling my kids that I really began seriously reading. As part of their schooling, my children had to read for at least an hour per day and write for at least a half hour. I figured that I should practice what I preach, so I started reading while they were. That's when I caught it- the reading bug! I couldn't get enough.

    My kids and I then started a book blog together. When my boys stopped wanting to participate, my daughter and I started our own seperate blogs. I soon began getting lots of feedback on my writing. It seemed that many people enjoyed my writing style, but I didn't think much of it. That was until I had the idea for Almana. The more I wrote, the more she came to life. I am now working on book two of the trilogy, have a children's book about Autism (illustrated by my youngest son), and after book three is completed, I have another book that I'll be working on.

    I wouldn't say that Australia had any influence on my writing. It's a very American book. But moving to Australia and being unable to work has given me the time to explore new things!

  13. What a unique cover! I'd love to read this!

  14. Almana sounds great ♡ Looking forward to reading this book. Thank you

  15. I like the cover . Thank you.

  16. Sound better than a WWIII book usually does by far. Thanks for sharing.

  17. Great story, I like this kind of book :-)

  18. Exchanging Heaven for the West Coast...yeah that's a tough break.

  19. Tammie Browning15 March 2016 at 15:45

    Thank you for the chance to win

  20. Love the cover! Thanks for the giveaway :]

  21. What an interesting book! Since I love dystopian and paranormal stories, I am looking forward to reading Almana. Thanks for the great giveaway.

  22. Almana has a really eye catching cover. I think it is absolutely beautiful.

  23. Great giveaway. Thank you for this opportunity & good luck to all :)

  24. I really liked the Goodreads summary. I have never read this genre before; it sounds terrific.

  25. Sounds like my kind of read.

  26. Pretty cover - the Goodreads summary sounds interesting.

  27. thank you - sounds like an interesting read

  28. Thanks for the great giveaway!
    I really like this kind of books and it would be great to read it!

  29. The summary really grabbed me! I'm intrigued to know how the story ends!

  30. Thank you all for the wonderful comments! I hope that you enjoy reading Almana and will leave me a message on any one of the links above to let me know what you think 😊
