Un-Like-Me Enemy
Francheska is not your average 18 year old. A self-confessed introvert, who is constantly trying to push herself, she was not always like this, only after her father left... She finds it difficult in her recent situation to be her 'true' self as she battles with her inner demons.
With a little help from someone close, she enters into a new world testing how far she would push herself. Finding love never seemed a possibility to Francheska but it had no problem of finding her. In fact it found her a little too easy...
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1. Please tell the readers a bit about yourself.
My name is Heidi, I'm 18 and I was born and raised in England. Although, I am fortunate enough to have German heritage and I'm proud of both parts of my culture.
I'm currently starting university studying psychology to become a counsellor/therapist, because I just love being able to listen to people's problems and help the, by offering support.
Oh and I don't have a laptop so everything is written via Ipad!
2. What types of books do you write?
I'm a hopeless romantic. As much as I like thrillers, crime and action I know that I will be more interested in a book if there's some sort of precious relationship involved. If there's a relationship, it forces the reader to become involved in the relationship also.
3. How many books have you written?
When I was younger I used to write stories constantly. They were filled with my idiosyncrasies and dreams of a child. However, Un-Like-Me Enemy is my first attempt at a proper book (that I now deem as a worthy read).
4. What movie and/or book are you looking forward to this year?
There is no one - I like too many. My philosophy when it comes to it is that, if it makes me cry then it's a good film/book. The more I cry the better the book/film. I'm proud to admit that I'm the one in the back of the cinema crying hysterically if the main two characters die/develop a disease/on the brink of death/loose their baby/pet dies/life falls apart in any sort of way.
5. What type of books do you enjoy reading?
Anything gripping/conveys emotion - but mostly romance.
6. If you were stranded on a desert island what 3 things would you want with you?
1. A tent because I'm not fond of wildlife so if all else fails I can keep them away while I sleep.
2. A friend/family member so I don't go crazy and start talking to a ball.
3. a knife and flint combo set. Quite simply so I can ensure I have something to eat, I can make a fire and I could use it to make shelter, chop trees etc etc...
Aha I think I could survive if I ever was in that situation but I pray that it won't EVER come to that!
7. Are you considering a sequel?
No I'm not for 'Un-Like-Me Enemy' but I have started a new book called 'Oh Brother...' Which I will start uploading within the next month.
8. What inspired you to become a writer?
Honestly, just from reading other literature and Wattpad has made it possible for me to publish my works with no hassle. I seem to be able to find meaning in most things; whether that is song lyrics, quotes, poems or books it doesn't matter, because they all convey some sort of emotion and tell a story. I love the idea of being able to write something that can move someone. I can't sit down and plan though, if I want to write I just let it flow instantaneously.
I abruptly wake up with an intense feeling of nausea taking over. I felt so alone as i sat there clutching my stomach as tears began to fall defiantly. It happened again. He managed to squirm his way into my dreams, turning what was supposed to be my world of fantasy into a world of pure abuse. I hated how he still manages to destroy me a little, I can't stand that he still makes me feel anything when I think of him. My tears are just an expression of my inability to control myself - I'm weak ...
"Shhh my little one. We don't want anyone to ruin our precious time together"
"But why daddy? I don't want to leave mummy out"
"Mummy is busy, she doesn't have time for you, unlike me. Your my special little girl...I'll always have time for our moments together. Remember mummy will take these moments away if she finds out. Then you won't have a daddy."
"No! Daddy I'm sorry! I promise I'll never tell mummy! I love you daddy...please don't leave me."
"Shhh little one" he whispered wiping away the innocent tears that ran down my little pink cheeks. "Tears show weakness. Don't be a stupid. Don't be a weak excuse for a human. Don't take after your mother or I will leave you."
I was so confused. Why would he leave? What's wrong with mummy? "But I love mummy too...mummy is perfect!"
He growled in frustration "fine! Cry! Your pathetic!" He stomped away and slammed my bedroom door shut causing even the hinges to shake in terror.
I cower, instinctively adopting the foetal position on my little pink bed and began to whimper...I began reciting the words that I have heard daddy say so many times, they come so easily now they are ingrained in my memory; 'it's all my fault...I upset daddy again. I'm such a meany'.*
I remorsefully removed the bed sheets that ensured my warmth and threw them on the floor in anger. Sitting on the edge of my bed I rubbed the sleep from my eyes demanding my senses to waken with haste. Looking at the clock on my bedside table it flashed two O'clock In the morning as if mocking me. I grunted and stumbled towards the bathroom, flicking the light switch on before supporting myself on the sink basin. For a second I just stood still to allow my body clock to adjust to the rude awakening, listening to the soft sound of water flowing from the cold tap. I splashed some water on my face and cupped my hands under the stream gathering a small puddle, then alike a wilderness survivor i slurped the cool liquid to quench my thirst.
After managing to make my way back into bed with the once deposited sheets rightfully back around me, I reached for my phone to text the one person who would be ok with me disturbing them at this time. After talking to her last night about it all and how I feel when I'm with Luke has obviously reminded my conscious psyche of things that I've tried to forget. Things I've tried to bury. You see it's all a bit like a can of worms and now those putrid worms are spilling out into my dreams.
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