Monday 16 March 2015

Blog Tour Excerpt & Giveaway - Riddle of Fate by Tania Johansson

Riddle of Fate
Author: Tania Johansson
Publication Date: May 29th, 2014
Genres: Paranormal, Young Adult 

Book Description:
Khaya’s life, a life the Order say was never meant to be, is thrown into turmoil when she discovers she has a second ability. The Company who employs people like her – with rare and special abilities – insists that having more than one inevitably leads down a dark spiral into madness. So they are watching and waiting, ready to terminate her at the first sign of trouble.

Now, on the run from the Company’s agents while trying to prove her sanity, Khaya realises they are not the only ones she should fear. Angels are working towards her demise as well. 

The question that haunts her is this: What did she do that was terrible enough to elicit the wrath of angels? And can she trust the mysterious Derrin, or is he the cause of all her tribulations?

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Blog Tour Spotlight - Galadria: Peter Huddleston and The Knights of the Leaf by Miguel Lopez de Leon

Galadria: Peter Huddleston & The Knight of the Leaf
Author: Miguel Lopez de Leon 
Publisher: Galadria Worldwide 
Pages: 148 
Genre: Fantasy 
Format: Paperback/Kindle

Book Description:
In book three of Miguel Lopez de Leon’s Galadria fantasy series, GALADRIA: PETER HUDDLESTON & THE KNIGHTS OF THE LEAF, Peter and his family command a mystical cast of powerful, exciting new characters in their war against the blood-thirsty tyrant, Knor Shadowray. 

Reviewers of book three of the GALADRIA trilogy praise the author’s stunning artistry and skill:

“A grand finish to a YA trilogy that never fails to challenge audience expectations.”–Kirkus Reviews 

“With the close of his Galadria trilogy, Miguel Lopez de Leon packs battles, travel and adventure into a story that’s ultimately about family ties.”–BlueInk Review 

“Once again, the writing in this book is superb and the story is fast paced and action packed.”–SPR Review 

In book one of the trilogy, GALADRIA: PETER HUDDLESTON & THE RITES OF PASSAGE, 12-year-old Peter leaves his friendless, uneventful life in the suburbs and suddenly finds himself spending the summer chomping down magical chocolates and tossing around an enchanted boomerang at Hillside Manor, the 3000 room home of his aunt Gillian Willowbrook. While there, Peter learns he is the next in line to the throne of a magnificent realm called Galadria where his aunt is queen. His position is being challenged by a ruthless nobleman, Knor Shadowray.

Book two, GALADRIA: PETER HUDDLESTON & THE MISTS OF THE THREE LAKES shows Peter struggling to play the role of a prince. After being accepted as the heir of the Golden Realm, his new challenge is to gain command of Galadrian princely etiquette and survive dangerous adventures with his fearless white tiger, Rune. At a parade held in his honor, Peter and his aunt are violently ambushed by a band of screeching monstrosities and a merciless dark army led by the fiendish Knor Shadowray.

In the final book in the Galadria series, GALADRIA: PETER HUDDLESTON & THE KNIGHTS OF THE LEAF, the story continues where book two left off: Knor Shadowray’s relentless attack on the ruling Willowbrook family. In a desperate attempt to save her kingdom, Queen Gillian Willowbrook sends Peter and his grandfather to the Forests of Fernell to recruit a multitude of diverse warriors to defend the crown. Populated with serpent priestesses, nature-loving knights, magical weapons, paper-thin tree nymphs, and political fairies, the final installment of the Galadria trilogy shows the Galadrian populace at their breaking point as the realm explodes into a full-fledged civil war. A flurry of riotous battles are fought against the villainous Knor Shadowray’s ambitious attempt to capture the crown of Galadria. 

De Leon developed the GALADRIA series out of a love of the fantasy genre and the thrill of creating “new worlds, creatures, and story lines…enhanced with magic and otherworldly mystery.” The trilogy also tells the coming-of-age story of a boy as he learns to accept himself and discovers the family he never believed he would have. “The Galadria trilogy is mainly about a lonely boy who, through overcoming obstacles, finds out who he really is. I think everyone has an element of the extraordinary in them, and I hope Peter’s story shows that,” de Leon says.

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Book Blitz & Giveaway - Summer Confessions by Lynn Vroman

Summer Confessions
Author: Lynn Vroman 
Release Date: 03/10/15 
Genre: YA Contemporary 
Publisher: Untold Press 
Pages: 162

Summary from Goodreads:
Macy Diaz has managed childhood friend Jeb Porter’s crush for years. However, his infatuation turns to obsession, even putting a kid in the hospital just for hitting on her. In the past, Macy brushed it off, explained his bizarre acts away. But now she harbors a secret. She’s in love…with Jeb’s sister, Rachel.

By some miracle, Rachel loves Macy back, and despite the small minds polluting their sleepy southern town, they’re sticking together. Unfortunately, making sure Jeb never grows suspicious proves harder every day—until everything falls apart.

As a sick, unstable Jeb starts to threaten all Macy values, she is reminded of what has always been perfectly clear. Macy belongs to him, only him, and he won’t let her go. Ever.

If only Macy could’ve loved Jeb, she wouldn’t have to worry about surviving him now.

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Book Blitz & Giveaway - The Damned by October Weeks

The Damned
Author: October Weeks
Genre: Dark Urban Fantasy
Publisher: Evernight Publishing
Date of Publication: March 12, 2015
Word Count: 69,000
Cover Artist: Jay Aheer

Book Description:
Eight years ago, slayer Tuck Houston lost two of her closest friends to a Damned vampire named Josef Dragos—a beast who traded the sun for darkness and blood. She’s been hunting him since the day she walked into the carnage he created. But Josef has hidden himself well in the underground, from both slayers and other vampires.

When slayers around the globe start disappearing in a familiar pattern—Josef’s pattern—she’s put on the hunt. And despite the painful memories and very real threat to her future that come with tracking him down, Tuck is certain of one thing: she is going to make Josef  Dragos wish he’d never been born.

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Blog Tour Interview & Giveaway - OP-DEC: Operation Deceit by K. Williams

OP-DEC: Operation Deceit
Author: K. Williams
Genre: Historical Thriller

Book Description:
A shadowy past becomes a sinister future… It's 1933 and the height of Boston's social season. Claire Healey overhears a terrible argument between her industrial-tycoon father and her socialite mother. Claire's father sends her mother away, declaring she is hysterical with fatigue. Displaced by this disastrous outcome, Claire is brought to New York by her spirited aunt, to be raised beyond the reach of the damaging turn of events.

Nine years later, Claire returns to her childhood home to face her past once more. The world has long since exploded in war. A mysterious stranger named Carsten Reiniger has infiltrated the scene, placing his commanding presence among the old familiar faces of Boston's elite. Intrigued by the newcomer, Claire struggles to piece together his identity and finds a dangerous connection to her troubling past. When Claire's prying comes to light, she and her aunt are whisked away in the middle of the night to ensure their silence. Can Carsten Reiniger be trusted or is he implacably loyal to duty alone?

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Sunday 15 March 2015

Blog Tour Interview - Footballers and Louboutins: The Essex Files (Book One) by Dani K.

Footballers and Louboutins
Author: Dani K.
Genre: Chick Lit/Romance
Length: 218 pages
Release Date: February 1, 2015
ISBN-13: 978-1506171173

Book Description:
Footballers and Louboutins follows Belles on her journey through Essex. Belles loves the finer things in life, she loves partying with her girlfriends, her holidays in Marbs and not to mention Christian Louboutins. All girls in Essex in fact love a pair of loubs, Belles believes there’s nothing like a round of cocks (cocktails) with her girlfriends whilst partying in Essex’s elite nightclubs wearing her Louboutins; however her coffee shop assistant boyfriend is worlds apart from her glamorous Essex lifestyle. Everyone around her disproves of him, after all in Essex it is all about the cash and the bling. Will Belle’s coffee shop assistant ever get accepted into her Essex circle of friends? Or will Belle’s be too drawn in to her Essex social life that she doesn’t realise what really makes her happy?

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Book Blitz & Giveaway - Angel Codes by Ami Blackwelder

Angel Codes
AngelFire Chronicles
Book 3
Ami Blackwelder 
Genre: Paranormal Romance, Angel suspense
Publisher: Eloquent Enraptures Publishing
Date of Publication: March 14, 2015
Number of pages: 258
Word Count: 80,000
Cover Artist: Ami Blackwelder

Book Description:
After Kian has been kidnapped by his demon sister Dumah, he falls into a spiral of good vs evil and must overcome all of Dumah’s cruel games or face loosing himself to the darkness.

Ali must learn to be strong without Kian at her side to save him, to save her friends and family, and to save Manhattan. While Lucianda mends her broken heart after the death of Jacob, Molly and Jen must also come to terms with this Otherworld that exists under their noses.

Will Ali save Kian? Will their love survive?

Find out in this final book, the conclusion to the AngelFire Chronicles series.

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Get it free March 20 and 21

Saturday 14 March 2015

Blog Tour Guest Post - Happily Ever After High School by Savannah Ostler

Happily Ever After High School
Author: Savannah Ostler 
Genre: Epic Fantasy / Clean Teen 
Length: 355 pages 
Release Date: January 16, 2015 
ISBN-13: 978-1507513156

Book Description:
Seventeen year old Albany French wants nothing more than to find her very own happily ever after. She dreams of finding her fairy godmother, going to the ball, and being swept away by a Prince. Much to her dismay, her life is no fairy tale. Albany is just a typical, all American girl who attends an overly crowded public high school.

An untimely tragedy leaves Albany desperate for a new life.

She seeks comfort in her eccentric grandmother, Greta. Not only does Greta welcome Albany into her home with open arms, but she transfers Albany to a new school.

But... this new school is not your average high school. This is... Happily Ever After High, the enchanting high school that hosts hundreds of magical, fairytale students.

Albany is about to begin the journey of a lifetime… as she discovers who she really is, where her family came from, falls in love for the first time, and embarks on a quest to fulfill a prophecy that has been passed on for ages.

Welcome to Happily Ever After High.

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Book Blitz & Giveaway - Elevated by Daniel Solomon Kaplan

(Elevated Saga #1)
Author: Daniel Solomon Kaplan
Publication Date: September 23rd, 2014
Genres: Science Fiction, Young Adult 

Book Description: 
Most kids can’t wait until Elevated Day, when they can finally unlock their hidden superpower. Rose remains a skeptic. While the treatment reveals a power, the outcome is irreversible and abilities can range from amazing to a nuisance. On top of that, she holds a deep rooted grudge against the treatment that turned her father into an Unsound, one with abilities so dangerous as to force them to a life of exile.

Her choice sends her down a path of discovery, as she seeks to learn more of the truth around the treatment and what really happened to her father. Fed up with lies, Rose wants nothing more than to learn the whole truth–even if it means accepting her fate as an Elevated.

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Amazon ¦ B&N

Book Of The Week {Wattpad}

And the Book Of The Week Nominations are:

Click on the book covers to sample the works.

Perfectly Faking It (YA Romance / Coming of Age)
Dark Dreamer (Paranormal Romance / Mystery)
From Rags to Riches (YA Coming of Age)

Friday 13 March 2015

Blog Tour Excerpt - Trust by Tim Mettey

Author: Tim Mettey
Genre: Young Adult Sci Fi
Date Published: October 2013

Book Description:
Nicholas Keller has come to terms with his Thusian heritage and has finally achieved some normalcy in his life. But when new neighbors move in next door at the beginning of his junior year, everything changes. He is launched into an impossible search, uncertain of who to trust, and this time it’s not just his own life that hangs in the balance—it’s the lives of countless others and everyone he loves.

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Blog Tour Excerpt - My Blood Runs Blue by Stacy Eaton

My Blood Runs Blue
Author: Stacy Eaton
Genre: Paranormal Romance / Suspense
Date Published: January 2015
Publisher: Nitewolf Novels

My Blood Runs Blue. Originally released in 2011, the 2015 version has been revised and re-edited.

Book Description:
“I’m still a cop, and my blood runs blue.” Officer Kristin Greene has always felt that something was missing from her life. Even though her job with the Fawn Hollow Township Police Department keeps her busy, she continues to feel as if there is something else out there she is meant to be doing. Kristin finds herself investigating a homicide where a young woman has had her throat ripped brutally out. As she begins to dig for the answers, she finds herself thrown into a world she never knew existed. When Julian and Alexander crash into her life, she finds herself being pulled into a love triangle that has been going on longer than she has been alive. Kristin in determine to figure out who they are and why they keep calling her Calista. Join Kristin as she fights to learn the truth about the recent murder, the two seductive men who have entered into her life and the real truth about herself in a suspenseful tale that weaves paranormal into to the realistic world of law enforcement.

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Book Blitz & Giveaway - The Infinite (Gates of Thread and Stone #2) by Lori M. Lee

Author: Lori M. Lee 
Release Date: 03/10/15
Publisher: Skyscape Publishing
Pages: 378

Summary from Goodreads:
The walls of Ninurta keep its citizens safe.

Kai always believed the only danger to the city came from within. Now, with a rebel force threatening the fragile government, the walls have become more of a prison than ever.

To make matters worse, as Avan explores his new identity as an Infinite, Kai struggles to remind him what it means to be human. And she fears her brother, Reev, is involved with the rebels. With the two people she cares about most on opposite sides of a brewing war, Kai will do whatever it takes to bring peace. But she’s lost her power to manipulate the threads of time, and she learns that a civil war might be the beginning of something far worse that will crumble not only Ninurta’s walls but also the entire city.

In this thrilling sequel to Gates of Thread and Stone, Kai must decide how much of her humanity she’s willing to lose to protect the only family she’s ever known.

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Release Day Bookvie: In the Heart of the Sea - out March 13, 2015 (USA)

Who's in it:
Chris Hemsworth, Cillian Murphy, Brendan Gleeson

Thursday 12 March 2015

Blog Tour Excerpt - The Dead Room by Stephanie Erickson

The Dead Room
Genre: Post Apocalyptic
Date Published: March 11, 2015

Book Description:
322 years after the apocalypse, the world has changed, but her people have not. Secrets, lies, and manipulations endure among a small group of survivors taking refuge on an island in the Northern Pacific.

No one knows what claimed so many lives over three centuries ago, and no one asks, except Ashley Wortham. She can feel the secrets all around her, begging to be uncovered.

But the nine elders who govern the island guard their secrets jealously. They believe the islanders know what they need to, and they hide their secrets behind a ruse of peace. But when Ashley, and her best friend Mason, go down the rabbit hole, no one is prepared for truths they uncover. What will they do when they discover the downfall of humanity lies within their own island, deep inside the dead room?

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Book Blitz & Giveaway - Ariel: Nano Wolves, Book 1 by Donna McDonald

Nano Wolves, Book 1
Author: Donald McDonald
Genre: Paranormal
Date Published: February 16, 2015

Book Description: 
Despite her sharp scientific mind and her degree in bio-molecular genetics, Dr. Ariel Jones hasn’t figured out how her life changed so much in a single day. Before she can blink and ask about what is going on, she’s being shot with a billion nanos and some very potent wolf blood.

Now she can suddenly turn into a giant white wolf with the bloodlust of a starving animal. And she’s an alpha wolf…or so she is told by the even larger, very male, black wolf who was used to create her. Hallucination? She wishes. Whether human or wolf, Reed talks in her head and tells her how to handle things…or rather how to kill them…starting with the men who hold them all captive. Too bad he can’t tell her how to put her life back like it was.

Admittedly, there are perks to being a werewolf, such as meeting sexy werewolf guys like Matthew Gray Wolf. It’s not like the science labs were overrun with sexy men in white coats. She also doesn’t mind learning about a side of herself she never knew existed. It's great changing into a real wolf whenever she wants, but being a living experiment wasn’t part of the scientific career she’d planned for herself. Neither was falling for the local werewolf alpha, but what else is a newbie werewolf caught in her burning time going to do?

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