Saturday 14 February 2015

Book Of The Week {Wattpad}

And the Book Of The Week Nominations are:

Click on the book covers to sample the works.

The Putrescence of Angels (YA/NA Fantasy / Action / Horror)

Friday 13 February 2015

Blog Tour Interview & Giveaway - Circle of Nine by Valerie Biel

Circle of Nine
Author: Valerie Biel
Release Date: September 24th, 2014
Publisher: Lost Lake Press

Synopsis via Goodreads:
“Since I was a little girl I’ve been labeled a freak in my small town. There’s no blending in when your mom practices an ancient pagan religion and everyone believes she’s a witch. On my 15th birthday my secret wish is the same as always – to just be normal. But that’s not what I get. Not even close.”

– Brigit Quinn

Instead, Brigit is shocked to learn she’s descended from a legendary Celtic tribe - powerful people who serve as guardians of the stone circles of Ireland. A spellbound book of family history reveals the magical powers of her ancestors. Powers that could be hers - if only she wanted them.

And when someone sinister and evil returns to steal her family’s strength, Brigit has to make a decision. Fight to keep her unique heritage or reject it for the normal life she’s always wanted.

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Blog Tour Excerpt & Giveaway - A Tangle of Fates by Leslie Ann Moore


Welcome to my tour stop for A Tangle of Fates by Leslie Ann Moore. This tour runs Feb. 2-13 with reviews, interviews, guest post & excerpts. Check out the tour page for more information.

A Tangle of Fates
by Leslie Ann Moore

Book Description:
The fates of three women. The fates of two peoples. The fate of one planet.

On Nuetierra, four hundred years have passed since the Great War. A new society has arisen on the ashes of the old.

Deanna Hernaan, daughter of Eduard, the former Alcalde of Nue Bayona, spends her days attending university and caring for her mentally damaged sister, Ceilia. Six years ago, her stepmother Lourdessa deposed her father, and now, as Alcalde, rules the city through patronage and oppression. Deanna remains apolitical, fearing Lourdessa’s power. Threatened by Deanna’s popularity with the common people, the Alcalde arranges for her assassination. Deanna survives, but is cast adrift in a hostile wilderness. She is rescued by a band of diminutive hunters—the Tiqui—members of a slave race she has only read about in history books. The hunters bring Deanna to their village, where she meets the Tiqui chieftess Yellow Bird. A remarkable woman, the ithani possesses the shamanic gift of foresight. Her visions have revealed to her that a young woman of the tall folk would come, one whose fate is inextricably entwined with that of the Tiqui—one who would bring disaster or salvation for all of Nuetierra.

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Cover Reveal & Giveaway - Birthright (Ivy Granger #4) by E.J. Stevens

I am very excited to show off the cover to BIRTHRIGHT, the fourth full-length novel in the Ivy Granger urban fantasy series by E.J. Stevens!

This cover does a fantastic job of displaying Ivy Granger's growing proficiency with knives. It also gives us a sneak peek at the horrors that Ivy must face in Tech Duinn, on her way to Faerie.

What do you think of the cover?

Cover Reveal Birthright by E.J. Stevens an Ivy Granger Urban Fantasy Novel

Birthright (Ivy Granger #4)
by E.J. Stevens
Release Date: July 14, 2015
Genre: Paranormal, Urban Fantasy

Blog Tour Excerpt & Giveaway - Steady Burn by Nichelle Rae

Steady Burn
Author: by Nichelle Rae
Genre: Epic Fantasy

Book Description:
Steady Burn is the 3rd book in the epic white warrior series.

Hathum has left Azrel for dead. Seemingly a long way from recovery after his attack, Azrel suddenly gets a vision of Yarin, the true leader of the Gleo'gwyns. He is being held prisoner in a decrepit dungeon and being mercilessly tortured by a Shadow solider.

Azrel realizes in that fearful instant that the world would share Yarin's fate if Hathum and the Shadow Gods defeat her.

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Release Day Bookvie: Kingsman: The Secret Service - out February 13, 2015 (USA)

Who's in it:
Colin Firth, Taron Egerton, Samuel L. Jackson

Thursday 12 February 2015

Blog Tour Spotlight & Giveaway - Dealing with Devils by Pembroke Sinclair

Dealing with Devils
The Road to Salvation Series
Book 2
Pembroke Sinclair
Genre: Young Adult Urban Fantasy
Publisher: Booktrope
Date of Publication: January 16, 2015
Number of pages: 170
Cover Artist: Greg Simanson

Book Description:
Dating a demon has its advantages, like helping deliver souls to Hell. Wait...what?

Katie’s world has been turned upside down. She's fallen for Josh—despite the fact that he’s a demon from Hell. Wes is finally out of her system and her life.

Convinced she can change Josh, she sets out to make him a better person, only to find out things aren’t as simple as she’d originally thought. For one thing, Josh has Katie help him deliver souls to Hell, and she kind of likes it. And to top it off, other more powerful demons are battling for her soul, and revelations from the past could change the course of her life forever.

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Blog Tour Spotlight - Growl by Ashley Fontainne

Author: Ashley Fontainne
Publisher: RMSW Press
Pages: 315
Genre: Gothic Horror/Suspense
Format: Paperback/Kindle

Book Description:
My name is Sheryl Ilene Newcomb. And yes, my initials are S.I.N. A funny little piece of whimsical humor my parents found amusing when I arrived.

Then, it turned out to be true. Looking back with wiser eyes now, my family and I concluded that the events leading up to my transformation started the summer I turned nine. But the day we realized there was a problem, and no turning back, was a week before I started my senior year at Junction City High. The day the fangs and claws appeared and the monster inside of me emerged.

When mutilated corpses appeared near a pile of brush down by Caney Creek, everything changed. Because evil woke up and growled, its ominous rumblings heard by every living thing in Locasia County, Mississippi.

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Blog Tour Spotlight & Giveaway - Blessed of the Gods by Charlene A. Wilson

Blessed of the Gods Tour

Blessed of the Gods
Blessed of the Gods
Author: Charlene A. Wilson

Book Description:
Aumelan – book one

From the award-winning author of the Cornerstone Deep saga, comes a story of love, devotion and courage.

Chad Aumelan is in love, but his world isn’t right. Not when he’s forbidden to have Dae just because she’s his slave.

When Salana Goffin meets Chad, she’s faced with the unbelievable: a man who must take energy from a host to survive. He wants to find a cure to free the woman he loves. How can Salana turn away such a noble cause?

Together, they search for answers, but fate has another plan.

Buy Links:
Amazon ¦ B&N ¦ Kobo ¦ Smashwords ¦ iTunes

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Wednesday 11 February 2015

Blog Tour Interview & Giveaway - Billy Bobble Makes a Magic Wand by R.S. Mellette


Welcome to my tour stop for Billy Bobble Makes a Magic Wand by R.S. Mellette. This is an upper middle grade, lower young adult sci-fi adventure novel that's perfect for the whole family. This tour runs Feb. 9-20th with reviews and interviews. Check out the tour page for more information.

Billy Bobble Version 4
Billy Bobble Makes a Magic Wand
by R.S. Mellette

Book Description:
"E = mc2 is no longer the most powerful force in the universe. Your wand is."

Twelve-year-old Billy and his best friend Suzy Quinofski didn't mean to change the universe. Billy, a quantum physics prodigy, just wanted to find a way to help his hoarding, schizophrenic mother – and maybe impress a coven of older girls in high school. Suzy, his intellectual equal, wanted to help her friend and cling to her last remnant of childhood, a belief in magic. Together they made Billy a real, working, magic wand, and opened a door to the Quantum World where thoughts create reality, and all things – good and bad – are possible.

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Book Blitz & Giveaway - Exaltation by Jamie Magee

by Jamie Magee
Publication Date: February 10th,  2015
Genres: Fantasy, Paranormal, Young Adult

Book Description:
Fate is a twisted b*$#@, at least his was.

Was one soul worth the lives of millions? The quandary was one that Rydell King had no choice but to face. No matter the answer, the truth remained—innocence was created to destroy him. She was beautiful…extinguishing her to save his people seemed impossible, and maybe it was. As an immortal, his focus was to destroy the curse upon his people, as he devoured the emotion that bore him—exaltation, no matter the cost. She made him question everything.

Mercy had never been crueler.

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Tuesday 10 February 2015

Blog Tour Spotlight & Giveaway - Blue Words by M.C. Edwards

Blue Words
M.C. Edwards
Genre: Contemporary/Urban Fantasy
Publisher: Warpath Print
Date of Publication: 30/11/14
Number of pages: 334
Word Count: 110,000
Cover Artist: Geoff Craig

Book Description:
Common threads have always woven through the world's mythology and folklore, strings which seem to link cultures divided by the vastness of oceans and time.

Have you ever wondered why? What if I told you that they all stem from a single origin.....the Varth-lokkr. Within this ancient creature's blood, stirs the power to save or enslave the world as we know it, a power ignited by a simple word. But which does it truly desire?

This dark urban fantasy follows one of these creatures through its emergence into 21st century Australia. It chronicles the rise of those who oppose it, those who ally themselves with it and those who are unwillingly drawn into its wake.

Shed the blood. Speak the words. Change the world.

Buy Links:
Amazon Kindle ¦ Paperback ¦ Smashwords ¦ Warpath Print

Blog Tour Guest Post & Giveaway - Elf Hills by S.S. Dudley

Elf Hills
by S.S. Dudley
Genre: Fantasy / Adventure

Book Description:
Something strange, something magical, is going on in the dusty hills behind the small town of Villaloma. Yet each time Linda Peters puts on her running shoes and sets out to find the enchanted kingdom she imagines—full of dancing elves, unicorns, and more—something stops her. And with school starting soon, she only has a few more chances to really search the hills.

While Linda’s frustration and doubt grow, her cousin, Nugu, looks for answers in his books and wonders if maybe, just maybe, Linda’s stories are for real.

The day finally arrives when Linda can run far, the day she is sure she will find her magic city. But when she and Nugu feel their goal must lie just beyond the next hill, they only find more hill.

Is it all a figment of an over-active imagination; a wistful fantasy?

Or is there truly something magical in those hills that only the strong of heart—and leg—can discover?

Buy Links:
Amazon ¦ iBooks ¦ B&N ¦ Scribd ¦ Smashwords

Monday 9 February 2015

Blog Tour Spotlight & Giveaway - Sing For Me by Gracie Madison

Sing For Me
Angels and Arias
Book 1
Gracie Madison
Genre: New Adult Paranormal Romance
Publisher: Tika Lake Publishing LLC
Date of Publication: 1/21/2015
Number of pages: 325-350
Word Count: 84,000 Words
Cover Artist: Rebecca Berto

Book Description:
Madeline Noel fled war-torn Heaven to hide within the mortal world, but the blessing that could protect her from evil is the holy realm’s forbidden power.

As a talented soprano for the Eden Theatre Company, Madeline hides among prima donnas and tone-deaf flutists. Her perfect voice may entertain audiences, but a careless laugh may shatter glass, and her greatest scream can kill. To control her unrestrained voice, the angels forbid Madeline from embracing the emotions that strengthen her song. Anger. Fear.


The demon-hunter Damascus vows to defend Madeline from Hell’s relentless evil, but he cannot protect her from her own feelings. Though they deny their dangerous attraction, her guardian becomes her greatest temptation.

Surrendering to desire may awaken the gift suppressed within Madeline’s soul, and neither Heaven nor Hell will allow such absolute power to exist.

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Blog Tour Guest Post & Giveaway - The Way of the Wombat: Quest For Gray Ironbark by A.M. Strickland

The Way of the Wombat: Quest For Gray Ironbark
The Way of the Wombat #1
Author: AdriAnne Strickland
Release Date: 2/2/15
Publisher: WhomBatz LLC.

Book Description:
Which Way would you follow?

When Laz, a young wombat, goes from playing a game with his friend Kita in their idyllic tribal village to witnessing the nightmare of a Tasmanian devil attack, he reacts in the only way he can: he fights back. He accidentally kills a devil while trying to save his sister, but his sister is still taken captive. To make matters worse, the tribal elders banish Laz, Kita and Zeeg—the three youths who fought back—for failing to follow the way of the wombat.

Frustrated and adrift, the three friends embark on a quest through red rocky deserts and deep eucalyptus jungles to discover their own way. With a cheerful koala warrior as a guide and a wise platypus as their trainer, they hope to survive long enough to find a legendary weapon that could save their tribe and Laz’s sister from the devils. But danger lurks around every tree…

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Blog Tour Promo & Giveaway - Broken Dreams by Nancy Pennick

Broken Dreams
by Nancy Pennick
Genre: YA Historical Romance
Imprint: Fire and Ice

Book Description:
Two friends...
Blood sisters till the end...
Until they're not.

One cold night in a boarding school dorm, two fourteen-year-old girls make a blood sister pact. Friends forever. As young schoolgirls, they're determined to find true love, learning the hits and misses along the way. As graduation nears, the girls have different outlooks for the future. Lucinda longs for adventure. Anna chooses city life and marriage. Finding their way back together, the girls head west for an experience of a lifetime until a handsome cowboy bursts into their lives, changing the course of their friendship forever.

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