Wednesday 9 August 2017

Author Interview & Giveaway - Imagine by Jenna Greene

Author: Jenna Greene
Genre: YA Fantasy
Publisher: Champagne Books
Pages: 342
Language: English
Format: Ebook and print

Book Description:
A fierce wind and a blast of green light during a strange storm causes everything to change for Katharine Bowers and Becky Thatcher. The girls wake up in Oren, an entirely different realm than their earthly city. They meet Enalie, a fading magical presence who sets an incredible destiny before them… then simply disappears. Left alone to fend off creatures that hunt them in the night, they must relay a magical heritage that doesn’t make sense, and – if possible – save a world that they know nothing about.

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1. What inspired you to want to become a writer?
I think I've told stories since the day I was born. I got the skill from my mom, who would test daily anecdotes with different endings each time - whichever elicited a laugh or cry. Then a teacher in elementary school told my parents I had a talent for writing. I think that belief stuck, giving me confidence to give writing a try and to pursue it as a career long-term.

2. Tell us your most rewarding experience since being published.
Meeting fans. Having people discuss characters that I created as if they were real people.

3. If you could have a signed copy of any novel what would it be and why?
Anything by Jane Austen. She's a brilliant writer and a heroine for female authors.

4. If you could have any superpower what would you choose?
Teleportation. Then I could travel the world!

5. Please tell us in one sentence only, why we should read your book.
Because it has female characters that are flawed but powerful.

6. Any other books in the works? Goals for future projects?
I have a YA fantasy series (IMAGINE, REALITY) and I'm currently editing the third book  (HERITAGE). I also have an idea for a picture book based on two minor characters.

7. Do you write as you go or do you have the book planned before you start the first draft?
It's a bit of both. I have the beginning planned, a few points in the middle, and the end is clear. Sometimes characters dart off on their own! If I have an event planned, it often appears differently on the page then it does in my head.

8. What movie and/or book are you looking forward to this year?
Anything new in the YA genre. I love reading YA. I just finished The Forgetting and found it unique and beautiful. I hope Sharon Cameron has more titles out soon.

9. If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?
London. It is beautiful and seeped in history.

10. Can you see yourself in any of your characters?
I'm Becky Thatcher. I'm the short brunette with a wild imagination who always sees the positive in any situation, though is a bit naive. Kat Bowers is the character I'd like to be - with determination and a bit of heat in her bones.

Other Books in the Series:

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Amazon US ¦ UK

About the Author
Jenna is a grade 6 teacher in Alberta, Canada. She lives with her husband, Scott, daughter, Olivia, and dog Thor, Dog of Thunder. She is an avid dragonboater and mediocre dancer.

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  1. This sounds like a very interesting book... the cover is beautiful!

  2. Stranded and afraid in a world they never made...Is it fair that our heroines are compelled to save a world that's news to them? Isn't it always the way.

  3. A very interesting book description.

  4. Sounds like an amazing read. Would love to get it.
