Sunday 22 January 2017

New Feature Announcement - Indiesphere

Calling All Indie Authors

As of 2017, I have changed my review policy to make life a little easier and to keep my TBR pile organised and only featuring books I am highly likely to read. I receive many requests from indie authors and I've noticed that many of the books are not edited to a professional standard, and it becomes hard to get through the books, and because of this, I'm forced to be a little more selective in my choices, thus, I have coined Indiesphere, a free promotional service for indie authors/publishers to have their books promoted on CBY.

What the feature includes:
  • Book Details (cover, blurb, buy links etc)
  • Author Details (bio, photo, social media links etc)
  • Promo Details (excerpt, teaser, interview etc)
  • Giveaway Details (if available)
Please note that not all book submissions are selected for a feature. There is a screening process, which includes me reading a sample chapter of your work. Once your work has been approved, you will recieve an email within a week of submission to confirm your feature date and to request any further info I may need.

Please note that I no longer accept requests for indie titles unless they have been promoted in the Indiesphere Feature. I hope to feature a book every Friday. Indiesphere welcomes all genres with a PG-13 or lower rating.