Monday 25 April 2016

Blog Tour Excerpt & Giveaway - Nighthawks by Jeremy Flagg

Author: Jeremy Flagg
Genre: Sci-Fi (Dystopian)

Book Description:
Twenty-six-year-old painter Conthan Cowan takes art to a shocking frontier…

His debut exhibit features the transformation of his high school friend, Sarah, as she went from a shy, soft-spoken girl to a Child of Nostradamus—an individual gifted with extraordinary abilities. Living in a society where the Children of Nostradamus are captured by the government, Conthan’s exhibit draws attention from officials and protesters alike.

A government psychic may be dead, but that doesn’t stop her from manipulating the future…

The deceased White House aide is only remembered for her failed assassination attempt on the president decades before Conthan was born. Foreseeing her own death, she scribed letters to bring together specific Children of Nostradamus on a mission that will change the world.

On the night of the gallery exhibition, Conthan receives one of those letters…

Whispers from the past direct him to visit Sarah, the subject of his paintings, who like many Children of Nostradamus, is being detained in a government research facility. It’s there he finds himself aligned with a rogue group of Children on a mission to prevent a dark future.

As a dark future unfolds, there's only one hope to stop the destruction of the world...

The Children of Nostradamus.

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“…Seabrook, New Hampshire is gone. If you’re just tuning in, the Seabrook Nuclear Power Plant has just exploded. We have no word yet on what caused the explosion, but we do know there was a catastrophe resulting in failure of the systems at the Seabrook Nuclear Power Plant.”

“God help them,” said the woman at the news desk.

He could hear Elizabeth gasp at the announcement. His mind was moving a million miles an hour. His wife, still covered in sweat and grime from giving birth, his newborn son, his office calling him to alert him to the news, all of it caused his head to swim. He was unsure of what his next move would be.

The television flickered and turned to static. Mark reached up and smacked the side of the box. The static began to take the shape of a person. He stepped back to see the solid outline of a man on the TV.

“United States of America,” said a voice through the static, “land of the free and home of the brave. We are calling out your discreet operations. We know all about The Culling. Individuals who for years have been in your employ, using their more-than-human abilities to further your goals, will not die in vain. Killing empaths, slaughtering clairvoyants, and the genocide of telepaths will be responded to in kind.”

“Eleanor,” he said in a hushed voice as he realized what they were talking about.

“The United States has declared war on the wrong people. We can see you coming. We can hear your plans. We will not be eliminated. You’ve seen our reach.”

About the Author
I’m high school graphic design and marketing teacher, at a large suburban high school in Massachusetts. Working as a high school educator and observing the outlandish world of adolescence was the inspiration for my first young adult novel, “Suburban Zombie High.”

My inspiration for writing stems from being a youth who struggled with reading in school. While I found school assigned novels incredibly difficult to digest, I devoured comics and later fantasy novels. Their influences can be seen in the tall tales I spin.

I took the long route to becoming a writer. For a brief time, I majored in Creative Writing but exchanged one passion for another as I switched to  Art and Design. My passion for reading about superheroes, fantastical worlds, and panic-stricken situations would become the foundation of my writing career.

I participated in my first NaNoWriMo in 2006 and continue to write an entire novel every November. Now I am the NaNoWriMo Municipal Liaison to the Massachusetts Metrowest Region. I also belong the New England Horror Writer’s Association and to a weekly writing group, the Metrowest Writers. 

Author Links:


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  1. thank you for the chance to win :)

  2. Thank you for sharing and for the chance to win :)

  3. I am really enjoying following this tour, thank you!

  4. Thanks for having me! If anybody has any questions, please feel free to ask! I'll be checking back throughout the day! Have a great one!!

  5. Good luck with the release!


  6. Have you ever felt, midway through this book, that you didn’t have any more ideas and you wouldn’t be able to finish writing it?

  7. Enjoyed the excerpt. Thanks for sharing.

  8. I'm looking forward to reading this one - thanks for sharing!

  9. Your book sounds great.

  10. WOW!! This looks an amazing read - it's definitely on my to read list!

  11. Love the excerpt and review, thanks for the awesomeness......

  12. Thank you for sharing the excerpt! I think I'd enjoy this book!


  13. Thank you for the excerpt, I enjoyed it.

  14. Wow! Thanks everybody for the kind words! I appreciate it! Glad to hear people are liking the writing!

  15. Thanks for introducing the book. I'd love to read it.

  16. Thanks for the excerpt and the chance to win!!

  17. Thanks for sharing. The book sounds like a great read.

  18. Thanks for sharing. The book sounds like a great read.

  19. what is your favorite time period in history?

    1. My favorite art movement is the classical, so I would probably say during the Greek Renascence as my favorite period. Something amazing about the architecture and the idea that Gods walk among them. I'd transport there in a heartbeat!

  20. Thank you for the excerpt & Giveaway

  21. This sounds like a fascinating read, I hope to get my hands on it soon! I love Dystopian novels.

  22. I looked up nanowrimo to find out what it is. What an awesome idea. How do plan out writing a novel in a month?

  23. Thanks for sharing. Do you think about the novel and have ideas for what to write before starting?

  24. Am always on the lookout for new books!

  25. Thanks for the great giveaway :]

  26. This sounds like it is an intense book. I am looking forward to learning more. Thank you for sharing.

  27. This book sounds really intriguing. I love the cover!

  28. I enjoyed reading the excerpt. This book sounds like such an interesting and intriguing read! Totally can't wait to read this book!

  29. I like the cover and description of the book! It sounds like a good story!

  30. I like the cover and description of the book. I think that I will like the story.

  31. Thanks for hosting. Really sounds good.

  32. Thanks for the great giveaway and review!
    I think the book sounds very intriguing!

  33. This sounds like a fantastic read! Thank you for the chance to win!

  34. Thanks for the giveaway! The book looks amazing.
