Tuesday 27 May 2014

Blog Tour Promo Post & Giveaway - Perfectly Messy by Lizzy Charles

LCharles_M9B_PerfectlyMessy_eCover_1800x2700 (1)
Perfectly Messy
by Lizzy Charles
Release Date: May 2014

Summary from Goodreads:
Popularity isn't everything it's cracked up to be. Justin Marshall knows this better than most. For the captain of the basketball team, small business owner, and son of Minnesota's next governor, life can get pretty overwhelming. But Justin can handle anything as long as he has Lucy, the girl who fell for the man he’s trying to be.

But for Justin and Lucy, finding time together proves challenging. Stolen kisses and whispered promises just aren't enough. That is, until scandalous photos of the couple are leaked to a press intent on creating a juicy scandal during Justin's dad's gubernatorial campaign. And when Lucy becomes fair play for the tabloids and gossip pages, Justin does the only thing he can to protect her: he breaks her heart.

For Lucy, junior year is everything she hoped it would be: new friends, second chances, and a boyfriend she can’t stop kissing. That is, until the boy she’s pretty sure she loves chooses the life his family wants for him, over her.

Now it’s up to Lucy to teach him what it really means to have everything. Because for Justin, being who everyone needs him to be just might cost him the one person he can’t live without.

Buy Links:

Effortless With You

Book One in the series:
(linked to Goodreads)

image (1)

Buy Links:
Amazon ¦ B&N ¦ Kobo

From Panster to Planner

Hi everyone! I’m so pumped to be on the blog today talking about my approach to writing a novel. Perfectly Messy, the sequel to Effortless With You (my first published young adult novel), was actually my third attempt at writing a novel (I’d like to think that attempt was successful). Funny enough, each time I sit down and face the daunting task of writing something new, I approach it differently. Perfectly Messy, bless its soul, was given a full court press. For the first time in my writing career, I was on deadline. I took one and half years to write the first draft of Effortless With You. Five months to write my second novel, which is not yet published. But with Perfectly Messy, I had less than eight weeks. Now, if you aren’t a writer, that may seem like a lot of time. If you are a writer, you know that it’s tight, but doable. But life, as it often does, kept things interesting while I attempted to keep pace with that deadline. First off, I was busy tending to the promotion of Effortless With You. Second off, I work as a neonatal intensive care nurse. Third, I’m a mother. At the time, I was parenting a newly minted three year old, a twenty month old, and was twenty some weeks pregnant with our third child. Oh, and there’s the whole wife thing too. Basically, without needing to write a new book, I was barely keeping my head above water. With it? Well … I was one exhausted woman who often wore snorkeling gear.

sleep 2

Basically, my eight weeks really boiled down to a handful of actual evenings where I could write. That was it. The stress forced me to engage my type A personality that I reserve only for nursing. An outline was born. I created a word count calendar with mandatory goals. I arranged babysitters far in advance for my few hours of writing. I could not stray from the plan. Each time I sat down to write, I sprinted. There was no “Ah, let’s have a relaxing evening to write.” It was insane concentration, pounding away on my keyboard to the point where I actually broke it. As I hammered out my word count, Perfectly Messy took on a life of it’s own. I swerved away from my outline. I believe it’s important to listen to your characters. It’s what keeps them alive. Justin broke down my doors, demanding to no longer be just a love interest, but the main character. And, no surprise here, I discovered that Justin needed to chill out and address his overly scheduled lifestyle. It was time for him to learn to let things go and live a little. Life isn’t about being perfect. It’s about being real. And thankfully, I had Lucy available from page one of Effortless With You to teach him that in Perfectly Messy. ;-)


About the Author

When Lizzy Charles isn’t scrambling to raise her two spunky toddlers or caring for premature and sick babies as a neonatal intensive care nurse, she’s in a quiet corner writing or snuggled up with a novel and a few squares of dark chocolate. Black tea keeps her constant and she loves guacamole. She married her high school sweet heart, a heart-melting musician, so it’s no surprise she’s fallen in love with writing contemporary YA romance novels.

Author Links:


3 ecopies of Perfectly Messy plus a $10, $15 and a $20 Amazon Gift Card up for grabs.

Blog Tour Organised by:

Book Blitz & Giveaway - Don't Fall by Rachel Schieffelbein

Don't Fall
Release Date: 2014
Swoon Romance

Summary from Goodreads:
In which a teenage girl endures the over-protective love of her adoptive mother until she falls for a boy who has her wanting to spread her wings, pitched as a contemporary retelling of RAPUNZEL.

Seventeen-year-old Anya leads a very secluded life in a house on the edge of town with her adopted mother. She doesn't go to school, but instead has a private tutor. Her over-protective mom keeps her so sheltered that she doesn't even have a best friend.

But Anya doesn't seem to mind. She has her books, her photography, and her daydreams, and would do anything to please her mom. Until one day at the library, the only place she's allowed to go, she takes a picture of a beautiful boy.

Before long she's lying to her mom, and sneaking out late at night to meet Zander. But Zander wants more than a secret romance. If Anya wants to be with the boy of her dreams, she will have to risk her relationship with the only other person she's ever cared about.

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Guest Post - Retellings

First of all, thank you so much for having me on your blog! I’m going to talk a bit about fairy tales and why I wrote this retelling.

I have always loved fairy tales. I grew up on them, and I suppose I’m a bit of a romantic. I love magic, and true love, and happily ever afters. It makes me happy that retellings are gaining in popularity. All those old stories I loved are getting a new light shone on them, new twists, new characters, and new perspectives.

Rapunzel has been my favorite fairy tale from long before Disney made its version of it. (Although the Disney version is pretty cute.) To be honest, I think a big part of why it’s my favorite has to do with fond memories of visiting an elderly neighbor who used to read it to me.

It was a story I really wanted to work with, but making it contemporary had its challenges! So I will tell you now, no one climbs anyone’s hair. It’s the theme of the story I wanted to hold onto. The idea of this girl being locked away from the world, and how she has to set herself free to really find herself.
I love Anya, my Rapunzel. She’s sweet and innocent, but also spunky and fun. I wanted to write her a modern fairy tale, with its own kind of magic, true love, and happily ever after. Hopefully I’ve succeeded, and readers will fall for her and Zander, too.

About the Author
Rachel grew up in a tiny town in Minnesota. She still lives there, with her husband and their four kids. She coaches high school speech and theater, rides Arabian horses, reads as much as she can, and writes stories.

Author Links:


1 ebook of Don’t Fall + $10 Amazon Gift Card (INT)

Book Blitz Organized by:

Book Blitz & Giveaway - Crane by Stacey Rourke

by Stacey Rourke
Publication date: May 26th 2014
Genres: New Adult, Paranormal

The Horseman is unending,
his presence shan’t lessen.
If you break the curse,
you become the legend.

Washington Irving and Rip Van Winkle had no choice but to cover up the deadly truth behind Ichabod Crane’s disappearance. Centuries later, a Crane returns to Sleepy Hollow awakening macabre secrets once believed to be buried deep.

What if the monster that spawned the legend lived within you?

Now, Ireland Crane, reeling from a break-up and seeking a fresh start, must rely on the newly awakened Rip Van Winkle to discover the key to channeling the darkness swirling within her. Bodies are piling high and Ireland is the only one that can save Sleepy Hollow by embracing her own damning curse.

But is anyone truly safe when the Horseman rides?

Buy Links:

Excerpt from Crane

If his wife hadn’t let her ass grow to the size of a sofa, Vic wouldn’t have to cheat. Shrugging his navy blue sport coat over his shoulders, he stepped forward, allowing the hotel room door to shut behind him with a soft thump. A smug smile curled across his face, his chest puffing with pride at his own prowess—thanks in part to those spiffy little blue pills his doctor prescribed. The heels of his wing-tipped loafers clicked against the cement stairs, one impeccably manicured hand running along the handrail as he descended. The rusted metal rail squeaked its protest under the faint touch. Taking its suggestion, he retracted his hand.
Why he humored Karma by letting her drag him to this dive every week, he had no idea.
Her firm little apple bottom isn’t that great, he mused to himself, snorting a quick, dry laugh.
Of course it was. She made good money with it at the Sugar Shack down by the airport. Grinding to R&B’s raunchiest hits, while clad only in a sequin thong. She was a sweet, albeit naïve, girl that believed if she stroked Vic’s … ahem, ego just the way he liked, she would someday find a fat rock on her finger and the title of Van Tassel behind her name. Hence her insistence on the flea bag hotel. She had flipped her bleached blonde waves, batted those ridiculous fake eyelashes, and pouted that she couldn’t be seen as the “other woman” by the same crowd she would soon be rubbing elbows with. As if he would ever let that happen. Karma’s airbrushed nails and hooker heels would never fit into his world. After all, in Tarrytown the Van Tassel name meant something, and not because of the stupid legend the residents of the small glen of Sleepy Hollow mercilessly clung to. No, as one of the founding families they helped build this town. Meaning, here, he might as well be a Rockefeller. A fact he reveled in and would never tarnish with outward displays of his cheap conquests … no matter how well she could wiggle.
Vic crossed the parking lot, lit only by one humming street lamp, with a wide, jovial stride. As he shook his keys from the pocket of his slacks, thumbing the button to unlock the doors, his phone buzzed from the breast pocket of his Armani shirt.
Snatching it from its resting place, he tapped to answer. “Yello?”
“Don’t you sound chipper for someone working late?” Yvonne slurred, the only hint he needed that she’d already cracked open tonight’s bottle of wine.
“Why shouldn’t I be chipper?” he playfully asked, turning to glance back up toward the room Karma had rented. A flash of her blonde locks appeared from behind the stained drapes. He raised his hand in a casual wave, but couldn’t tell from this distance if she returned the gesture. “I just finished showing a multi-million dollar estate that the buyers are very interested in, and now I get to head home to my loving wife.”
“Yeah, right,” Yvonne openly scoffed, her voice muffled by her glass as she took another sip. “We’re the friggin’ Cleavers. Hey, Cassidy is at the mall. I need you pick her up on your—“
Vic jerked his head to the right, in the direction of the neighboring gas station. Between the normal ebb and flow of rushing traffic, he heard the distinct snap of hoof beats pounding over pavement. “What kind of idiot would bring a horse out this close to the highway?”
“The highway? Where the hell are you, Victor?”
A moment ago the drum of the approaching rider had been coming from the south of him, Vic was sure of it. Yet somehow, without so much as a faltered step, it shifted to the north. “Stopped for gas, that’s all.” Vic paid little attention to the lie rolling off his tongue as he rose up on tiptoe and craned his neck to peer into the darkness.
“Oh!” Her momentary flash of accusation was all but forgotten at the exciting prospect of fresh booze. “Are you near Gordon Bleau’s? I need a bottle of Amaretto.”
Vic stifled a cringe at the thought of his wife’s mixed drink induced wandering hands. If he wanted to fend off an overly Botoxed hag that reeked of booze, he’d go visit Nana at the home. Her old biddy friends loved him, and putting in his time there helped secure his spot in her will. “I’d love to, pet, but I’d hate to keep Cass waiting.”
A hot, snorted breath heated the exposed skin of Vic’s neck, tickling down the collar of his shirt. He spun, his heart pounding painfully in his chest, and pressed his back to the car door. Chills raced up and down his spine, electrifying his entire body. Nothing. There was nothing before him but that lone buzzing light and the seedy motel. “Damn it! Punk kids!”
“And they have a horse?” Yvonne’s giggle morphed into a hiccup. “You better watch out, Vic. It could be one of those lesser known equestrian gangs.”
The lightning that flashed on the otherwise calm night was the only omen Vic needed to spur him into action. Throwing himself off the car, his trembling fingers fumbled with the door handle. Behind him, metal hissed free from leather. Slowly—with a cold, hard fist of dread clenching his gut—his head swiveled.
 “Oh,” he said with a nervous lilt of laughter to the ominous symphony of black before him. “That’s … good. You got me. I really believed for a sec—”
Vic’s anxious, cracking plea morphed into a scream as the figure pulled back. The blade of their arched sword gleaming gold under the yellow-hued light.
Victor’s hands raised in the only defense he could offer. “No! Noooo!”
He sucked in one last gasp as metal winged through the air.
“Vic? Victor!” Yvonne screamed, panic clearing her alcohol induced haze. “What’s happening?” 
The only response she received came in the form of a ghostly whinny … followed by a soft thump. Her shrieks were muted as the phone tumbled to the ground—right next to Vic’s still rolling head.

About the Author
RONE Award Winner for Best YA Paranormal Work of 2012 for Embrace, a Gryphon Series Novel Young Adult and Teen Reader voted Author of the Year 2012 Turning Pages Magazine Winner for Best YA book of 2013 & Best Teen Book of 2013. 

Stacey Rourke lives in Michigan with her husband, two beautiful daughters, and two giant, dogs. She loves to travel, has an unhealthy shoe addiction  and considers herself blessed to make a career out of talking to the imaginary people that live in her head. Mark your calendars! Her latest literary adventure, Crane, will release May 26, 2014. She is currently hard at work on the continuations of this thrilling Legends Saga, as well as other literary projects.

Author Links:


There are two giveaways running for this blitz.

Prizes - (prize 1 & 2 are open to US only):
1) Kindle with a ton of eBooks.
2) Crane duffle bag filled with signed copies of each of Stacey's books.
3) 10$ Amazon Gift Card.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Second Giveaway:
One ebook copy (ePub, Mobi or PDF) of Crane up for grabs.

Ends June 15th (Midnight GMT).

Prize will be sent out after June 23rd.

Book Blitz Organised by:

Monday 26 May 2014

Blog Tour Promo Post & Giveaway - Son of Set (Descendants of Isis #2) by Kelsey Ketch

Release Date: 05/02/14

Summary from Goodreads:
“. . . the Sons would never just let him go—alive.”

Seth O’Keefe has broken the laws of his god. He never thought he would sacrifice his own future to protect a Daughter of Isis. But when the Sons of Set discovered Natti is the Secret Keeper, he had no choice. Now, Seth and Natti are on the run from his father, who wants nothing more than to see Seth dead. With no allies, Seth turns to the Daughters of Isis for help, hoping they would protect Natti. But when they meet the Daughters, he discovers a secret that puts both their lives in more danger. Low on options, Seth sees only one possibility for survival. He must help Natti solve an ancient puzzle and find the secret name of Ra.

Natara “Natti” Stone is having a hard time swallowing the truth. She can’t believe what she has learned in the past twenty-four hours: Seth is a Son of Set blessed with charm; she is a Daughter of Isis blessed with a sliver of Ma ‘at; the locket her grandmother gave her holds an ancient Egyptian secret linking to Osiris and Isis. That along with being tortured and brutalized by the Sons of Set, she can hardly hold herself together. Thank God for Seth’s touch! That warm, tingling sensation that drowns it all out. Yet her heart struggles to stay focused. She must quickly embrace her destiny before the secret name of Ra falls into the wrong hands.

*Note: Content for Upper YA*

Buy Links:

Daughter of Isis (On sale for $.99 during the week of the tour)

Book One in this series:
(linked to Goodreads)

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Integrating a Dead Language

*Disclaimer: I am not an Egyptologist. I am not a linguist. I’m not even a historian. But I am an author and scientist, and I do take my research very seriously.*

To bring certain characters and written texts to life, authors have to use language, communication, and slang. And I’m not just talking about American English vs British English. I’ve seen French, German, even Latin used in many YA novels. For Daughter of Isis and Son of Set, the language that brings Seth’s spells and Isis’s clues to life is Re-en-Kam: the speech of Egypt.

But here’s the problem: much like the locket which Natti is attempting to translate, Re-en-Kam is a puzzle in itself to figure out. No, really. It’s almost like a word scramble compared to the English language. For example, it’s the verb that comes first, not the noun. So instead of saying “I love you” it would be more like “Love I you.” Also, one word in Re-en-Kam may translate into several very different words in English. Plus, there’s a difference in reference, gender, and gender plural.

Merut: beloved woman, sweetheart, love           Merit: love, desire, wish
Hemet-netjer: high priestess                               Hem-netjer: high priest
Hemut-netjer: high priestesses                           Hemu-netjer: high priests

On top of it all, Re-en-Kam has been a dead language for thousands of years! The only thing available is the hieroglyphics left behind in the tombs and temples of Egypt, and unfortunately, hieroglyphs don’t include many of the vowels that would have been used in speech. So, really, no one actually knows what the language sounds like.

Of course, a few Egyptologists have speculated how the language might be vocalized, such as E. A. Wallis Budge, who wrote an entire dictionary of hieroglyphs. I particularly found his work useful in creating my spells and clues of the Descendants of Isis series along with a few other research books which I acknowledge.

However, once you understand, or get an idea, the language you wish to use, how do you portray what your character is saying?

-What’s he saying?
-I have no idea.

Well, every author has their different style. For me, I prefer taking advantage of the multiple points of view in my series. If it were Natti alone, the reader would be hearing exactly what she would be hear, which would be the sound each word or sentence makes. But in Seth’s mind (being that Re-en-Kam is his first language ;) ) the language is automatically translated. So from his point of view, the reader can get a direct translation of the conversation taking place in Re-en-Kam.

Natti: Bonniewae; Seth: Very Good

Again, I’m not claiming to be an expert, but this is an example of what challenges authors can face when writing. This is why I’m a firm believer in research. Without it, my Re-en-Kam wouldn’t sound half as impressive, and in my personal opinion, neither would the spells or clues I put together of my novel. It’s a lot of work, yes. But well worth it!


About the Author
During her high school years, Kelsey Ketch could always be found tucked away in a little corner of the hall or classroom, writing her fantasy worlds and creating illustrations and maps. Today is no different, except now she’s writing in the break room at her office building or at the tables of the Barnes and Noble Café in Cary, North Carolina. She is also an avid reader, a part-time book blogger at Ketch’s Book Nook, and lives with her two orange tabbies and awesome and humorous flat-mate.Daughter of Isis is her debut novel.

For more information, please visit her site at

Author Links:


One lucky winner will get a was scepter pendant (created specially by SilverspotStudio), a hieroglyphic tote bag, and a Son of Set journal (INT).

Blog Tour Organised by:

Book Blitz & Giveaway: Devour by Jill Cooper

Release date: May 26th 2014
Publisher: Self-published

Book Description:
Life in Gloucester Massachusetts will never be the same.

Raging storms, fierce winds, shadows shifting in the breeze. Storms are nothing new for the fishing hamlet.

But darkness has come to claim the hearts and minds of those that stand in it too long. When that happens, love will be ripped from man leaving only violence, despair, and gnashing teeth.

Except for two.

Roberta is a single mom, a waitress struggling to get through life after a rocky start tainted by murder and loss. Her heart yearns for Gabriel; a deputy living in the shadow of the chief. He's a battle weary soldier ready to settle down.

When the storm comes, when the murders start, it will be up to them to stop it before darkness isn't just an empty void.

Buy Links:

Excerpt from Devour

The door chimed and I glanced over, fluffing my red curls slightly. He was right on time.

With Brooding wide shoulders, Deputy Gabriel Manning could fill out a uniform in all the right places. His hair was sandy brown, and soft like an ocean’s wave.  My heart skipped a beat in the way it had when I knew Gabriel growing up, but what girl hadn’t had a crush on him?

“Deputy.” I said with a smile as I poured a cup of coffee into a Styrofoam cup and attached a lid. “Danish?”

“Not today. I have to watch the calories.” Gabriel smiled and patted his perfectly flat stomach. Perfectly perfect was more like it. On more than one occasion I had imagined him without his shirt. Always made me feel guilty, I wasn’t ready to move on, and he just wasn’t my friend.

He was Rick’s friend too.

That just made it a whole host of complicated and while I knew Gabriel should have been off-limits, nobody told my heart that.

He took the coffee and his fingers swept across mine gently, but I knew he did it on purpose. It made me blush, but my heart sprouted wings.  He had been working up to something for a while, but I never said anything. Always pretended I didn’t notice. My heart shouted at me through a bullhorn to say or do anything, but the guilt stopped me.

Guilt like I was betraying my dead soon-to-be-husband with his closest friend. Meanwhile Rick was somewhere at the bottom of Gloucester Harbor, still never found.

About the Author
Author of the YA Dream Slayer series, Jill loves to blend horror, comedy, the supernatural, and love, through her novels. A fan of genre blending, her work strives to cross boundaries, but most of all strives to entertain.

She loves soft cuddly cats, warm blankets, and paranormal romances.
Jill resides in Massachusetts, is constantly renovating her home that she shares with her husband, young daughter, and two skittish cats.

Author Links:


$25 Amazon Gift Card up for grabs.

Open internationally.

Book Blitz Organized by:

BOTW - WEEK 54 {Wattpad}

Wrongfully His
Author: G_xoxo
Genre: Fantasy / Romance

Wattpad Book Blurb:
Mated to a Beta, marked by his Alpha.

When Jamie decides to go out to a club for the first time she never imagined how the night would turn out. Instead of getting drunk, dancing with strangers and possibly hooking up with a human, she finds her mate. Carter is charming, gorgeous, and down right perfect, or so he seems. But what neither Jamie nor Carter realize is that they won't be getting a happy ending, and they can thank Carter's Alpha Nate for that.

Nate's waited over a year to get revenge on his Beta, and once he sees Jamie he figures out just how to get that payback he's so desperately wanted. The Alpha does the unthinkable and claims Jamie as his own. Though Nate's plan backfires when she doesn't accept to be his Luna regardless of being marked by him. Jamie and her wolf will find themselves completely torn between their chosen mate and their forced mate.

What is Jamie to do when her heart wants one thing and her wolf wants another?

Click here to read the book.

The Unborn Mist
Author: JuveriaB
Genre: Paranormal / Horror

Wattpad Book Blurb:
Elis believed in love, friendship and happy family. But never in her entire life did she believe an otherworldly spirit would severe those bonds. The ropes loosened inch by inch, when she gave up on her second child and an evil life greeted her with the glow of its teeth-clattering smile.

The person she had cast-off returned to gnaw on Elis’s spirit and tame her with the love they wished. Summoned by one person she believed and broken by the only person she trusted Elis watched her walls crumble along with the framed picture of the life she desired to live. Her dreams tarnished with the fear that engulfed her soul and the evil seemed to win over the good.

Click here to read the book.

Night Cookies
Author: e_girl7
Genre: Romance / Short Story

Wattpad Book Blurb:
in the darkness, there was no difference in them. no separation. and all their time came in the form of chocolate chip cookies. once gone, always gone. just like the cookies.
but in all their nights, they are going to experience more than they ever could in brightness. that's the power of riley and lucas's l-o-v-e-s-o-n-g.

{lowercase intended}

Click here to read the book.

Shut Up And Drive
Author: DiceFab
Genre: Adventure / Romance

Wattpad Book Blurb:
"I'm a criminal do I care nope I steal car part's and fix them but the best part of my job I drive them. I been arrested for steeling cars and other stuff but I could give a crap"

Flame Crúz well she's a speeder she drives for attention, but as well to make money who wouldn't want to be that, right? Flame has no idea what she's getting herself into after she meets a guy name Vance Mac.

Click here to read the book.

Crazy Sexy Cool: Big Bad Mafia Boy Series 1
Author: Athena_Heart
Genre: Romance

Wattpad Book Blurb:
As the car headed towards them at full speed, he pulled out his gun much to her horror. Why and how did the man she was to wed in a couple of weeks, possess a gun? He took aim and fired, the bullet piercing the driver’s forehead, smack in the centre. One single perfect shot and the man was dead. “What’s going on, Dean?” She asked him and he replied, “Business. You’ve nothing to worry about. You are safe with me.”  Deadly secrets and heart – breaking lies. Without a doubt, the goody two – shoes heiress, knew he was keeping deceitful skeletons in the closet. When he fired a bullet through a man’s forehead with perfect precision, Elena Cruz was certain that the reckless bad boy had grown into someone far worse than the boy she had once known.

Sexy and arrogant, the grandson of a powerful Mafia family, Dean Bishop wanted nothing else but her, even if she was a snooty spoilt princess. Having taken over her family’s business with a sealed contract which included a marriage between the two, Dean knew he had Elena exactly where he wanted her. When the attack was made on them both, Dean knew there was a mole amongst his Crew of soldiers and Elena would easily be a target. But she was safe because she was by his side and he would protect her.   In a sudden turn of events, Elena found the courage within her to make a run for it, to be free of Dean once and for all. Filled with blind fury, he pursued, determined to find her at all costs. The problem was, the traitor in their midst was also after her. Would Dean and Elena ever realise that they belong together, before the traitor gets to one of them as death lingers dangerously near?

Click here to read the book.