Monday 30 March 2015

Blog Tour Spotlight & Giveaway - Tillie's Tale by Mindy Mymudes

We are so excited to be sharing with you this adorable puppy mystery.

Who is the mysterious ghosty haunting puppygirl Tillie?
And why?
George the magical basset hound familiar is on the trail.

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Cover Reveal & Giveaway - Red Sky Dawning by Ian J. Malone

Red Sky Dawning
Author: Ian J. Malone

Book Blitz & Giveaway - Bone Dry by Cady Vance

Check out the promo event for the first book in Cady Vance's paranormal series.

Tour Page

Bone Dry
Author: Cady Vance
Series: Soul Shamans #1
Release date: February 3rd, 2015
Publisher: Sagan Press
Purchase: Amazon

Synopsis via Goodreads:
Sometimes it isn’t as easy as choosing right or wrong.
Sixteen-year-old Holly Bennett is a comic book nerd, a con artist, and a shaman. Most days Holly wishes she could trade in her power of spirit communication for something more useful--like fireballs or Wolverine claws. She knows spirits aren't exactly Casper the Friendly Ghosts. They're dangerous beings from Lower World who snack on human life, and messing with the magic from their world is an express ticket to big trouble. But when a shaman sticks her mom's mind between their world and ours, Holly becomes the unexpected breadwinner in the family. She uses her burgeoning shaman powers to set up fake hauntings and "banish" the so-called ghosts from her wealthy classmates' bedrooms. For a fee, of course.
When actual spirits start manifesting, Holly discovers that other shamans have come to town, summoning life-sucking spirits for their own ends. And the newcomers may just hold the clue Holly's been looking for--the one that can release her mom's mind from its Lower World prison. With the help of both a cute web comic artist and her partner-in-con, Holly plots to take them down, throwing her into a whirlwind of speedboat getaways, breaking and entering, and astral projections into the spirit world. And as her mom's mind slips further away, Holly has to fight to save her, and the rest of the town, before they get sucked into Lower World permanently.

Cover Reveal - An Honorable Wish and An unexpected Wish by Eileen Richards

An Honorable Wish
Author: Eileen Richards

Book Blast & Giveaway - Kaylen's Rising by Yves Robichaud

Kaylen's Rising
Author:Yves Robichaud
Genre: MG Fantasy
Publisher: Water's Edge Publishing

Book Description: 
Kaylen has been in the dark for fourteen years – in every sense. His people are hunted, so they must struggle to survive within underground caves. His community despises his family, taunting him constantly. His parents keep him housebound, forbidding him from wielding sword or wand.

When he is finally allowed to attend school, the harsh truth reveals he has much to learn – including a unique magical ability. Kaylen can summon and control skeletons!

With surface-dwellers threatening war, he will need every friend he can make, and to stay true to himself if he is to survive what is to come.

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Sunday 29 March 2015

Blog Tour Excerpt - Family Secrets by Donna M. Zadunajsky

Family Secrets
Author: Donna M. Zadunajsky
Genre: Women's Drama / Suspense / Mystery
Date Published: December 2014

Book Description:
Alexis has had big dreams all her life, and she’s worked hard to make them happen! After college she married and had a beautiful baby boy, living her dream as “Mommy” until Colton was safely entrenched in grade school. She lands her dream job at NASA, and her supportive husband, Jay, takes the lead on raising their son. The perfect family, right? 

Twelve years later with no warning and no reason, Jay commits suicide. Colton goes into denial and blames his mother; Alexis buries herself in her work. 

Seven months later, Alexis’s biggest dream comes true. She’s going to be on the next space shuttle! Her victory is short-lived when she finds out she has breast cancer. As her health declines, Colton delves into the dangerous circumstances of his father’s death. 

“Family Secrets” crept into Alexis’s life when she wasn’t paying attention. Will she and her son ever find out the truth? Or is it too late?

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Blog Tour Excerpt - The Ride by Kayla Davidson

The Ride
Author: Kayla Davidson
Genre: Children's Picture Book

Book Spotlight - Chasing Bristol by Shane Morgan

What do you do when your freedom and privacy is threatened?


Chasing Bristol
Author: Shane Morgan

Book Description: 
Bristol is trying to move on from a cheating ex. The last thing she wants are roses, gifts, and suggestive notes popping up at her apartment and at work.

When Bristol meets Mason—a charming and sweet guy who wants a chance with her—she’s convinced that he is the mystery guy trying to capture her heart. The thought fizzles when what appeared to be harmless turns into something much more terrifying, and Bristol realizes that Mason isn’t capable of such things. Not in his position. Bristol’s secret admirer is determined on having her for himself, no matter what. Will she have the courage to fight when control and privacy is being taken from her?

Pre-Order Links: 

Book Blast & Giveaway - The Calm After the Storm by Mya O’Malley

Calm after the storm  

The Calm After the Storm
Author: Mya O'Malley

Book Description:
Can true love shine through the darkest storm? The storm of the century raged through the northeast, causing destruction and despair, millions were left without power and hope. Weeks later, countless people were still devastated by the destruction of Hurricane Sandy, Emma Riley among them. Determined she didn’t need the help of a man, Emma was convinced that she could brave the aftermath of the storm on her own. That is, until Jake came into her life. After having suffered heartbreak and embarrassment, Jake Mack, a utility foreman, volunteered to travel north from small town, Georgia to assist with the aftermath of the storm. Jake was decidedly done with women. But he didn’t count on meeting Emma or falling in love so quickly. Can he trust this woman or will his past get in the way and ruin the relationship with the one woman he truly loves?

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Saturday 28 March 2015

Blog Tour Guest Post - Vanished in Berlin by Gry Finsnes

Vanished in Berlin
Author: Gry Finsnes
Genre: Historical Romance
Length: 404 pages
Release Date: February 2, 2015
ISBN-13: 978-1507669709

Book Description:
If you love two countries and they go to war with each other, which one do you choose to fight for? The German musician Friedrich is in Norway with his Norwegian girlfriend Ellen when Hitler attacks in April 1940. They flee together from Oslo but happen to find themselves very close to the fighting. Their dilemma is that both like Germany but not the Nazis, and Friedrich does not want to fight. Ellen hides him, pretending that he is Dutch. After a long struggle they end up in her grandparents' house on the coast where they spend some idyllic months. But it cannot last forever. When Friedrich disappears Ellen goes to Vienna and Berlin in the middle of war to look for him.

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Book Blast & Giveaway - Pride by Rosie Somers

Author: Rosie Somers

Book Description: 
Seventeen-year-old Gabriella Pierce is used to taking care of herself, but she’s about to become responsible for a whole lot more. When she gets a visit from three men claiming to be defenders of fantastical rings imbued with the powers of THE CARDINAL SINS, her life is changed irrevocably.

Gabby is the steward of PRIDE To make matters worse, she’s falling hard for fellow steward, Grant Barnett, and he hates her guts. Now Gabby has to learn to protect Pride without letting her feelings for Grant get in the way.

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Cover Reveal & Giveaway - Saving Marilee by Annette K. Larsen

Coming May 1, 2015 - Saving Marilee by Annette K. Larsen


Saving Marilee
Author: Annette K. Larsen

Blog Tour Spotlight - Thane's Redemption by Nina Crespo

Thane's Redemption
Author: Nina Crespo

Book Description:
The one night she’ll want to remember, she’ll be forced to forget.

It’s been almost a year since Celine’s fiancé’s death and she’s still struggling to move on. But when she meets Thane, the super hot lead singer of Thane’s Redemption, she finds her desire reawakening, and her heart opening. Soon one kiss leads them straight into a night of heated passion…

Thane’s unexpected connection with Celine only leaves him wanting more of her—but his life makes it impossible. For Thane’s Redemption is just a cover for a deeper secret: A former Army Ranger presumed dead, Thane is really a time-traveling, covert operative charged with saving the world from disaster. Each jump through time forces those around him to forget he ever existed—and Celine would be no exception. But can time work in their favor to give them a second chance at love? Or will a choice Thane makes in the future put Celine in mortal danger?…

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Book Of The Week (Wattpad)

 And the Book Of The Week Nominations are:

Click on the book covers to sample the works.

Bonnie and Claudia (YA Coming of Age)

Altered (YA/NA Paranormal)

Future's Past (YA Sci-Fi)

Treasure Sought (MG Fantasy)

Friday 27 March 2015

Blog Tour Spotlight - Reaper Madness by Nessie Strange

Reaper Madness
Living Dead World
Book 2
Nessie Strange 
Genre: Urban Fantasy/Paranormal
Publisher: Etopia Press
Date of Publication: November 21, 2014
Number of pages: 223
Word Count: 71,385

Book Description:
This isn’t the afterlife she expected...

Jen MacLellan can’t get the hang of being a reaper. She’s been separated from Jack, the man she loves, and is stuck with an annoying telepathic link to her ill-tempered mentor, Sam. Now Death is breathing down her neck, promising to remove that annoying link if she gives him what he wants. But when reapers begin to disappear back on earth, leaving behind walking, talking dead people, Jen and Sam are thrust into a dangerous mission to recapture the souls, and a passionate physical relationship that complicates everything.

Jack Norris has no memory prior to waking up on the half-demon Nulcifer’s couch six months earlier. As he begins to investigate his past, he discovers a string of past lives tied together by a beautiful, mysterious brunette. Who is she? And why does finding her seem like a life or death proposition?

When Sam falls victim to fate during a routine visit to earth, Jen’s devastated. Desperate to get him back, she runs smack into the man she never thought she’d see again—Jack. She tries to keep her distance, but there’s no time to be awkward if they want to save Sam. When sinister plots are revealed, and betrayals threaten everything, she’s forced to make some tough choices—and learns that life is just as difficult when you’re dead.

Buy Links:
Amazon ¦ B&N ¦ ARe ¦ Etopia Press ¦ Kobo ¦ iTunes

Blog Tour Promo & Giveaway - Four Rubbings by Jennifer L. Hotes

Four Rubbings
Author: Jennifer L. Hotes
Genre: Young Adult Paranormal Thriller
Date Published: August 2013

Book Description:

The night the barrier between the dead and the living is as thin as muslin. Fourteen-year old Josie, haunted by the death of her mother, leads her best friends to an ancient cemetery to rub graves. Convinced she will come away with proof of her mother’s spirit at last, the evening takes an unexpected turn as the teens gravitate four ways into the haunted grounds.

Set against the backdrop of the rainy Pacific Northwest, four graves will be rubbed, touching off a series of events that will rattle their once mundane lives. From the lonely World War II hero to an accused witch, the people buried beneath the stones have stories that need an ending.

The journey to unravel the mysteries leaves the friends wondering if the graves would’ve been better off left alone.

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