Saturday 20 September 2014

Highlander Giveaway Hop - Book Of Choice

Highlander Giveaway Hop
September 20 - 30th

Hosted by MK McClintock

Several blogs are taking part, so there's lots of amazing gifts to be won. Check out the rules of the other blogs. I will choose a winner within 5 days following the end of this contest. I will contact the winner via email. Winner will also be announced on this page.


My giveaway is for a Book of Choice of one ebook from the list below or winner may choose their own highlander book from The Book Depository (up to $10).

Ends September 30th (midnight GMT).


Contest is void where prohibited. Entrants must be 13 or else have parent or guardian’s permission to enter. Winners will be notified via email and will have 48 hours to respond or another winner will be selected. The winner will be posted on this page after the winner responds. Winning entries will be verified for authenticity.

My Book Choices

So there you have my list of books. Winner may choose one from the list.
Enter the giveaway and then hop on to the next one.
Thanks and good luck to everyone!

Book Of The Week {Wattpad}

And the Book Of The Week Nominations are:

Click on the book covers to sample the works.

Forget Me Not (YA Fiction / Spiritual)

Con Artist Legacy (Mystery / Humour)

Run (YA Science-Fiction)

Prosper (Historical Fiction)

Raining Fire (YA Fantasy / Adventure)

Friday 19 September 2014

Blog Tour Spotlight - Chandrea: The Return of the Avatar Queen by Marlene Wynn

Chandrea: The Return of the Avatar Queen
by Marlene Wynn

Book Description:
Chandrea Averill thinks she’s just like any other normal young woman.  But, on the day of her 23rd birthday, her life changes forever. Surrounded by magical creatures, dangerous sorcery, and insidious political intrigue, Chandrea desperately wants to return to Earth and the only life she’s ever known.  But, the longer she stays, the more she realizes that she may be the only one with the power – both magical and political – to save the people of Lyrunia.

Will she find the courage to remain and fight for her home world?

Buy Links:
BN ¦ Smashwords ¦ Amazon ¦ Kobo ¦ iTunes

Book Blitz Interview & Giveaway - Worlds Collide by S.M. McEachern

Worlds Collide
(Sunset Rising #2)
by S.M. McEachern
Publication Date: March 3rd, 2014
Genre: YA Dystopia

In a desperate attempt to escape execution, Sunny O’Donnell and Jack Kenner find a way out of the Pit and into a world still believed to be toxic with radiation. Under the brilliant sun for the first time in their lives, they not only discover that the earth has healed from nuclear war, but there are people outside the Dome.

In Worlds Collide, the second book of the Sunset Rising trilogy, Sunny and Jack must continue a life of subterfuge in order to stay alive and find a way to free the Pit. But in their attempt to save the urchins, they uncover the horrifying truth about President Holt and the evil he could unleash on the world.

Buy Links for Worlds Collide:
Amazon ¦ iBooks ¦ B&N ¦ Kobo

Buy Links for Sunset Rising:
Amazon ¦ iBooks ¦ B&N ¦ Kobo

Cover Reveal & Giveaway - Blood Phoenix: Claimed by Alisha Costanzo

Blood Phoenix: Claimed
by Alisha Costanzo
Genre: Urban Fantasy
Date Published: October 17, 2014

Book Summary:
Who knew immortality would be such a bitch.

Boot Camp for Vamps has a new prisoner, and Ria is testing her new world of rules and regulations, fighting her oldest nemesis—conformity. Her key battle is keeping her individuality and hiding her phoenix powers.

With an uptight mentor, an estranged werewolf, and an unlikely band of humans on her side, Ria must first survive her trials, designed to break her by a queen hell bent on making her suffer...let the nightmare begin.

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Bookvie: The Drop - out September 12, 2014 (USA)

Who's in it:
Tom Hardy, Noomi Rapace, James Gandolfini

What's it all about (book blurb from Goodreads):
Dennis Lehane returns to the streets of Mystic River with this love story wrapped in a crime story wrapped in a journey of faith—the basis for the major motion picture The Drop, from Fox Searchlight Pictures directed by Michaël Roskam, screenplay by Dennis Lehane, and starring Tom Hardy, Noomi Rapace, and James Gandolfini.

Three days after Christmas, a lonely bartender looking for a reason to live rescues an abused puppy from a trash can and meets a damaged woman looking for something to believe in. As their relationship grows, they cross paths with the Chechen mafia; a man grown dangerous with age and thwarted hopes; two hapless stick-up artists; a very curious cop; and the original owner of the puppy, who wants his dog back. . . .

Thursday 18 September 2014

Blog Tour Spotlight & Giveaway - Promise of Magic by Melinda VanLone

Promise of Magic
House of Xannon
Book 3
by Melinda VanLone
Genre: urban fantasy
Word Count: 65k
Cover Artist:

Book Description:
On instinct, Tarian bowed her head in return, shocked. “Dulra. Welcome.” She breathed the words, awed by the presence of creatures she’d only known through legends. What is the Balance Court doing here?

“Tarian A’marie Maitea Xannon, of the House of Xannon, Keeper of the Water Artifact, you are summoned to the Balance Court.”

She’d been summoned, and every particle of her being cried out to answer it.

Despite the advanced stage of her pregnancy, Tarian has some explaining to do. Fulfilling her Agreement with the Carraig was an issue of honor—but it led to complications. The Keeper of the House of Xannon is called to account, and Tarian must embark on a dangerous mission which could cost her the life of her unborn daughter, end in disaster for all planes of existence—or save the world.

Some promises are deadly to keep. Will the promise of magic be one of them?

Buy Links:

Stuck in a Good Book Giveaway Hop - Book Of Choice or Amazon Gift Card

Stuck in a Good Book Giveaway Hop
September 20 - 25th

Several blogs are taking part, so there's lots of amazing gifts to be won. Check out the rules of the other blogs. I will choose a winner within 5 days following the end of this contest. I will contact the winner via email. Winner will also be announced on this page.


My giveaway is for a Book of Choice of one paperback book from the list below or winner may choose their own book from The Book Depository (up to $10). Alternatively, you may opt for a $10 Amazon Gift Card.

Ends September 25th (midnight GMT).


Contest is void where prohibited. Entrants must be 13 or else have parent or guardian’s permission to enter. Winners will be notified via email and will have 48 hours to respond or another winner will be selected. The winner will be posted on this page after the winner responds. Winning entries will be verified for authenticity.

My Book Choices

So there you have my list of books. Winner may choose one from the list.
Enter the giveaway and then hop on to the next one.
Thanks and good luck to everyone! 

Blog Tour Spotlight - Captain Shelby by Jesse Giles Christiansen

Captain Shelby
Author: Jesse Giles Christiansen
Publisher: Imajin Books
Pages: 211
Genre: Literary Fiction/Magical Realism
Format: Kindle

Book Summary:
There are places even the sea cannot go…

In coastal Denmark, a young man named Nereus builds a longship and leaves at age eighteen to discover a new, enigmatic land. Faced with unimaginable obstacles, he crosses the North Atlantic, only to be captured by the Skraelings, the Inuit indigenous people who seek revenge on all settlers because of a "Great Red Man" who murdered many of their family members.

A few years later, Nereus is hired by a group of Irish settlers who are fleeing the tyranny of King Henry VIII, and he takes them across the North Atlantic to the New Found Land. A fierce battle ensues against the sea, the Little Ice Age, and the vicious Skraelings.

When Nereus falls in love with Laura Hodges, fiancée to the group’s leader, William Brockelby, he becomes embroiled in a dangerous love triangle…until the formidable mystery surrounding Captain Nereus H. Shelby is finally revealed.

Buy Links:

Cover Reveal & Giveaway - The Evolution of Emily by Kate Scott

The Evolution of Emily
by Kate Scott
Publication Date: November 18th 2014
Genres: Contemporary, Romance, Young Adult

Emily Charles knows how to run away. Away from her overprotective, agoraphobic mother. Away from her biology-obsessed, autistic sister. Away from her quiet sheltered claustrophobic homeschooled life. When Emily’s escape plan involves starting her junior year at Kennedy High School, she realizes she’s no longer running away. Now she’s running towards. Towards her quiet thoughtful cross-country teammate, August. Towards her zany enthusiastic lab partner, Miles. Towards friendship, love, independence, and life.

Thanks to her sister’s special interest in biology, Emily knows all about the birds and the bees. Boys are a lot more confusing!

Readers who enjoyed Counting to D will enjoy Scott’s second title, also set at Kennedy High School.

Wednesday 17 September 2014

Blog Tour Guest Post & Giveaway - Avery by Charlotte McConaghy


Avery_cover FINAL
Avery (The Chronicles of Kaya #1)
by Charlotte McConaghy

Book Summary:
The people of Kaya die in pairs. When one lover dies, the other does too. So it has been for thousands of years – until Ava.

For although her bondmate, Avery, has been murdered and Ava’s soul has been torn in two, she is the only one who has ever been strong enough to cling to life. Vowing revenge upon the barbarian queen of Pirenti, Ava's plan is interrupted when she is instead captured by the deadly prince of her enemies.

Prince Ambrose has been brought up to kill and hate. But when he takes charge of a strangely captivating Kayan prisoner and is forced to survive with her on a dangerous island, he must reconsider all he holds true . . .

In a violent country like Pirenti, where emotion is scorned as a weakness, can he find the strength to fight for the person he loves . . . even when she’s his vengeful enemy?

Avery is a sweeping, romantic fantasy novel about loss and identity, and finding the courage to love against all odds.

Buy Links:

Cover Reveal & Giveaway - Meet Your Baker by Ellie Alexander


Today we're excited to announce the cover reveal of Meet Your Baker by Ellie Alexander. This is a cozy mystery that releases December 30th by St. Martin's Press. This is the first in the Bakeshop Mystery series!


About the Book:
Welcome to Torte—a friendly, small-town family bake shop where the treats are so good that, sometimes, it’s criminal…After graduating from culinary school, Juliet Capshaw returns to her quaint hometown of Ashland, Oregon, to heal a broken heart and help her mom at the family bakery. The Oregon Shakespeare Festival is bringing in lots of tourists looking for some crumpets to go with their heroic couplets. But when one of Torte’s customers turns up dead, there’s much ado about murder…

"Sure to satisfy both dedicated foodies and ardent mystery lovers alike."―Jessie Crockett, author of Drizzled with Death

The victim is Nancy Hudson, the festival’s newest board member. A modern-day Lady Macbeth, Nancy has given more than a few actors and artists enough reasons to kill her…but still. The silver lining? Jules’s high school sweetheart, Thomas, is the investigator on the case. His flirtations are as delicious as ever, and Jules can’t help but want to have her cake and eat it too. But will she have her just desserts? Murder might be bad for business, but love is the sweetest treat of all…

"Alexander weaves a tasty tale of deceit, family ties, delicious pastries, and murder.” ―Edith Maxwell, author of A Tine to Live, A Tine to Die

Book Blitz & Giveaway - Take Me On by Katie McGarry

Release Date: 05/27/14
Harlequin Teen

Summary from Goodreads:
Acclaimed author Katie McGarry returns with the knockout new story of two high school seniors who are about to learn what winning really means.

Champion kickboxer Haley swore she'd never set foot in the ring again after one tragic night. But then the guy she can't stop thinking about accepts a mixed martial arts fight in her honor. Suddenly, Haley has to train West Young. All attitude, West is everything Haley promised herself she'd stay away from. Yet he won't last five seconds in the ring without her help.

West is keeping a big secret from Haley. About who he really is. But helping her-fighting for her-is a shot at redemption. Especially since it's his fault his family is falling apart. He can't change the past, but maybe he can change Haley's future.

Hayley and West have agreed to keep their relationship strictly in the ring. But as an unexpected bond forms between them and attraction mocks their best intentions, they'll face their darkest fears and discover love is worth fighting for.

Bonus novella included: Crossing the Line.

Available from:
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Cover Reveal & Giveaway - Tainted Blood by Karen Greco

Tainted Blood
Hell's Belle Series
Book 2
by Karen Greco
Genre: Urban Fantasy
Date of Publication: Oct. 20, 2014
Number of pages: 582
Word Count: 95,704

Book Description:
After surviving a vampire assassin (not to mention an awkward affair with a hot FBI agent that ended worse than she could have imagined), witch/vampire hybrid Nina Martinez is reunited with the full Blood Ops team in Providence, Rhode Island. Her Aunt Babe is tutoring her in all things witchcraft, and her vampire partner Frankie is enjoying the benefits of daywalking, courtesy of a demon spell.

When a segment of the Rhode Island vampire population is marked for death by a tainted blood supply, Nina and her team race to find Patient Zero before the local vampire population is wiped out. But when a demon infestation threatens to take control of the city, Nina must join forces with newly elected mayor—and closet demon— Ami Bertrand before the city falls into ruin.

Filled with fast-paced, edge-of-your-seat action, Nina and her group of supernatural misfits battle a surprising new enemy that threatens their very existence.

No wonder she still can’t get a date.

From best-selling author Karen Greco, Tainted Blood is the second book in the critically acclaimed Hell’s Belle urban fantasy series.

Tuesday 16 September 2014

Book Blitz & Giveaway - Finding Mr. Darcy:High School Edition by Erin Butler

Finding Mr. Darcy: High School Edition
Release Date: 09/16/14

Summary from Goodreads:
Sixteen-year-old Liza Johnson takes fangirl to a whole new level of crazy when she decides to take dating advice from her literary hero: Jane Austen.

With the help of her best friends, Liza sheds her ancient-speak and complete Austen wardrobe for something a bit more modern in an attempt at finding her very own Mr. Darcy.

Enter Will, the new kid and Liza's Darcy incarnate. Add her BFF's ex to mix and the sexy Brit who kisses with an accent, and Liza is in trouble.

So, what's a girl to do? Without her mom to go to relationship advice, Liza turns to the only person she can truly trust with matters of the heart via her mother's copy of COMPLETED WORKS OF JANE AUSTEN.

It's too bad Austen's heroines have never played Spin the Bottle or Seven Minutes in Heaven. Liza's determined to find her true Austen-esque happy ending, but if she can't trust herself instead of books, she just might end up in her own tragic love story.

Buy Links: