Wednesday 10 September 2014

Book Blitz & Giveaway - Inevitable Detour by S.R. Grey

Inevitable Detour
(Inevitability #1)
by S.R. Grey
Publication Date: September 7th 2014
Genres: New Adult, Romance, Suspense

The day my life took an inevitable detour things got a little crazy.

My name is Essalin Brant, but everyone calls me Essa. I attend a small college in a tiny town, and in my twenty-two years of life I’ve never even traveled outside the state of Pennsylvania. You could say my life is pretty boring. I live by the rules. I’m a good girl and nothing exciting ever happens.

But that’s all about to change.

Enter Farren Shaw. Not only is he older and intimidating, but he’s more sure of himself than any 29-year-old man has a right to be. Did I mention that he’s drop-dead gorgeous? Well, he is. He also happens to be my best friend Haven’s brother. And I would be content with just fantasizing about Farren from afar, but when Haven suddenly goes missing, her gorgeous brother is the only one who believes me when I say she was abducted, even though all signs seem to suggest Haven left town willingly.

I know better, though. As does Farren. So when he asks me to accompany him to search for his sister, I accept.

That’s when the real adventure begins.

Our quest to find Haven takes us across the country. And throughout the time we spend together, I find myself falling for Farren . . . falling hard. He's everything I’ve ever wanted. But is he really someone I should fear? 

Because aside from making me feel things I’ve never felt before, Farren is hiding something. Something big. What could this stunning man be keeping from me? And why? Is Haven’s disappearance somehow connected to his mysterious job?

All I know is that things are about to get real.

Welcome to the Inevitable Detour that has become my life.

**mature themes**

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Cover Reveal & Giveaway - Henge by Realm Lovejoy


I'm excited to share the cover reveal of Henge by Realm Lovejoy. Henge is a YA Fantasy that is a modern spin-off of the Arthurian legends featuring Morgan le Fay as the protagonist. It is due to release this fall. The cover art is by the author, Realm Lovejoy.


Book Blitz & Giveaway - Wounded by Shannon Mayer

(A Rylee Adamson Novel, Book 8)
by Shannon Mayer
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Date Published: September 9, 2014

Book Summary:
"My name is Rylee and I am a Tracker."

When children go missing, and the Humans have no leads, I'm the one they call. I am their last hope in bringing home the lost ones. I salvage what they cannot.

The clock is ticking and I can feel the weight of the final battle with the demon hordes looming over my head. The puzzle pieces are becoming clearer, but the casualty list is growing. And with each name that is added to those we've lost, my confidence cracks a little more.

Yet there is hope.

A child saved.

A life lost.

A prophecy fulfilled.

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Tuesday 9 September 2014

Blog Tour Spotlight & Giveaway - Guardians: The Girl by Lola StVil

Guardians: The Girl
Guardians, Book One
by Lola StVil
Genre: Young Adult Paranormal Romance
Cover Artist: Renu Sharma

Book Description:
The prophecy says I will fall in love with team leader and Angel, Marcus Cane. The prophecy also says that our love will cause his mission to fail and end the world.


This human is not worried. Why?

Because I do not intend to fall in love with Marcus.

The truth is I hate him. I hate his warm brown eyes with flecks of gold, his chiseled face and broad shoulders.

I hate how over protective he is just because a few thousand demons are after me.

In fact, I couldn't care less about Marcus or his perfect telekinetic girlfriend.

And when I see him holding her, I don’t die a little inside…

Buy Links:
Amazon ¦ BN ¦ Kobo ¦ Amazon UK ¦ iTunes

Blog Tour Spotlight & Giveaway - Dancing with Raven by S.G. Rogers

Dancing with Raven Cover
Dancing with Raven

by S.G. Rogers

Book Summary:
Tori Moss is no stranger to heartbreak. Raised by a foster mother since the deaths of her parents in a horrific accident, she’s poured herself into ballet. A disappointing audition sends her into an emotional tailspin, but it’s the strangely intriguing new guy in school who catches her as she falls. Although Tori and Raven seem to be nothing alike, they share an uncommon ability to see the sudden flood of demons pouring into Los Angeles. When she discovers a plot to bring about the Apocalypse, Tori must decide whom to trust. One wrong step may cost her everything.

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Book Blitz & Giveaway - Torn by Laney McMann

Welcome to the Laney McMann Promo Event for the second book in her Fire Born Series. Continue below for the author's playlist and a awesome giveaway!

Author: Laney McMann
Series: Fire Born #2
Release date: September 2014
Publisher: J. Taylor Publishing

Synopsis via Goodreads:

Find Max.

That’s all Layla cares about. Not healing from the Fomore attack. Not finding answers to how she survived a fall that nearly killed her. Nothing will stop her. She will find him. She’ll even pair up with an overbearing Fallen Angel who’s hell bent on making everything harder than it needs to be if she has to.

Protect Layla.

For Max, nothing else matters. Not the bruises covering his body. Not the pain radiating from his broken bones. Not even his hands tied behind his back. He will find a way to save Layla, and the Fomore will pay if they’ve hurt her.

Every. Single. One of them.

In the second installment of The Fire Born trilogy, a new breed of villain looms—one Layla and Max will never suspect, and this killer has nothing to lose. Better yet, with Max and Layla’s deaths, victory is in the grip of the enemy.

Will Max and Layla find each other in time, or is it already too late for them both?

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Monday 8 September 2014

Blog Tour Excerpt & Giveaway - A hidden Element by Donna Galanti

A Hidden Element
Author: Donna Galanti
Publisher: Imajin Books
Pages: 226
Genre: Paranormal Suspense
Format: Paperback/Kindle

Book Description:
When Caleb Madroc is used against his will as part of his father’s plan to breed a secret community and infiltrate society with their unique powers, he vows to save his oppressed people and the two children kept from him.

Seven years later, Laura and Ben Fieldstone’s son is abducted, and they are forced to trust a madman’s son who puts his life on the line to save them all. The enemy’s desire to own them—or destroy them—leads to a survival showdown.

Laura and Ben must risk everything to defeat a new nemesis that wants to rule the world with their son, and Caleb may be their only hope—if he survives. But must he sacrifice what he most desires to do so.

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Release Day Book Blitz & Giveaway - The Blue Effect by Rose Shababy

The Blue Effect
Renegade Heroes
Book One
by Rose Shababy
Genre: Adult Urban Sci-fi/Fantasy
Date of Publication: September 8th, 2014
Cover Artist: Regina Wamba

Book Description:
Blue Brennan is jaded and bitter despite her pinup girl looks and quick wit. Night after night, she scours the Seattle club scene looking for someone or something to fill the emptiness inside.

When she meets the mysterious Kasey, her world stops… literally. He claims she has the ability to control time and stuns her even further when he reveals his own gifts.

Blue is inexplicably drawn to Kasey and reluctantly enters his world filled with a new breed of humanity. They’re misfits like her, blessed or cursed with powerful abilities, struggling to hide their differences from the rest of society.

Then the group discovers a nameless, faceless sociopath with nightmarish powers; and he’s coming for Blue. She’s left reeling when they discover her gifts are the key to defeating his terrible evil and saving them all.

Now she must race against the clock to harness her own powers and save her new friends. Can she be more than a renegade? Can she be a hero too?

Book Blitz Spotlight & Giveaway - Silent Partner by Stan Schatt

Silent Partner
by Stan Schatt
Genre:  Paranormal Mystery
Publisher:  Pen-L Publishing
Number of pages: 239
Word Count: 60,000
Cover Artist: Kelsey Rice

Book Description:
Detective “Frankie” Ryan tracks a sadistic killer while the press attacks her as a feminist vigilante who takes the law into her own hands. The only one who can help her is a tabloid reporter who can’t decide if he’s a psychic who sees ghosts or is just going insane.

As they search for the killer in a sunny seacoast city’s seamy S&M underside, they begin to question everything they know about sexual identity. How can they find the killer before he strikes again when he defies any description?

Silent Partner is a paranormal mystery, a police procedure novel with a female detective that will remind you of Harry Bosch, a ghost story that suggests what lies beyond death, and a comic look at a tabloid where the “truth” is whatever sells.

Sunday 7 September 2014

Pre-Order Promo - The Starshot Chronicles: Royal Pains by Brien O'Raighne

Be Sure To Get Your Copy Today! 
Pre-Order Author Brien O'Raighne's New Novel 
"The Starshot Chronicles: Royal Pains" 
on Amazon Now!


Douglas and Querilla spend the day together in harmony. But that is not to be. The princess gets abducted. Douglas has to save her. That is only the beginning of a journey that takes them to other planets and finding out familial history. 

Meanwhile, a revolution is happening on Varia where the Varians are trying to free themselves from the tyranny of the Coaltion.

ES ¦ IT ¦ JP ¦ BR ¦ CA ¦ MX ¦ AU

Book Blast & Giveaway - The Sending by Jandy Salguero

The Sending
The Sending
by Jandy Salguero

Book Summary:
A city's peace is shattered when two university students go missing, and only Daneel and his friends know the shocking truth of what happened. Finding themselves under attack, Daneel leads them in a race to escape the mounting violence.

Mara is willing to kill for the beliefs of the faction that raised her. But as she seeks out her mark, using a rare, mystical form of travel known as the Sending, Mara discovers a powerful connection that challenges the truth of everything she’s been taught.

While Daneel fights to protect those he cares for, Mara must choose whether to cling to the ideology of her home—or open her scarred heart to a searing attraction and the promise of a new life.

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Saturday 6 September 2014

Book Of The Week {Wattpad}

And the Book Of The Week Nominations are:

Click on the book covers to sample the works.

Animal (YA Fantasy)

Denali in Hiding (YA Science Fiction)

Searching for the Light (YA Mystery)

Friday 5 September 2014

Blog Tour Interview & Giveaway - Elven Obsession by Decadent Kane

Elven Obsession
Trouble with Elves Series
by Decadent Kane
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Publisher: Breathless Press
Date of Publication: August 29, 2014
Cover Artist: Fiona Jayde

Book Description:
Something elven this way comes...

5 books from the Trouble with Elves series by Decadent Kane

Book 1~ Ribbon of Darkness

An old family secret draws Ribbon into an Elven world while Draven is forced to find a way to drag her back home to save Christmas magic.

Book 2~ Tempting Clover

Breaking a goblin's curse is more difficult than Clover thought. Especially when love and nightshade are crucial ingredients.

Book 3~ Steele Your Soul

Stolen souls, an evil drow elf, a dark eyed beauty named Pepper, and a king who doesn't take kindly to the loss of his goods...Captain Joren Steele has his hands full.

Book 4~ A Hint of Cayenne

Two bounty hunting elves must put aside their attraction to each other when a malevolent fairy comes up for grabs. Cayenne and Hawthorne both need the twenty gold reward, but only one can walk away with it.

Book 5~ A Whisper of Rue

When a package magically shows up in Rue's home, she'll have two choices. Either do as Gage demands, or standby as an elf is tortured.

Join the elf side...

Blog Tour Spotlight - Lieutenant Henry Gallant by H. Peter Alesso

Lieutenant Henry Gallant
Author: H. Peter Alesso
Publisher: Video Software Publishing
Pages: 320
Genre: Science fiction space opera
Format: Paperback/Kindle

Book Summary:
In an era of genetic engineering, Lieutenant Henry Gallant is the only Natural (non-genetically enhanced) officer left in the fleet. Many of his superiors, including rival Anton Neumann, have expressed concern he is not up to the challenge. However, his unique mental abilities have proven essential to the defense of the United Planets in its fight against the Titan invaders.

Serving on the first FTL prototype, the Intrepid, on its maiden voyage to Tau Ceti, Gallant finds a lost colony on the planet Elysium. Cyrus Wolfe and his son, manipulate planet politics against the democratic opposition led by James Hepburn and his granddaughter Alaina. Wolfe has allied himself with an ancient Artificial Intelligence which had lain dormant on the planet for millennia, but is now willing to protect the colonists against the Titans.

With Alaina’s help, Gallant discovers the ancient AI has a sinister ulterior motive and he matches his unique and exceptional mind against the complexity of machine intelligence to escape the ultimate trap and prevent the extermination of humanity.

In Lieutenant Henry Gallant, one man pits the naked human mind against the perspicacity of machine intelligence.

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Book Blitz & Giveaway - For the Love of Death by Tamara Rose Blodgett

For the Love of Death
(Death #7)
by Tamara Rose Blodgett
Publication Date: September 5th 2014
Genres: Adult, Dystopia

The year is 2049 and in the new dystopian order, the Randoms have risen to the top like cream. Earth faces dire consequences because of the Helix Complex and their illicit use of mass-sterilization. Many who could have children, were made into mules from the virulent Zondorae concoction of 2030.

Now middle-aged, Death’s children do their best to move forward in a world where technology and paranormal powers collide in a mix of tragedy and circumstance. Zombies have been raised for the slave trade by those Randoms in power.

Paxton Hart and Parker’s twin girls are grown and on the radar for those that understand how critical they are for the future. The tight-knit circle of friends continues to network for solutions to the depravity that has taken hold.

Can the original group right a tremendous wrong? Will the new generation of Randoms find a solution for propagation, or will their power base cannibalize those who choose harmony instead of greed?

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Bookvie: Dracula Untold - out October 10, 2014 (USA)

Who's in it:
Luke Evans, Dominic Cooper, Samantha Barks

What's it all about (book blurb from Goodreads):
‘Alone with the dead! I dare not go out, for I can hear the low howl of the wolf through the broken window’

When Jonathan Harker visits Transylvania to help Count Dracula with the purchase of a London house, he makes horrifying discoveries about his client and his castle. Soon afterwards, a number of disturbing incidents unfold in England: an unmanned ship is wrecked at Whitby; strange puncture marks appear on a young woman’s neck; and the inmate of a lunatic asylum raves about the imminent arrival of his ‘Master’. In the ensuing battle of wits between the sinister Count Dracula and a determined group of adversaries, Bram Stoker created a masterpiece of the horror genre, probing deeply into questions of human identity and sanity, and illuminating dark corners of Victorian sexuality and desire.

The film portrays the origin story of its title character, Count Dracula.

Dracula Untold Official Trailer

Movie Stills: