Saturday, 17 May 2014

Book Blitz & Giveaway: Deliver Me by Kate Jarvik Birch

Deliver Me
by Kate Jarvik Birch
Published by: Bloomsbury Spark
Publication date: April 15th 2014
Genres: Dystopia, Young Adult

One People. One Union. One Future.

Wynne’s entire life is dictated by the Union: the clothes she wears, the books she reads, even the genes she inherited. And like every other girl in the Union, Wynne dreams of being chosen as a Carrier on her 16th birthday—one of the elite selected to carry the future generation within her womb. Wynne and her best friend Odessa are certain they will both make the cut, but when Odessa is chosen and whisked off to a life of privilege, Wynne is left behind to work as an assistant, delivering perfectly planned babies for the Union.

As Odessa slips deeper and deeper into the role of Carrier, Wynne begins to see the Union for what it really is: a society that criminalizes the notion of love, and forbids words like mother and family.

For the first time in her life, Wynne is faced with a choice: submit to the will of the Union, or find a way to escape and save Odessa before she is lost forever.

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Q&A with Kate Jarvik Birch

Are you a Planner or Pantster?
Very much a planner! In fact, one of my favorite parts of writing a novel is the initial plotting stage. Maybe it’s because I’m still totally smitten with my idea (SNIS: shiny new idea syndrome) and everything is chock-full of possibility! At this stage the idea is still perfect. Of course, once I start writing it’s exciting to see the story morph and change into something alive, but it never stays exactly the same as that initial seed of an idea.

How long does it typically take you to write a novel, start to finish?
It varies, but I’m usually pretty speedy with the first draft. It can take anywhere from a month and a half to three months. It’s the subsequent drafts that end up taking MUCH longer.

Do you work on one project at a time, or are you a multi tasker?
I’m not the greatest multi tasker because I tend to get pretty obsessed with whatever idea I’m currently working on. Maybe it’s because for the book to really come alive it has to percolate inside my head 24/7. Who knows when a great idea is going to hit. It usually seems to happen in the shower or while I’m driving. But if the story hasn’t been given room to just sit quietly inside my skull, those epiphanies don’t tend to happen. 

I’ve had to learn how to divide my energies while working on revisions with editors, but it’s still difficult for me.

Did you have to overcome any fears that first time you sat down to write?
Always! Every time! What if the words don’t come? What if I can’t make this scene work? What if I don’t have any original thoughts? Those first few minutes sitting down to write are always difficult, but I’ve noticed that it’s like warming up a muscle and after a few minutes those cold, hard feelings soften and melt away and the real writing can begin.

How many trunked books (if any) did you have before you were agented?
Completed novels… 2. But there were many, many attempts before that. Let’s just say it took about 16 years of real writing to get there.

Have you ever quit on an ms, and how did you know it was time?
I’m not sure I’ve ever REALLY quit on one. I’ve put them aside, but always with the promise that I’ll come back and try again some time.

Querying and Agent Hunt Process:

Who is your agent and how did you get that "Yes!" out of them?  (traditional query process, referral, met at conference, etc.).
My super-agent is Kerry Sparks from Levine Greenberg. I’ll forever be grateful that she picked my query out of the slush and saw some promise in me.

How long did you query before landing your agent?  /  How many queries did you send?  (whichever you're more comfortable answering)?
I actually queried a middle grade novel that I ended up shelving before I wrote the book that landed me my agent. But once I had the right book, it only took a couple of months.

Any advice to aspiring writers out there on conquering query hell?
If this project doesn’t find you an agent, don’t give up. It isn’t the end of the world. The most important thing is to keep writing. Keep growing. Keep putting in the hours. You’ll get there.

What's something you learned from the publishing process that surprised you?
It isn’t necessarily a surprise, but I’m still so grateful for the amount of work that goes into making a book. It doesn’t really seem fair that only one name makes it onto the cover. 

Social Networking and Marketing:

How much of your own marketing do you?  Do you have a blog / site / Twitter? (I'll insert the links here)?
I’m lucky to have marketing teams with both of my publishers that have great outreach, but I’m still involved with marketing. I’ve got a website and a blog and spend WAY too much time on twitter and Facebook. Just recently I started a street team and I’m excited to see it grow. 

Do you think social media helps build your readership?
I’d have to say a resounding YES!!! There’s a wide array of authors that I’ve only discovered through social networks whose work I wouldn’t have found on my own. I can only hope that the same thing will happen once my own books are out in the world.

Excerpt from Deliver Me

“And now the time for selection has come,” the Councilman said, opening an ornate leather ledger containing the nine chosen names. “When called, please step forward and take your place behind me.”

Around me, I felt the whisper of a collective breath drawn in by all the girls. We held it deep in our chests, afraid to let it go, afraid to breathe.

The Grand Councilman studied the paper in front of him, “G454-71.”

His voice reverberated through the hall, bouncing off the carefully carved stonework and the dark wooden floors. For a moment we all stood still, letting the number ricochet around inside us.

The girl who stepped forward carried an air of superiority about her that had always bothered me. I didn’t think she was any more beautiful than Odessa or me, and her hair was a strange color, tinged with a bit of orange, but she was taller by at least a couple of inches. I knew she was strong, but I also knew with certainty that she wasn’t any smarter than us. In class her answers always sounded rote and memorized, as if she didn’t really give thought to what she was saying, but had taken great care to repeat things word for word from the text book.

Maybe I was completely off base, assuming I knew what the Union wanted in their Carriers. Maybe it was all about beauty, height and strength, maybe nothing else really mattered. Maybe the rest of the test was simply a formality.

The Grand Councilman watched as the first of the robes was placed over the girl’s shoulders before he turned back to us with an expression of satisfaction on his face. The look sent a chill through me. He looked back down at the ledger in front of him and called out the next number, “G458-89.”


Of course I recognized the number. It was imprinted in my mind, the digits as clear in my memory as they were tattooed into the soft skin of Odessa’s forearm. The breath of air I’d been holding escaped my lips and I turned to my best friend, pushing her forward to the podium.

Odessa, beautiful Odessa.

I knew she would be called. Maybe she hadn’t been first, but she was close. Pride pushed at the inside of my chest and I suppressed a cheer. If only we were allowed to clap at least, but the selection was a sacred moment and I had to keep my emotions contained. Later tonight I could tell Odessa how proud I was of her.

On the podium, one of the elegant Carrier robes was being placed over Odessa’s shoulders. From somewhere deep inside my head a low humming had begun. My fingers and toes felt strange, tingly.. I rubbed my hands together, trying to concentrate on the Grand Councilman’s words.

Six more numbers were called and progressively, as each girl took her place on the stand, I began to see the panic setting in on Odessa’s face. Normally, she would have caught my eye and made a funny face to break the tension, but she hardly looked like herself up there. The color still hadn’t returned to her cheeks and a bit of perspiration had sprouted on her forehead. In her eyes I saw the look of someone desperate, someone hungry. Only one more number left to call. Around me some of the girls were weeping silently, maybe it was because they were overcome with the pressure of it all, or maybe they realized their dreams of being a Carrier were dying out, merely the flicker of a flame remaining.

The last robe hung limply on its form. Beneath the other selection robes the bodies of eight lucky girls fidgeted, waiting to see if one of their friends would be called. I caught Odessa’s eye and tried to smile, but my lips stuck to my teeth, tight and dry. The moments clicked slowly by, an eternity of waiting. What sort of future would I have if it wasn’t as a Carrier?

Finally the Grand Councilman spoke, “The ninth and final Carrier is…D456-06.”

Odessa covered her face with her hands, but I couldn’t move; my body was completely numb.

It wasn’t my number. It wasn’t. My number hadn’t been called.

For a moment things slowed around me. Sixteen years had brought me to this point in time and here I was completely unprepared. The air seemed to vibrate, my mind racing to catch up with the real world. I could almost see the split before me. In one direction was the future I’d imagined, in the other lay the hazy reality I’d stepped into.

I didn’t get to say goodbye to Odessa. One minute she was behind the podium and the next she was gone, swept away from me.

About the Author
Kate Jarvik Birch is a visual artist, author, playwright, daydreamer, and professional procrastinator. As a child, she wanted to grow up to be either a unicorn or mermaid. Luckily, being a writer turned out to be just as magical. Her essays and short stories have been published in literary journals including Indiana Review and Saint Ann’s Review. She lives in Salt Lake City, Utah with her husband and three kids. 

To learn more visit

Author Links:
Twitter ¦ Goodreads ¦ Website ¦ Facebook


Amazon Kindle up for grabs.

Open INTL as long as Amazon ships there.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Book Blitz Organized by:

Cover Reveal & Giveaway - A is for Apocalypse by Rhonda Parrish

 Welcome to the cover reveal for A is for Apocalypse, an anthology edited by Rhonda Parrish.

Often bleak, sometimes hopeful, always thoughtful, if A is for Apocalypse is as prescient as it is entertaining, we're in for quite a ride.” - Amanda C. Davis, author of The Lair of the Twelve Princesses
What do you get when you take twenty-six amazing writers, randomly assign them a letter of the alphabet and give them complete artistic freedom within a theme?
A is for Apocalypse
A is for Apocalypse contains twenty-six apocalyptic stories written by both well-known and up-and-coming writers. Monsters, meteors, floods, war–the causes of the apocalypses in these tales are as varied as the stories themselves.
This volume contains work by Ennis Drake, Beth Cato, Kenneth Schneyer, Damien Angelica Walters, K. L. Young, Marge Simon, Milo James Fowler, Simon Kewin, C.S. MacCath, Steve Bornstein and more!

A is for Apocalypse
Edited by Rhonda Parrish
Poise and Pen Publishing
ISBN-13: 978-0993699016
ISBN-10: 0993699014
Cover Designed by Jonathan Parrish

To celebrate we have a Q&A for you with some of the contributors!
Question #1:

In choosing a theme for this, the first of a series of anthologies, I considered and rejected a great many "A" words. Tell us about your favourite word that begins with the letter A.

Alexis A. Hunter - As an author -- 'acceptance' has a beautiful ring to it.  As a sci-fi writer -- 'apex' is particularly engaging.  In general -- 'angel' is one of my favorite words, because they're one of my favorite 'creature types' to play with in stories.  Plus I have a thing for wings and feathers.

Michael Kellar - My "A" word would be arachnid. I'm a spider person. (You could consider this when you get to "S is for...")

Damien Angelica Walters - My favourite word that begins with the letter A is anathema. It rolls off the tongue like a whisper, hiding its dark meaning in pretty syllables.

Marge Simon - Alliteration because it’s a beautiful word.  Sorry if it doesn't connote anything bad, like assassin. ;)

Simon Kewin - My favourite A word is (possibly) Archaeopteryx. I love the shape of the word. It's exotic and fantastical and ungainly all at the same time - a little like the creature itself. It derives from the Greek archaeo (ancient) and pterux (wing). So, "Ancient Wing". Archaeopteryx is a lovely illustration of the forces of evolution in progress; it's a snapshot of a species in the process of changing from dinosaur ancestor to modern avian descendent. Here was a creature with a bony tail and teeth and feathers. And claws on its wings. I'd love to have seen one...

Sara Cleto - My favorite A word is amethyst, a purple-violet quartz often used in jewelry (particularly at Renaissance Faires!) As a little girl, I was obsessed with the color purple, and my mom's amethyst jewelry was the subject of much fascination- I was sure the stones had some sort of magical property, and I seem to recall trying to do spells with them... And now, in my old age, I'm deeply amused by their purported ability to prevent excessive intoxication.

Beth Cato - Tricky question since my absolute favorite word begins with B. For A words, I have to say I like "anaphylactic." It's morbid, I know, since the meaning is a severe allergic reaction, but I like the word because it has a cool poetic rhythm.

Suzanne van Rooyen - This is really tough to answer! There are so many great words starting with A like analogy, allegory and awesome! But I think my favourite is actually a name. Atreyu. Atreyu - the character from The Never Ending Story - was my first major crush as a kid and that film was such a huge part of my childhood. If I ever have a son one day, his name is going to be Atreyu.

Question #2:

As a contributor to this anthology you are privileged to have been able to read a proof copy of it already. Aside from your own story, which one is your favourite? No spoilers, please :)

Michael Kellar - "U is for REDACTED" got to me early on, and ended up being a perfect little glimpse of what would be important when facing the end of the world.

Marge Simon - That’s really, really a hard question to answer. But I’m picking Damian Angelica Walters’ moving “U is for REDACTED”. It reminded me much of one of my top favorite dark sf stories, “Testament”.  

Sara Cleto - I'll admit that I haven't read through the entire anthology yet (it will be my reward when I finish this semester's grading!), but I adore Brittany Warman's story- as always, her images are haunting, powerful, and full of wonderful folkloric resonances.

Beth Cato - I loved R. It's one of the longer stories in the anthology, I think, and it's a unique take on events leading up to the apocalypse. The whole vibe is creepy and gritty.
“Editor Rhonda Parrish gives us apocalyptic fiction at its finest. There's not a whimper to be heard amongst these twenty-six End of the World stories. A wonderful collection.” -Deborah Walker, Nature Futures author.
Editor Bio:
Rhonda Parrish is a shapeshifter with talents to match her every incarnation- magpie tenacity for picking the shiniest submissions, nightingale notes for crafting tales, and bright, feline eyes for seeking out her photographic subjects. She balances on the knife-edge of darkness and light, a sorceress of both realms.” - Sara Cleto

Three ARC copies of  A is for ApocalypseThese are physical copies but I am willing to ship them to anywhere in the world. The Rafflecopter draw will run from May 12th to May 19th. On May 20th I will choose three winners and email them in order to get their shipping address. Anyone who doesn’t respond by May 27th will forfeit their prize and I will choose a new winner to receive it.
Fill out the rafflecopter to enter.

This event was organized by CBB Book Promotions.

BOTW - List #53 {Wattpad}


Friday, 16 May 2014

Blitz Tour: Spotlight & Giveaway - Nantucket Red (Nantucket #2) by Leila Howland

Nantucket Red
Series: Nantucket #2
Release date: May 13th 2014
Publisher: Disney-Hyperion

Cricket Thompson's lifetime of overachieving has paid off: she's headed to Brown University in the fall, with a spot on the lacrosse team and a scholarship that covers almost everything. Who knew living in the dorm cost money? An Ivy League education seems to mean living at home for the next four years.

When Cricket is offered the chance to earn enough cash to afford a real college experience, she heads back to Nantucket for the summer. But the faraway island challenges Cricket in ways she hadn't anticipated. It's hard to focus on earning money for next year, when she finds her world opening up in entirely new ways-to art, to travel, and, most unexpectedly, to a future completely different from the one she has been working toward her whole life. A friendship blossoms with Ben, the gorgeous surfer and bartender who encourages Cricket to be free, even as she smarts at the pain of seeing Zack, her first love, falling for her worst enemy.

But one night, when Cricket finally lets herself break all her own rules, she realizes she may have ruined her carefully constructed future with one impulsive decision. Cricket must dig deep to fight for her future, discovering that success isn't just about reaching goals, but also about listening to what she's been trying to ignore-her own heart.

Buy Links:
Amazon | B&N

Leila Howland was born and raised in Providence, Rhode Island. A graduate of Georgetown University, Leila spent five years acting in New York where she was a company member of the award-winning Flea Theater in Tribeca.  Nantucket Blue, for which she was named a Publisher's Weekly Flying Start Author,  was her first novel. Leila now lives in Los Angeles with her husband and dogs. 

Author Links:


Win a copy of Nantucket Blue and Nantucket Read (US only).

Blitz Tour Organized By:

Release Day Blitz & Giveaway - Inquisitor by RJ Blain

Witch and Wolf, Book One
RJ Blain

Genre: Urban / Paranormal Fantasy
Publisher: Pen & Page Publishing
Date of Publication:  May 16, 2014
Cover Artist: Chris Howard

Book Description:
When Allison is asked to play Cinderella-turned-Fiancée at a Halloween ball, the last thing she expected was to be accused of murder on the same night. She has to find the killer and quick, or she'll be put to death for the crimes she didn't commit. To make matters worse, the victims are all werewolves.

On the short list of potential victims, Allison has to act fast, or the killer will have one more body to add to his little black book of corpses.

There's only one problem: One of the deaths has struck too close to home, and Allison's desire for self-preservation may very well transform into a quest for vengeance...

This book can be read as a standalone, it is part of a linked series

Excerpt from Inquisitor

“I can’t believe you brought me to New York on today of all days.” I nodded my head at the park, but taking in the entirety of the city in a single gesture. Even in the relative peace of the park, I could hear the bustle, the honk of horns, and the noise of the restless cityscape. Atlanta wasn’t much different downtown, but at least it was home.
“Oh, come off it, Allison. You like Halloween.”
I wrinkled my nose. “Maybe a little. I still can’t believe you brought me here, though.”
“Anyway, you owe me,” he said before clucking his tongue.
I winced. He had me dead to rights, and I knew it. Mark gathered favors and cashed them in like currency. Resisting was futile. “Rub it in my face, why don’t you?”
“Of course I will. Another time. I’m enjoying myself way too much right now. You’re mine for three whole days, like it or not.”
“I’m doomed,” I groaned.
He laughed.
I didn’t have the courage to tell him I meant it. It was bad enough it was Samhain. The full moon would reach its zenith after nightfall.
If I wasn’t careful, I was going to pop a tail for real. That’d surprise him. It’d also get me killed. I doubted the NYPD would appreciate a wolf running loose in the center of their city.
“Seriously, Mark. What’s so important that you had to fly me in from Atlanta? I do have a job, you know. I’d even like to keep it.”
“You’re owed three weeks, and at the rate you’re going, they’re probably getting ready to force you to take the time off. The way I see it, I’ve done you a favor.”
“Mark,” I growled.
“Okay, fine. It’s my mom. I told her I had a girlfriend so she’d shut up about me getting married for a while. She wants to meet her. To meet you.”
I broke into a brisk walk, cutting across the grass towards one of the other paths through the park. With luck, he’d get grass stains on his pretty, blue business suit. “You brought me to New York to dress up as your girlfriend for Halloween?”
I guess it really was going to be a night for wearing masks and pretending to be the impossible.
If I had a mother, I’m sure she would’ve been proud. I didn’t cuss, scream, or pitch a fit. I did keep walking without checking if Mark kept pace with me.
He did. “Come on, Allison. I’ll make it up to you, I swear.”
“A Halloween party with your mother, Mark? Have you lost your mind? She’s never going to believe we’re a couple, for one. Two, you live in New York City. I live in Atlanta. You know, that place you flew me in from? She’s got no reason to believe us.”
“I might have told her that you are an old college friend, and we’d been seeing each other on and off since we got our degrees. It’s even true! Just not for the reasons she thinks. Come on, Allison. It’s only for one night. And you’ll save me from marrying a woman I’ve never met.”
I sighed. “Seriously? Did your mother have you betrothed or something? That’s so two hundred years ago. At least you had the decency to book me into a good hotel. How did you manage a room at the Plaza on such short notice?” Using my brown bangs as a shield, I stared at my friend. He was grinning wolfishly.
“Who said it was on short notice? I had our room booked six months ago.”
I tripped over my own feet. A startled cry worked its way out of my throat. Mark’s arm slapped against my chest as he caught me. With a low grunt, he hauled me upright.
My face burned. “Sorry.” I drew a deep breath. Killing Mark in Central Park wouldn’t work — not during the daytime. There’d be too many witnesses. “Our room?”
“We’re twenty five. We’re young, healthy adults. There’s no way my mom will believe we’re a couple if we don’t share a room,” he replied.
“You have a perfectly nice condo, Mark. I’ve seen it. Why not invite me there instead of booking us a room in one of New York’s more expensive hotels?”
“Wait until you see the room,” Mark said. Then he leered at me.
Oh God. I closed my eyes, stood straight, and once again shoved my hands into my back pockets. No tail. That was a start. I counted to ten. Then I counted to ten again.
When that didn’t calm me down enough, I systematically considered all of Mark’s banking accounts I could probably hack my way into, calculating how much I could siphon off without him noticing. I wouldn’t do it, but the figure made me feel warm and fuzzy inside.
When I managed to quell my urge to throttle my friend, I opened my eyes and glared at him. “You got a honeymoon suite, didn’t you?”
“Do try to act surprised when I propose. At least you have an easy line. Don’t worry, we’ll call off the engagement in a month or two.”
“Yes, dear?”
“Give me a reason I shouldn’t kill you in your sleep tonight.”
“I’m too good looking to kill.”
“I pay you exceptionally well for your accounting skills.”
“True, but no.”
“You like me?” His voice wavered, and I had to work to smother my grin.
“You sound so confident,” I murmured. “Fine. I like you. A little. I’ll do it, but you, dear Mark, will owe me.”
Mark’s Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed. “You wouldn’t really try to kill me, would you?”
I grabbed hold of his tie and yanked down so I could look him in the eye. A smile tugged at the corners of my mouth. “I wouldn’t bet your life on it, if I were you.”
The little color he did have fled from his face. I let him go and resumed walking across the park, whistling a merry tune.

About the Author
RJ Blain suffers from a Moleskine journal obsession, a pen fixation, and a terrible tendency to pun without warning.

When she isn’t playing pretend, she likes to think she’s a cartographer and a sumi-e painter. In reality, she herds cats and a husband, and obeys the commands of Tsu Dhi, the great warrior fish.

In her spare time, she daydreams about being a spy. Should that fail, her contingency plan involves tying her best of enemies to spinning wheels and quoting James Bond villains until she’s satisfied.

RJ Blain’s Favorite Books & Series

In no particular order:

       Anne McCaffrey’s Pern
       Mercedes Lackey’s Valdemar & Gryphon Series
       Jim Butcher’s Codex Alera
       Brandon Sanderson’s Elantris
       Patricia Briggs’ Alpha and Omega & Dragon Bones
       Madeline L’Engle’s A Wrinkle in Time

Author Links:


$10 Amazon Gift Card is up for grabs.

Book Blitz Organized by:

Cover Reveal - Into the Blind by Helen Rena

Into the Blind
Release Date: 06/2014

Summary from Goodreads:
In a world where everyone is gifted, be it in dancing, lightning-bringing, or death-giving, Ever is born…all-powerful.

For this gift, she is kidnapped and trafficked at birth. Fifteen years later, Ever still hasn’t seen even a glimmer of her powerful gift. Locked in an abandoned mall in New York City, she’s fighting to survive her captivity, her brutal guards, and the other gifted kids in her cell. She would do anything to escape.

Fox is gifted with time manipulation. Like Ever, he hasn’t come into his gift yet; like Ever, he hates the mall; and like Ever, he longs to be free. But there’s one thing he values above his freedom—it’s Ever’s love…

…yet, when the two make a desperate attempt to escape, this attempt proves so dark and twisted that it just might destroy Ever’s love for Fox.

About the Author
Helen Rena loves reading and writing novels. And short stories. And flash fiction. She has a Ph.D. in Comparative Literature, and a vast collection of books and green bottles. She is still not sure why green bottles. She lives in Southern Oregon with her husband and two children.

Author Links:
 photo iconwebsite-32x32_zps1f477f69.png  photo icongoodreads32_zps60f83491.png  photo icontwitter-32x32_zpsae13e2b2.png  photo iconfacebook-32x32_zps64a79d4a.png

Cover Reveal Organized by:

Bookvie: Serena - out September 4, 2014 (Germany)

Who's in it:
Jennifer Lawrence, Bradley Cooper, Rhys Ifans

What's it all about (book blurb from Goodreads):
The year is 1929, and newlyweds George and Serena Pemberton travel from Boston to the North Carolina mountains where they plan to create a timber empire. Although George has already lived in the camp long enough to father an illegitimate child, Serena is new to the mountains—but she soon shows herself to be the equal of any man, overseeing crews, hunting rattle-snakes, even saving her husband's life in the wilderness. Together this lord and lady of the woodlands ruthlessly kill or vanquish all who fall out of favor. Yet when Serena learns that she will never bear a child, she sets out to murder the son George fathered without her. Mother and child begin a struggle for their lives, and when Serena suspects George is protecting his illegitimate family, the Pembertons' intense, passionate marriage starts to unravel as the story moves toward its shocking reckoning.

Rash's masterful balance of violence and beauty yields a riveting novel that, at its core, tells of love both honored and betrayed.

Movie Stills:

Thursday, 15 May 2014

Blog Tour Interview - Frenzy: A Daniel Jones Story by Mark King

Frenzy: A Daniel Jones Story
by Mark King

Daniel leads a peaceful life with his family until he finds out a repulsive secret about the Over-seers, the ‘saviours of humanity’, and his security is blown to smithereens. He enters a world where death is the only certainty and quickly learns to kill – or be killed.

Enter Gwendolyn, with the charm of a snake and a bite that’s twice as dangerous. People skills aren’t her thing but she knows how to survive in a post-apocalyptic world; she’s a hotshot with a bow and arrow and can rustle up a mean rat soup.

Mary is the only person left alive over forty. She’s not too good at fighting but she knows where to find the one thing that could save their lives; the golden shield. Only Mary can remember life before the invasion, before humanity was brainwashed into following the procedures.

Pursued by the Over-seers, the Triclops and the barbaric hunters, can the three brave rebels triumph in their quest? The odds are stacked against them – hold tight for a white-knuckle ride through a landscape of devastation!

Buy Links:

Author Interview

1. Tell a little about yourself. What do you do when you’re not writing? What are your aspirations in life?

I like to go to the gym in the morning for either a 45 minute session on the running machine, or to complete a spinning class on the bikes. I’m not as disciplined as I should be with my visits to the gym, but I do find it’s a great way to clear your head in the morning, ready for the days writing. For readers of my blog at you will know that Mark King also likes to socialise, and relax, over a couple of drinks with my friends. I also complete a day or two of volunteering work in the local community, and of course there is spending quality time with my family.  As for the future I look forward to the day when Frenzy a Daniel Jones story, and its sequel Daniel Jones Doom are made into films.

2. When and why did you start writing?

After the unexpected death of my father in-law it became clear to me that you had to do whatever you want to achieve in life now, because you can never tell if tomorrow will come. So in the autumn of 2010 while I was driving one Monday morning to work feeling miserable I knew the point had come where I needed to take a new direction in life. Over the next few weeks while I worked out my notice the story formulated in my mind, and Frenzy by Mark King was born.

3. Have any particular novels or writers influenced your writing?

I’ve always loved George Orwell ever since I first read his books at school, and I have continued to re-read them over again and again. So it was an honour to be listed for the Orwell Prize 2014. I also like Dan Brown’s writing because of his fast pace style of storytelling which you will find throughout Frenzy a Daniel Jones story, and which will continue with Daniel Jones Doom. My third favourite author is Ken Follett. Again his writing is of such a good quality, and I try my best to reach these standards too.

4. Give us some backstory about Frenzy. Where and when did you write it?

After I had finished work I gave myself two years in which to get Frenzy published. This may sound quite a long period of time, but for a first time author it can take a life time to get published, and even then you still may not make it. I set out a clear writing plan of working just like I would if I was still in full time employment. I would write for up to eight hours a day from Monday to Friday, and then take a break from it at the weekend to spend time with the family. During my writing time I tried to spend two days out of the house writing in public areas like the centre Library, or cafes, so I didn’t become too house-bound.

5. What was your favourite part of writing Frenzy?

What I enjoy the most is the simplest part of writing, and that’s the writing itself. I just love it when I can get lost in my own mind to the point were the words flow without ever having to take a pause to mull over what to write next. I found this to be true with my second book Daniel Jones Doom as with Frenzy.

6. What does your writing schedule look like?

At the moment I am two thirds of the way through my manuscript to Daniel Jones Doom, but I haven’t been able to concentrate on it with the 100% I gave to Frenzy, because I have to spend a certain percentage of my time promoting Frenzy; especially though social media like my weekly blog at always hanging around, my twitter page @author_king, through to Google+, LinkedIn and Facebook. Then there are media interviews and reviews, so sometimes my schedule just goes out the window.

7. Which fictional character would you like to take to dinner and why?

If it were people who had lived in history I would have a long list of people, but fictional characters makes it harder. I presume it can be anyone, and not just from Frenzy, so if that is the case then there would only be one, and that would be James Bond 007. He would make a perfect wingman for me as we sinned the night away.

8. Besides your lead, do you have a favourite character in the story?

Although my book is called Frenzy a Daniel Jones Story there are two other main characters that in the end have equal roles to play as the story unfolds. Both are female, one who is of similar age to Daniel called Gwendolyn, and the much older Mary. I like all three in equal measure as they all have different traits that united together makes for great reading. Because of these three central characters Frenzy can be enjoyed by both male and female readers of any age from 13 to 93.

9. What is one of the most surprising things you’ve learned as a writer?

The most surprising thing I learnt which I think is prominent in the U.K is how much of the publishing industry is now controlled by women. At every stage from agents to the publishing houses, and the people who work in them, from editing, proof reading, publicity though to most of the awards, and even the judges on the panels are mostly female. Publishing was an industry that for century’s women would have to use a male pseudonym just to get published, but there may come a point where men might have to start using female’s names to be taken seriously.

10. Any advice for aspiring authors?

The best advice I can give is be prepared for disappointment. It starts from the very beginning when you ask people to review your first manuscript asking them to give you an honest answer. Don’t be surprised when they do, and then they tell you that what you thought was the greatest story ever told is not their cup of tea. It carries on through getting rejection after rejection from agents and publishers. If you can’t face rejection then don’t even start. The other piece of advice is never to give up, keep going. If you have made the commitment, have the belief in your manuscript, and are prepared to listen to advice, you will make it. Always listen, and carry on, and one day your dreams will come true.

Excerpt from Frenzy



And the ground shook

Bang, Bang, Bang.

And the ground shook with an almighty force.

Bang, Bang, Bang.

And the ground shook with such terrifying power that once again the souls of humanity would cry out in fear tonight.


Mary’s heart was beating at such speed she wanted to shout out, release the pressure of horror which raged through her body, looking for an escape route. The warm palm of her mother’s hand was covering her mouth, and she could hear mother whisper very quietly into her ear as they crouched down together.

‘Mary, I love you my little angel.’

First the light came, a bright red beam lighting up the room, which revealed their hiding place behind the family sofa at the far corner, opposite the television.

She remembered one of her mother’s favourite sayings: “red sky at night, shepherds’ delight” but there was no delight tonight, only destruction.

Next the noise came, a high-pitched note that smothered all other sounds for a few brief seconds, to be followed by the crash of falling bricks as Mary’s home came tumbling down around her.

About the Author
Mark King the author of FRENZY a Daniel Jones story which is now available for sale around the world from America, Canada, U.K, Germany, India and Japan to name just a few. Mark is also the writer behind the successful worldwide blog

His varied working life from being an Auctioneer on Lowestoft fish market through to a Court bailiff, and then an area operations manager, plus other positions in-between, has given Mark a rich tapestry of experiences that has helped feed his imagination, and which is now used in his creative work as a successfully published author.

Now working on the sequel to FRENZY a Daniel Jones story his new book which has been initialled titled Daniel Jones DOOM; Mark King’s intention is to carry on with the fast paced exciting formula that fans have enjoyed with FRENZY.

You can follow Mark via twitter @author_king. He tries his best to interact with fans while writing on the new manuscript to Daniel Jones Doom.

Mark’s quote.            

I'm a free spirit, lover of life, family, friendships, good food, drink and travel. After facing death on more occasions than is good for a hot blooded male I now let my vivid imagination take the risks in life.

I will try anything once, and if I like it I will try it again; and if I don't then I won't. So even now I'm still making mistakes learning something new along the way, and when I stop making these it will be the day my maker calls me to judgement.

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