Monday, 31 July 2023
Book Blitz & Giveaway - Year of the Fledgling by Linda Kage

Monday, 24 July 2023
Book Blitz & Giveaway - Saving Piper Moonlight by Joann Keder

Book Blitz & Giveaway - Lifestyle by Kasey Fallon

Monday, 17 July 2023
Book Blitz & Giveaway - The Rose of Florence by Angela M. Sims

Monday, 10 July 2023
Blog Tour Spotlight - Becoming Flawesome by Kristina Mand-Lakhiani
Being described as “10 years worth of therapy in one book,” Becoming Flawesome is a celebration of our whole selves, warts and all, and the glory that is to be found in living in our truth…
- The dark, controversial side of ‘personal growth,’ and the insecurities that thrive on it
- Self-care vs self-love, and why you need both
- What authenticity actually is, beyond the buzz
- The ‘Hermione Syndrome,’ and how to diagnose if you’re secretly suffering from it
- How to create aligned lifestyle habits that stick
- Why the more you judge others, the more you judge yourself
- Societal masks, and how to remove them from your psyche
- Imposter syndrome in the world of high-flyers
- Emotional literacy: how to cope with strong, painful emotions healthily
Book Excerpt
The Key to Living an Imperfectly Authentic LifeIntroduction
Let’s Begin
It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a good book has to start with a proper introduction.
And by “proper” I mean that it has to prime the reader for the journey, raise excitement and set expectations, explain the process, and make reading the book an experience both profitable and smooth. After all, we are about to spend some time together on this journey.
Therefore, I was not surprised when on the first meeting with my publisher I was asked if I would consider writing a proper introduction to my book. You see—the original manuscript started with a story of me pondering my future book while standing in the shower, warm water running down my back, and my finger absentmindedly drawing random patterns on the fogged-up glass.
I started this book during the long years of successive COVID confinements, and I was planning to self-publish it because I wanted the freedom to make decisions about the book—how to write, what to write, what stories to include, what kind of experience to offer to my reader. So, naturally, it wasn’t following any universally acknowledged truths or conventions.
Yet, by the time I had to present my book-baby to the world, I felt that I wanted to give it the best possible future, and I had to face the big decision between my heart and my brain: Will it be self-published (heart), or will I work with a traditional publisher (brain)? Going the traditional way meant facing more choices between my quirky and obstinate self-expression and conventional ways of doing things.
This book is about finding your way back to yourself, about understanding who you really are, accepting your dents and scratches, your quirky uniqueness and even your flaws. It is about thriving in being unapologetically you, most flawesomely.
This book has been through the hands of several editors ever since I put the last stop on its original manuscript. This journey has been both emotional and transformative for me. I had to face my biggest dragon by far—my obstinate need for pure self-expression—over and over again.
When do you follow convention, and when do you stick to your own principles and values?
There is no simple answer to this question, except: you have to learn to balance.
If you follow all the rules that your peers expect you to follow, you bet all there is on a slim chance of the grand prize, but you do it at the price of your own unique self-expression. At times, I felt like I had to “sell my soul to the devil” for a chance at success.
But if you obstinately stick to your own unique quirks and principles, you might end up being unheard and misunderstood so universally that there is no point in writing a book. For it is the readers who make a writer. Without the readers, a book is just a private diary.
Reader, will you judge me if I tell you that this book is a delicate balance between convention and my own uniqueness? Of course, I want you to succeed. But I cannot give you the proper introduction to my book because every book is a journey. This book has been my journey, and
now it is yours. I walked my path to my true self, to understanding what makes me truly me . . .
and what of that unique quirkiness is simply noise. You see, your flaws and your dragons are there for a reason—they make you who you are, but they also hold the key to your biggest value, to your mightiest strengths, if you choose to look your dragons in the eye.
Now I am hoping that you will take this journey with me to your unique destination—to finding the path back to you. I will be your companion on this journey, but it is yours to take.
So why wouldn’t I tell you what’s ahead? Imagine if Gandalf told Bilbo Baggins that on his journey, he would encounter trolls, go through a perilous enchanted forest, and face a dragon in a far-away mountain. Wouldn’t that be a bit of a spoiler?
I want you to take this journey back to you without any spoilers, with an open heart, and trust that the destination is going to be worth your effort. Because becoming flawesome is the best gift you can give to yourself.
So, if you are ready, let’s begin!
Monday, 3 July 2023
Book Blitz & Giveaway - Wasted On You by Colleen Charles

Wednesday, 28 June 2023
BOOK REVIEW: Kian of Swisgurth by A.J. Adam
KIAN OF SWISGURTH - An Epic Journey of an Extraordinary Boy!
No matter what the future holds, you can always take solace in your favourite fantasy books!
Let's meet a remarkable young boy named Kian and find out, through the YA fantasy book’s pages, if he has what it takes to rule his home planet, Swisgurth.
An ancient king and an alien race had a catastrophic conflict 100,000 years ago, and the aliens have since been keeping a close check on Earth to ensure no new king has risen to power. But they had no idea that the king's pregnant wife had teleported herself to Earth, where unborn Kian awaits his time to fulfil the prophecy on his home planet of Swisgurth.
He is far from the average boy.... He is The KIAN OF SWISGURTH!
Kian was no ordinary boy; it was impossible to keep his identity a secret from alien race. When they finally learned the truth, it all went upside down in space. It's safe to say that the alien leaders spared no effort in their quest to destroy Kian. After a long journey, our hero arrived on a new planet. He met interesting people, learned about his past, and discovered the prophecy foretold he would become Emperor of Swisgurth.
A.J. Adam wrote adventure book "Kian of Swisgurth" with an exceptional world in mind to take the reader on an amazing adventure. This YA thriller book will take you to a vivid, fascinating world with a wide range of characters and intricate plots - a reason to stay up past bedtime. The young adult book follows the fantasy tradition; it drops the reader into a richly detailed world and gradually reveals its background, culture and history through the protagonist's growth, epic adventures, and explorations.
- Characters: Kian - the protagonist, Lizardian starship, Sussi starship's commander, Dahlia and more
- Written by: "Kian of Swisgurth" is an intense and captivating fantasy book for Young Adults is written by A.J. Adam.
- Written for: This historical fantasy fiction book, loaded with excitement, enchantment, and anticipation, is written for young adults and the forever young-at-heart.
The YA fan is a complex individual with too many feelings and an insatiable desire for more and more books. Whether the teen in your life has a mountain of books waiting to be read or enjoys reading but has trouble finding something good to read, this fantasy adventure novel makes a terrific gift for the holiday, birthday, or Christmas.
Stay true to your shelf - bookshelf!
Monday, 19 June 2023
Book Blitz & Giveaway - My Fair Thief by Delta James

Monday, 12 June 2023
Book Blitz & Giveaway - If I Asked You to Stay by Brianna Remus

Friday, 9 June 2023
Blog Tour Spotlight - All That Glitters by Mike Martin
A light mystery set in Grand Bank on the easternmost tip of Canada featuring food, friends, fun and a few dead bodies…