Tuesday 16 September 2014

Book Blitz & Giveaway - Louder Than Words by Iris St. Clair

Louder Than Words
Release Date: 09/16/14
Swoon Romance

Summary from Goodreads:
Disappointment has been on speed dial in Ellen Grayson's life lately. Her dad died, her mom numbs the grief with drugs and alcohol, and her so-called friends have slowly abandoned her.

Trusting a popular teacher with her troubles should have been safe and should NOT have led to an unwelcome seduction attempt that made her desperate to escape the final moments of Junior year. Lesson learned. Best to keep all the sordid details to herself and trust no one.

Enter Rex Jacobi, a cocky boy, recently transplanted from New York City and fellow summer camp employee. Though his quick wit and confidence draws her in, she can't let him get too close. And summer is just long enough and hot enough to keep a boy like that at arm's length.

But by the time Rex's charm wears down her resistance, it's too late. He's put Ellen on the "just friends" shelf and has shifted his romantic attentions to the impossibly annoying and perky anti-Ellen. Even worse, the teacher who tried to get her to sleep with him is still at it, preying on other girls while Ellen struggles to come to terms with what happened.

With her ability to trust as shaky as a chastity vow on prom night, Ellen must decide if she has enough remaining courage to speak up about the well-liked teacher and risk retribution, tell Rex how she really feels about him and risk heartbreak, or hold all her secrets inside. After all, it's the only safe place she knows when the only thing louder than words is the fear of being rejected.

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Cover Reveal - The Expatriates by Corinne O'Flynn

The Expatriates #1 (Song of the Sending)
by Corinne O’Flynn
Publication Date: October 15th, 2014
Genre: YA Fantasy

Seventeen-year-old Jim Wales can communicate with animals, but his animal mind-tap ability isn’t why he lives with a traveling carnival. Turns out his family’s been hiding him there since he was little, when they learned someone was hunting all the Scholars. Jim’s a Scholar, and he has no idea.

When a falcon arrives with a message from Jim’s not-dead father from their not-destroyed homeland, Jim’s whereabouts are discovered and Jim’s brother is murdered in his place.

On the run with a strange glass map and a single coin, Jim finds himself racing to reclaim the father he thought he’d lost, plotting to avenge his brother, and finally discovering the truth about who he is.

But going home isn’t the same as being safe, and trust is everything.

Monday 15 September 2014

Book Blitz & Giveaway - Life Lived Twice by Sherrie Wouters

IFB is hosting the promo event for Sherrie Wouters' debut fantasy novel. Continue below for an excerpt & giveaway.

Life Lived Twice
Life Lived Twice
by Sherrie Wouters
Release Date: June 6th, 2014

Synopsis via Goodreads:
Some promises are made to last forever ... What if you fell in love with a stranger ... but that stranger had come from your past, a past you never knew existed until the moment your eyes met? 

When Tess Winters locks eyes with a stranger at an airport bookstore, it ignites a feeling of passion somewhere deep inside her that she can't explain. Although the encounter is innocent and brief, the intensity of it lingers, leaving her overwhelmed by a yearning for the mystery man now consuming her every thought. 

Struggling to break the powerful hold he has over her heart, Tess starts to experience strange but familiar dreams...dreams from the turn of the twentieth century of the charming Mr Addison Taylor. 

As her dreams start to materialize into reality, and past and present begin to blur, Tess is forced to put the pieces of a forgotten time together, and soon discovers that love isn't the only thing that can find you after an eternity. Captivating, mysterious, and romantic, Life Lived Twice will leave you wondering whether love is so powerful it could last more than a lifetime.

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Saturday 13 September 2014

BOOK REVIEW: Joe by H.D. Gordon

Author: H.D. Gordon
Genre: Paranormal Mystery
Release Date: January 1, 2012

Book Summary:
From the author of the Alexa Montgomery Saga, comes a book that will take you into the mind of a genuine psychopath, the lives of six ordinary people, and the world of a very special girl named Joe. 

Joe is seemingly an ordinary college student. She works, studies and reads. But in between these activities Joe has a gift that promises to add a dose of color to her life at any given moment. Joe sees things before they happen. Bad things, and the worst thing she has ever faced is just around the corner. Someone is planning a massacre at the college university that Joe attends, and the only person with a hope of stopping the psychopath is her. 

Oh, the beauty of foresight. More like a curse. Joe has four days to figure out the mystery, make plans to take down the psycho, and save the lives of people. People like you and me. Ordinary people.

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This was an interesting book that left me feeling both satisfied and unsatisfied on an equal level. Given the title of the book and Joe being the main character of the story, I thought there would be more focus on her, but I found it a little hard to connect with her because I didn't know enough about her. I knew more about some of the other characters than I did about Joe, and that was disappointing as I found Joe to be an intriguing character and wish there had been more development with her character.

I thought the story lagged in some parts, particularly in the first quarter of the book. I did like the chemistry between Joe and Michael even though it did feel one-sided on Michael's part, but Joe did have a lot on her mind, so it was understandable. The pace picked greatly in the last quarter of the book. The adrenaline was high, which was needed considering the event taking place. I liked the way the author transitioned from character to character during the shootout in the Quad, giving the readers a little insight into what was going through each character's mind while The Decider was marking them off.

While I'm not a huge fan of multiple POVs and it was hard at times to recall who the characters were and the story surrounding them, I found it to be a pleasant addition to the story. Without the multiple POVs, I couldn't see Joe leading the story in a way that would make the journey both enjoyable and satisfactory. I like John's character the most. I connected with him right from the get-go. I liked how approachable he was with Joe. He didn't make her stutter seem as though it was an obstacle, and I got the sense that Joe appreciated that about him.

The need to repeatable reiterate certain aspects of the story - Joe not considering herself to be a hero, for one, or that what each character were doing on a particular day was the way to spend that day - did grate on my nerves somewhat. The constant foreshadow was a buzzkill. The only thing I didn't know would happen was the fate of the characters - who was going to live and who was going to die.

Overall, I enjoyed reading Joe. I think certain aspects could have been better executed, but it was a quick and fun read. Right now, I'm undecided as to whether I'll continue the series or not, but I certainly won't rule it out.


Award: Silver
Rating: 3 out of 5 Stars
Source: Review copy via Xpresso Book Tours

Book Of The Week {Wattpad}

And the Book Of The Week Nominations are:

Click on the book covers to sample the works.

Infected (YA Science Fiction)

Perfection (YA Science Fiction)

The City Beyond The Portal (Children's Fantasy)

Azure Stars (Romance / Science Fiction / Short Story)

Friday 12 September 2014

Blog Tour Interview & Giveaway - Garden of Ashes by Kate Cowan

Garden of Ashes
Author: Kate Cowan
Series: The Legend of Eden #2
Release Date: September 1st, 2014
Publisher: Anchor Group

Synopsis via Goodreads:
After four years as a prisoner in her parents' attic, hidden away from the Catchers, Eden never dreamt the very people she was hiding from would be the beginning of such impossible things. She's found freedom on the island like she never imagined.

Eden is a sorcerer, with the power of the world in her fingertips. She is determined to never be helpless like she once was, and spends every minute of her spare time training to fight back. As she discovers more of her own power, she and her friends continue to uncover the secrets of the Council. Deadly secrets, hinting at something far larger than the island and the Catchers. Before they can find out exactly what the Council is hiding, Eden's magic begins to spiral out of control, and she loses it for just a second. Just half of a second, and it's enough to change everything.

Suddenly, lives are put at stake, and Eden and her friends must do something no one else has ever dared. They have to escape the island, or they have to die trying.

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Cover Reveal - To Make a Witch by Heather Hamilton-Senter

To Make a Witch
(Sword of Elements #1.5)
by Heather Hamilton-Senter
Publication Date: October 1st 2014
Genre: Young Adult Fantasy

At her old school, Lacey found herself on the wrong side of a conflict between Celtic gods. Making a new start in an exclusive boarding school in New Orleans, she hopes to forget that she was once on the verge of becoming a powerful witch—and everything she has lost since then.

When a gruesome murder occurs in the very heart of Westover Academy, Lacey senses a connection between it and the desecration of the tomb of Marie Laveau, the Voodoo queen. Haunted by a trauma in her past and the resulting OCD, Lacey must solve the mystery before she becomes the killer’s next target.

Circumstances beyond her control may once again make Lacey McInnis—cheerleader, scholar, and all-around good girl—a witch.

About the Author
Heather grew up in a family where books of myth and legend were used to teach the ABCs and Irish uncles still believed in fairies. Raised with tall tales, she has always told stories too- first as an actor and singer, then as a photographer, and now as a writer.

Heather lives in rural Ontario, Canada happily raising three children ranging in age from 6 to 18 with her biggest fan, her husband Steve.

Author Links:

Cover Reveal Organised by:

Bookvie: Guardians of the Galaxy - out August 1, 2014 (USA)

Who's in it:
Chris Pratt, Vin Diesel, Bradley Cooper

What's it all about (book blurb from Goodreads):
Launching out of Annihilation: Conquest, Marvel's sci-fi heroes unite to protect the cosmos Back-to-back Annihilation wars have weakened the boundaries of our universe. Dark gods and monsters are seeping through the cracks, reigning horror upon those still reeling from the recent calamities. In the face of terror, who stands to defend a desperate universe? Star-Lord and his squad of butt-kickers - the modern day Guardians of the Galaxy You've heard that Annihilation: Conquest rocks - the guy at the comic shop keeps telling you to try Nova - well, now's your chance to experience the glory that writers Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning, and artist Paul Pelletier can unleash All a wise-cracking raccoon and a telepathic dog C'mon, people, time to lock and load Collecting Guardians of the Galaxy #1-6.

World Premiere of First Guardians of the Galaxy Trailer

Movie Stills:

Thursday 11 September 2014

Blog Tour Spotlight - Bespoken by Marie Michelle Coleman

A Nightangel and Daydreamer Novel
Book One
by Marie Michelle Coleman
Genre: Paranormal romance//urban fantasy
Publisher:  Suburban Island Publishing
Pages: 395 (Kindle) and 368 (paperback)
Word Count: 92,000
Cover Artist:  Doug Pecht

Book Description:
Nobody ever told Casey how dangerous a little daydreaming could be.

Casey Sloane appreciates the power of a good daydream. It’s the perfect antidote to the pressures of her hectic life as an associate attorney at a high-powered Washington, D.C. law firm. When the nightangel Gabriel takes up residence in those dreams, Casey is more delighted than surprised. Gabriel is the perfect mixture of danger, otherworldly beauty, and out-and-out temptation required to throw her daydreams into a state of perpetual overdrive.

But when the nightangel sheds his wings and arrives in the real world for a real-time relationship with Casey, she gets a quick education on the unforeseen consequences of secret daydreams.

Buy Links:
Amazon ¦ BN ¦ Smashwords ¦ ARe ¦ Txtr

Blog Tour Interview - Behind You by Carly M. Duncan

Behind You
Author: Carly M. Duncan

Pages: 208

Genre: Mystery

Format: Paperback/Audible

Book Summary:
When a mysterious attack lands Heather in the hospital on the brink of death, her family rushes to her side. Through an inconvenient maze of shadowed memory and family secrets, Heather can trust only herself to discover if her husband, parents, sister or aunt tried to kill her. During the course of their own narratives, each character confesses to their various crimes of passion, envy and ignorance, weaving Heather's mystery into an untraditional tale about seizing the opportunity to start over.

Buy Links:
Amazon ¦ B&N

Audiobook Spotlight & Giveaway - Blue Eyes Trilogy by B. Kristin McMichael


All three books of the bestselling Blue Eyes Trilogy are now available in audiobook format.
Narrated by Caprisha Page.
Available at Amazon, Audible, and iTunes

Owners of the $0.99 Kindle edition of The Legend of the Blue Eyes can buy the professionally narrated audio edition for $1.99

The Legend of the Blue Eyes

Audiobook LOTBE
Arianna Grace liked her boring Midwestern teenage life where she ignored the many unanswered questions of her childhood. Why were her parents dead? Why doesn't she have a family? Why do her memories only start at five? When someone offers to explain it, Arianna thinks she is just getting answers. Instead, she is thrown into a world of night humans that drink blood.

On Arianna's sixteenth birthday, her world is thrown upside down when she changes into a vampire. Night humans, or demons as some call them, live in normal society. Learning all the new rules of a world she didn’t know existed would be hard enough, but it's further complicated by two former-friends that now want to help her take her role as the successor to her grandfather.

There is a war going on between the night humans. Sides have been taken and lines are not crossed. Four main clans of night humans are struggling for control of the night. Divided into two sides, clans Baku and Tengu have been at war for centuries with the clans Dearg-dul and Lycan. That is, until Arianna Grace finds out the truth; she is the bridge of peace between the two sides. But not everyone wants peace. With the night humans divided onto two sides, Arianna is now a pawn in the war between them. Arianna must choose a side- her mother’s family or her father’s- and for once in her life decide her own fate.

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Wednesday 10 September 2014

Blog Tour Dream Cast & Giveaway - Exo by Steven Gould

by Steven Gould

Cent can teleport. So can her parents, but they are the only people in the world who can. This is not as great as you might think it would be — sure, you can go shopping in Japan and then have tea in London, but it’s hard to keep a secret like that. And there are people, dangerous people, who work for governments and have guns, who want to make you do just this one thing for them. And when you’re a teenage girl things get even more complicated. High school. Boys. Global climate change, refugees, and genocide. Orbital mechanics.

But Cent isn’t easily daunted, and neither are Davy and Millie, her parents. She’s going to make some changes in the world.

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Book Blitz & Giveaway - Inevitable Detour by S.R. Grey

Inevitable Detour
(Inevitability #1)
by S.R. Grey
Publication Date: September 7th 2014
Genres: New Adult, Romance, Suspense

The day my life took an inevitable detour things got a little crazy.

My name is Essalin Brant, but everyone calls me Essa. I attend a small college in a tiny town, and in my twenty-two years of life I’ve never even traveled outside the state of Pennsylvania. You could say my life is pretty boring. I live by the rules. I’m a good girl and nothing exciting ever happens.

But that’s all about to change.

Enter Farren Shaw. Not only is he older and intimidating, but he’s more sure of himself than any 29-year-old man has a right to be. Did I mention that he’s drop-dead gorgeous? Well, he is. He also happens to be my best friend Haven’s brother. And I would be content with just fantasizing about Farren from afar, but when Haven suddenly goes missing, her gorgeous brother is the only one who believes me when I say she was abducted, even though all signs seem to suggest Haven left town willingly.

I know better, though. As does Farren. So when he asks me to accompany him to search for his sister, I accept.

That’s when the real adventure begins.

Our quest to find Haven takes us across the country. And throughout the time we spend together, I find myself falling for Farren . . . falling hard. He's everything I’ve ever wanted. But is he really someone I should fear? 

Because aside from making me feel things I’ve never felt before, Farren is hiding something. Something big. What could this stunning man be keeping from me? And why? Is Haven’s disappearance somehow connected to his mysterious job?

All I know is that things are about to get real.

Welcome to the Inevitable Detour that has become my life.

**mature themes**

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Cover Reveal & Giveaway - Henge by Realm Lovejoy


I'm excited to share the cover reveal of Henge by Realm Lovejoy. Henge is a YA Fantasy that is a modern spin-off of the Arthurian legends featuring Morgan le Fay as the protagonist. It is due to release this fall. The cover art is by the author, Realm Lovejoy.


Book Blitz & Giveaway - Wounded by Shannon Mayer

(A Rylee Adamson Novel, Book 8)
by Shannon Mayer
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Date Published: September 9, 2014

Book Summary:
"My name is Rylee and I am a Tracker."

When children go missing, and the Humans have no leads, I'm the one they call. I am their last hope in bringing home the lost ones. I salvage what they cannot.

The clock is ticking and I can feel the weight of the final battle with the demon hordes looming over my head. The puzzle pieces are becoming clearer, but the casualty list is growing. And with each name that is added to those we've lost, my confidence cracks a little more.

Yet there is hope.

A child saved.

A life lost.

A prophecy fulfilled.

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 photo add-to-goodreads-button_zpsc7b3c634.png

Tuesday 9 September 2014

Blog Tour Spotlight & Giveaway - Guardians: The Girl by Lola StVil

Guardians: The Girl
Guardians, Book One
by Lola StVil
Genre: Young Adult Paranormal Romance
Cover Artist: Renu Sharma

Book Description:
The prophecy says I will fall in love with team leader and Angel, Marcus Cane. The prophecy also says that our love will cause his mission to fail and end the world.


This human is not worried. Why?

Because I do not intend to fall in love with Marcus.

The truth is I hate him. I hate his warm brown eyes with flecks of gold, his chiseled face and broad shoulders.

I hate how over protective he is just because a few thousand demons are after me.

In fact, I couldn't care less about Marcus or his perfect telekinetic girlfriend.

And when I see him holding her, I don’t die a little inside…

Buy Links:
Amazon ¦ BN ¦ Kobo ¦ Amazon UK ¦ iTunes