Monday 22 September 2014

Blog Tour Character Guest Post - Tavern on the Edge of Time by Peter Darrach

Tavern on the Edge of Time
Author: Peter Durrach
Publisher: CreateSpace
Pages: 366
Genre: Sci-fi
Format: Paperback

Book Summary:
During the year 2125, former asteroid miners Max Cody and Elaine Zhou never get a moment’s rest. No sooner have they doused the flames of war between Earth and Mars or returned from their first trip to the Tavern on the Edge of Time when they are called upon to help fit out the fledging Martian colony orbiting Jupiter’s moon Callisto. In parallel, Earth extradites the war’s fomenter, ex-billionaire arms merchant Xanthus Rex, hoping to gain from his insights into Martian teleportation technology, but he manages to turn Earth’s resources toward private revenge against Max, Mars, and the Callisto Colony. In the meantime aliens are leaking into the Earth-Mars continuum from the Tavern, whose proprietor repaired and upgraded Max after accidentally injuring him during an asteroid mining expedition. Max’s enhancements help, of course, but when strange beings with the power to animate matter—the Assemblers—find their way to Earth, Max, Mars, and humanity are sorely beset. Worse yet, the Tavern itself is becoming unstable, its acquisitive host having overstretched his considerable powers. His prospecting for collapsed neutron matter has also opened portals between continua, inadvertently adding still more aliens to the mix. That’s when the Assemblers’ overlord arrives and Max finally meets his match. Oh, and Elaine is expecting their hybrid baby. Yes, you might say these are difficult times at the Tavern on the Edge of Time.

Buy Links:
Amazon ¦ B&N ¦ iTunes

XENA: Warrior Princess Promo & Giveaway - 20th Anniversary & Billy Bobble Makes a Magic Wand

The 20th Anniversary of Xena: Warrior Princess – From Ancient Scrolls to E-Books.
By RS Mellette aka Xenastaff

Next year is the 20th anniversary of the first airing of the TV show Xena: Warrior Princess, but for me the anniversary is now. I was the writer's assistant from 1994 to 1997. Besides doing normal office work, I monitored the net forum as Xenastaff, wrote any dialogue that needed to be added after an episode was cut together, and wrote The Xena Scrolls for Universal's website. When an episode based on the online characters aired in 1997, it became the first intellectual property to move from the web to television.

Now, 20 years later, I'm about to publish a novel as an e-book. Oh how far we've come. I remember a Xena fan posting on the forum that he discovered the show online when he did a search for "Amazon." I thought, that makes sense. I mean, Xena isn't technically an Amazon, but what else should turn up when you search on that? Someone then explained to me that there was a new online bookstore called That was 1995.

You would think the anniversary would make me feel old, but that happened the first time I heard a co-worker say, "I loved Xena when I was a kid." Instead, I'm looking back on Xena, and forward to the release of my novel, Billy Bobble Makes A Magic Wand. It might shock some in the literary world, but I learned a lot about being a novelist from my work as an apprentice writer on a TV show.

One of those things was how to write a story for all ages. Xena was "syndicated for broadcast." Syndicated meaning it was sold directly to independent TV stations and Broadcast meaning it had to adhere to FCC rules (unlike subscription channels: HBO, Showtime, etc.).

Independent stations could play Xena any time they saw fit. In some cities it screened at midnight for adults. Other cities showed it on Saturday afternoons for kids. That's a wide age range, and believe it or not, the show's numbers were even across the board. We had as many men & women between 18 and 49 as we did girls & boys between 12 and 17 and 55 & over.

In the publishing world, the insistence to declare what age range a book is targeted to clashes with what I learned on Xena. Every time I hear someone say their book is "Middle Grade" or "Young Adult" all I think is, Why have you cut out the majority of the people on the planet?

Billy Bobble Makes A Magic Wand is a book for the whole family – which is probably why it's being published independently. The majors love to find a book "with crossover potential," but at the same time, don't want to hear that your book isn't targeted for a certain age range. They seem to think that crossover potential is rare, but anyone who knows their literary or theatre history – or who has worked in Broadcast TV – can tell you how to create a crossover work. Stick to these three rules:

1) Include characters of various ages, or follow the life of one character from young to old

2) Keep sex to what one may see in public and language to what your mother would approve of

3) Target age ranges in beats within the story, not for the whole piece.

Sunday 21 September 2014

Banned Books Week Giveaway Hop - Book Of Choice

Banned Books Week Giveaway Hop
September 21 - 27th

Hosted by I Am A Reader

Several blogs are taking part, so there's lots of amazing gifts to be won. Check out the rules of the other blogs. I will choose a winner within 5 days following the end of this contest. I will contact the winner via email. Winner will also be announced on this page.


My giveaway is for a Book of Choice of one ebook from the list below or winner may choose their own book from The Book Depository (up to $10).

Ends September 27th (midnight GMT).


Contest is void where prohibited. Entrants must be 13 or else have parent or guardian’s permission to enter. Winners will be notified via email and will have 48 hours to respond or another winner will be selected. The winner will be posted on this page after the winner responds. Winning entries will be verified for authenticity.

My Book Choices


So there you have my list of books. Winner may choose one from the list.
Enter the giveaway and then hop on to the next one.
Thanks and good luck to everyone!

Book Blast & Giveaway - Rewind to You by Laura Johnston

Rewind to You Cover
Rewind to You
by Laura Johnston

Book Summary:
One last summer before college on beautiful Tybee Island is supposed to help Sienna forget. But how can she? This is where her family spent every summer before everything changed, before the world as she knew it was ripped away.

But the past isn’t easily left behind. Especially when Sienna keeps having episodes that take her back to the night she wants to forget. Even when she meets the mysterious Austin Dobbs, the guy with the intense blue eyes, athlete’s body, and weakness for pralines who scooped her out of trouble when she blacked out on River Street.

When she’s with Austin, Sienna feels a whole new world opening up to her. Austin has secrets, and she has history. But caught between the past and the future, Sienna can still choose what happens now…

Buy Links:

Saturday 20 September 2014

Blog Tour Guest Post - Forbidden Forests: The Dragon Holder by Wilson Feliz

Forbidden Forests: The Dragon Holder
by Wilson Feliz

Book Summary:
The Forbidden Forest Series: Book One, The Dragon Holder is a young-adult fantasy novel set in the magical land of Sindergan. Once protected by the now-extinct dragons and their holders, Sindergan is under attack. The evil Decent Brotherhood and their shadow warriors will stop at nothing to destroy the kingdom and all the light within it. Hope for survival lies in the hands of twin witches, Hope and Destiny; a mage warrior, Anaya; an elf, Danche; an ogre; and Liam, the last dragon holder.

Buy Links:
Amazon US ¦ IN ¦ UK ¦ DE ¦ FR ¦ ES
IT ¦ JP ¦ BR ¦ CA ¦ MX ¦ AU

Blog Tour Excerpt - The Burden of Souls by Andy Monk

The Burden of Souls
by Andy Monk
Genre: Sci-Fi / Dark Fantasy
Date Published: September 2014

Book Summary:
Small Town, Dark Heart…

A long way from anywhere, on a road going nowhere, lays a small, unremarkable town. It seems a peaceable, prosperous little place, on the surface at least.

Away from prying eyes however, in the shadows and the forgotten corners, there is a web being weaved through the lives of its inhabitants by the town’s urbane and mysterious Mayor. A man prepared to make a deal for your heart's desire and, maybe, for your very soul…

Welcome to Hawker’s Drift, a town where nothing is quite as it seems…

Buy Links:

Highlander Giveaway Hop - Book Of Choice

Highlander Giveaway Hop
September 20 - 30th

Hosted by MK McClintock

Several blogs are taking part, so there's lots of amazing gifts to be won. Check out the rules of the other blogs. I will choose a winner within 5 days following the end of this contest. I will contact the winner via email. Winner will also be announced on this page.


My giveaway is for a Book of Choice of one ebook from the list below or winner may choose their own highlander book from The Book Depository (up to $10).

Ends September 30th (midnight GMT).


Contest is void where prohibited. Entrants must be 13 or else have parent or guardian’s permission to enter. Winners will be notified via email and will have 48 hours to respond or another winner will be selected. The winner will be posted on this page after the winner responds. Winning entries will be verified for authenticity.

My Book Choices

So there you have my list of books. Winner may choose one from the list.
Enter the giveaway and then hop on to the next one.
Thanks and good luck to everyone!

Book Of The Week {Wattpad}

And the Book Of The Week Nominations are:

Click on the book covers to sample the works.

Forget Me Not (YA Fiction / Spiritual)

Con Artist Legacy (Mystery / Humour)

Run (YA Science-Fiction)

Prosper (Historical Fiction)

Raining Fire (YA Fantasy / Adventure)

Friday 19 September 2014

Blog Tour Spotlight - Chandrea: The Return of the Avatar Queen by Marlene Wynn

Chandrea: The Return of the Avatar Queen
by Marlene Wynn

Book Description:
Chandrea Averill thinks she’s just like any other normal young woman.  But, on the day of her 23rd birthday, her life changes forever. Surrounded by magical creatures, dangerous sorcery, and insidious political intrigue, Chandrea desperately wants to return to Earth and the only life she’s ever known.  But, the longer she stays, the more she realizes that she may be the only one with the power – both magical and political – to save the people of Lyrunia.

Will she find the courage to remain and fight for her home world?

Buy Links:
BN ¦ Smashwords ¦ Amazon ¦ Kobo ¦ iTunes

Book Blitz Interview & Giveaway - Worlds Collide by S.M. McEachern

Worlds Collide
(Sunset Rising #2)
by S.M. McEachern
Publication Date: March 3rd, 2014
Genre: YA Dystopia

In a desperate attempt to escape execution, Sunny O’Donnell and Jack Kenner find a way out of the Pit and into a world still believed to be toxic with radiation. Under the brilliant sun for the first time in their lives, they not only discover that the earth has healed from nuclear war, but there are people outside the Dome.

In Worlds Collide, the second book of the Sunset Rising trilogy, Sunny and Jack must continue a life of subterfuge in order to stay alive and find a way to free the Pit. But in their attempt to save the urchins, they uncover the horrifying truth about President Holt and the evil he could unleash on the world.

Buy Links for Worlds Collide:
Amazon ¦ iBooks ¦ B&N ¦ Kobo

Buy Links for Sunset Rising:
Amazon ¦ iBooks ¦ B&N ¦ Kobo

Cover Reveal & Giveaway - Blood Phoenix: Claimed by Alisha Costanzo

Blood Phoenix: Claimed
by Alisha Costanzo
Genre: Urban Fantasy
Date Published: October 17, 2014

Book Summary:
Who knew immortality would be such a bitch.

Boot Camp for Vamps has a new prisoner, and Ria is testing her new world of rules and regulations, fighting her oldest nemesis—conformity. Her key battle is keeping her individuality and hiding her phoenix powers.

With an uptight mentor, an estranged werewolf, and an unlikely band of humans on her side, Ria must first survive her trials, designed to break her by a queen hell bent on making her suffer...let the nightmare begin.

 photo add-to-goodreads-button_zpsc7b3c634.png

Bookvie: The Drop - out September 12, 2014 (USA)

Who's in it:
Tom Hardy, Noomi Rapace, James Gandolfini

What's it all about (book blurb from Goodreads):
Dennis Lehane returns to the streets of Mystic River with this love story wrapped in a crime story wrapped in a journey of faith—the basis for the major motion picture The Drop, from Fox Searchlight Pictures directed by Michaël Roskam, screenplay by Dennis Lehane, and starring Tom Hardy, Noomi Rapace, and James Gandolfini.

Three days after Christmas, a lonely bartender looking for a reason to live rescues an abused puppy from a trash can and meets a damaged woman looking for something to believe in. As their relationship grows, they cross paths with the Chechen mafia; a man grown dangerous with age and thwarted hopes; two hapless stick-up artists; a very curious cop; and the original owner of the puppy, who wants his dog back. . . .

Thursday 18 September 2014

Blog Tour Spotlight & Giveaway - Promise of Magic by Melinda VanLone

Promise of Magic
House of Xannon
Book 3
by Melinda VanLone
Genre: urban fantasy
Word Count: 65k
Cover Artist:

Book Description:
On instinct, Tarian bowed her head in return, shocked. “Dulra. Welcome.” She breathed the words, awed by the presence of creatures she’d only known through legends. What is the Balance Court doing here?

“Tarian A’marie Maitea Xannon, of the House of Xannon, Keeper of the Water Artifact, you are summoned to the Balance Court.”

She’d been summoned, and every particle of her being cried out to answer it.

Despite the advanced stage of her pregnancy, Tarian has some explaining to do. Fulfilling her Agreement with the Carraig was an issue of honor—but it led to complications. The Keeper of the House of Xannon is called to account, and Tarian must embark on a dangerous mission which could cost her the life of her unborn daughter, end in disaster for all planes of existence—or save the world.

Some promises are deadly to keep. Will the promise of magic be one of them?

Buy Links:

Stuck in a Good Book Giveaway Hop - Book Of Choice or Amazon Gift Card

Stuck in a Good Book Giveaway Hop
September 20 - 25th

Several blogs are taking part, so there's lots of amazing gifts to be won. Check out the rules of the other blogs. I will choose a winner within 5 days following the end of this contest. I will contact the winner via email. Winner will also be announced on this page.


My giveaway is for a Book of Choice of one paperback book from the list below or winner may choose their own book from The Book Depository (up to $10). Alternatively, you may opt for a $10 Amazon Gift Card.

Ends September 25th (midnight GMT).


Contest is void where prohibited. Entrants must be 13 or else have parent or guardian’s permission to enter. Winners will be notified via email and will have 48 hours to respond or another winner will be selected. The winner will be posted on this page after the winner responds. Winning entries will be verified for authenticity.

My Book Choices

So there you have my list of books. Winner may choose one from the list.
Enter the giveaway and then hop on to the next one.
Thanks and good luck to everyone!