Monday 22 June 2015

Book Blast & Giveaway - Children of Darkness by David Litwack

Children of Darkness The Children of Darkness
The Seekers, Book 1
Author: David Litwack
Genre: Dystopian

Book Description:
"But what are we without dreams?"

A thousand years ago the Darkness came--a time of violence and social collapse when technology ran rampant. But the vicars of the Temple of Light brought peace, ushering in an era of blessed simplicity. For ten centuries they have kept the madness at bay with "temple magic," eliminating forever the rush of progress that nearly caused the destruction of everything.

Childhood friends, Orah and Nathaniel, have always lived in the tiny village of Little Pond, longing for more from life but unwilling to challenge the rigid status quo. When their friend Thomas returns from the Temple after his "teaching"—the secret coming-of-age ritual that binds the young to the Light—they barely recognize the broken and brooding man the boy has become. Then when Orah is summoned as well, Nathaniel follows in a foolhardy attempt to save her.

In the prisons of Temple City, they discover a terrible secret that launches the three on a journey to find the forbidden keep, placing their lives in jeopardy. For hidden in the keep awaits a truth from the past that threatens the foundation of the Temple. If they reveal that truth, they might release the long-suppressed potential of their people, but they would also incur the Temple’s wrath as it is written:

"If there comes among you a dreamer of dreams saying 'Let us return to the darkness,' you shall stone him, because he has sought to thrust you away from the light."

Buy Links:
Amazon ¦ Barnes & Noble

Blog Tour Excerpt - Find Me in Manhattan by Shealy James

Find Me in Manhattan
Author: Shealy James
Genre: New Adult Contemporary Romance
Date Published: March 25, 2015

Book Description:
Find Me in Manhattan is a stand-alone spin-off novel from the Finding Series.

Sarah Grant is finally living her dream in the Big Apple. While working to achieve her life’s ambitions, she becomes ensnared by the charming and charismatic Jameson Carmichael. Just when Jameson threatens Sarah’s safety, a dream-worthy hero falls in her lap making her question everything she had ever believed about herself.

Sergeant Michael Pearson is merely existing in this nightmare he calls life. He is attempting to have a normal existence, while struggling to discover who he is after the army. When an opportunity save someone arises, he doesn’t hesitate, but Michael doesn’t realize that he is rescuing the one woman in a city of millions that can make him want to truly live again.

Sarah and Michael discover a connection that runs deep, but can they find love in a city known for heartbreak?

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Sunday 21 June 2015

Release Event - Langston's Ghost: Aftermath by Juliette Harper

Welcome to the release event for Langston's Ghost: Aftermath by Juliette Harper. This is a short story of 25 pages that can be read in about 45 minutes. It is a companion story to the Lockwood Legacy books and the events in the plot are concurrent with those recounted in Langston's Daughters. You can read either first as there's no spoilers in this book. Langston's Ghost: Aftermath is now available for .99 cents on Amazon.

Langston's Ghost: Aftermath
Author: Juliette Harper

Book Description:
Langston Lockwood contemplates his suicide with great care, envisioning every possible outcome of his actions. He crafts a last will and testament designed to ensure that his iron-willed control over the lives of his daughters remains intact even from the grave. But he does not count on waking up in exactly the same spot where he died, or finding his own father waiting for him. In this first installment of The Lockwood Legacy Short Story series, Langston finds out the afterlife is not what he expected and that his own role in the events still unfolding on the Rocking L ranch is not over.

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Saturday 20 June 2015

Blog Tour Interview - Downcast by Cait Reynolds

Author: Cait Reynolds
Genre: YA Paranormal Romance

Book Description:
What would you do when faced with an impossible truth? Written with heart and passion, Downcast by Cait Reynolds is ripe with twists you never saw coming and love that defies the odds in this intense new Paranormal Romance retelling one of mythology’s greatest love stories.

It’s the start of Stephanie Starr’s senior year of high school, but sadly, this is no life of the prom queen. Stuck at the bottom of the high school social totem pole, Stephanie is forced by her domineering mother to wear lumpy linen dresses and eat organic tofu for lunch in a world of mini-skirts and pizza.

What Stephanie doesn’t anticipate is gorgeous and cocky Haley Smith who breaks social convention and pursues her with a determination that is both terrifying and flattering. Afraid that Haley is simply trying to set her up for massive humiliation, Stephanie does her best to push him away. But the more attention he pays to her, the more she runs, and the more everyone else begins to notice.

Instead of a loving family to support her as the mean girls make their play, Stephanie’s mother begins to unravel mentally, her possessiveness of Stephanie spiraling to new and frightening extremes. Stephanie is forced to grow up, find herself, and learn the truth about her past in order to save her mother, her friends, and her town. When the truth is revealed, nothing can prepare her for the outrageous reality of her existence…and nothing can save her from her fate.

Except Haley.

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Hero vs Hero: Highlander vs. Warrior Edition

Summer’s just around the corner, and what better way to celebrate than a hot one-of hero vs. hero match between two hunky historical heroes!

In one corner there’s Diana Cosby’s Giric Armstrong, rugged Highlander. In the other, his opponent:
Valentine Alesander, crusading warrior.

Who will win? That’s up to you! Read up on these heroes and place your votes now through June 22nd.

And come back June 23rd to see who will be victorious!

Book Of The Week {Wattpad}

And the Book Of The Week Nominations are:

Click on the book covers to sample the works.

The Wreck of the World (YA Sci-fi)

Epilox (YA Fantasy)

Oranges and Lemons (YA Mystery)

Red Moon - A Vampire Novel, Book 2 (Fantasy) 

Eyes of the Sea (YA Fantasy)

Friday 19 June 2015

Blog Tour Guest Post & Giveaway - The Stories We Don't Tell by Melissa Thayer

The Stories We Don’t Tell
Author: Melissa Thayer
Published by: Booktrope Publishing
Publication Date: May 15th, 2014

Book Description:
“Growing up had stolen the truth of us.”

A life worth living is a life worth sharing. Growing up in a small town in Montana not worth a name, that kind of life is not one Nick can manage, let alone comprehend. When fate gives him an existence he can barely recognize, he searches for meaning in the future he wishes existed, and attempts to escape a past that cannot be told, save for in the pages of a faded memory.

Melissa Thayer’s lyrical and poignant debut novel, part confession and part wistful longing, is an incisive look at love and loss, and what remains of a soul that is dashed against the rocky shorelines of hope.

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Book Blitz & Giveaway - Punished by Krys Fenner

(Dark Road Series, #2)
Author: Krys Fenner
Publication Date: Late June 2015
Genres: Psychological Thriller, Young Adult

Book Description:
Hope springs eternal for everyone except Bella Kynaston. She survived the rape, but making it through the trial is another deal all together. As lies come forward, more questions arise leaving Bella to suffer more punishment than she believed she deserved. Sometimes ending it all seems like the only answer. Will she find the peace she so desperately seeks if the pain permanently ended?

Jeremiah believed he’d done the right thing, even if the timing hadn’t been ideal. The only way to protect Bella was if he stayed out of her life. Or so he thought. When Bella starts dating David, Jeremiah thinks David could save her. As it turns out, things progressively get worse. Could Jeremiah be the solution? If so, can he get to her in time? Or will he suffer the worst punishment of his life and lose her forever?

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Book Blitz & Giveaway - When an Alpha Purrs by Eve Langlais

When an Alpha Purrs
(A Lion’s Pride #1)
Author: Eve Langlais
Publication Date: June 4th, 2015
Genres: Adult, Paranormal

Book Description:
A lion’s pride isn’t defined only by those he commands but also resides with his hair, so when a human dares to butcher Arik’s mane, he gets his revenge—and claims her as his mate.

A billionaire CEO and leader of the largest East Coast pride, Arik is a ladies man and a lion. Used to commanding others, and obedience, he can’t believe it when a hairdresser with tempting curves chops off a hunk of his precious mane.

But her biggest mistake is in running from him.

Run as fast as you can, little mouse, because this cat loves to chase—and pounce.

Oh, and he also likes to nibble on tender bits. What he doesn’t expect is to fall for a human woman, a woman who can make the impossible happen because everyone knows lions can’t purr…until now.

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Cover Reveal & Giveaway - Trudy Genova Mysteries by Marni Graff

 We are so excited to be revealing the cover for Death Unscripted as the first book in the Trudy Genova Manhattan Mysteries series by M.K. Graff! 

Trudy Genova Mysteries
Author: Marni Graff

Book Blast & Giveaway - Aegis Incursion by S.S. Segran

Aegis Incursion
Author: S.S. Segran
Genre: YA Sci-Fi
Publisher: INKmagination

Book Description:
Great as a Standalone or as an Explosive Sequel to #1 Amazon Kindle Bestseller, AEGIS RISING.

On a bright July morning in 1948, a B-29 Superfortress flying a top-secret research mission over Nevada crashes into the calm waters of Lake Mead and sinks, remaining lost for half a century.

It has been nearly a year since five friends - Jag, Kody, Mariah, Tegan and Aari - mysteriously reappeared in a small town in Yukon several weeks after their small plane went down in Northern Canada. All were found in good health but with no recollection of what happened to them after the crash.

A baffling contagion is spreading across the bread-basket of North America destroying vital crops. As this dark shadow marches across the globe, widespread famine and riots bring desperate nations to the brink of war.

These seemingly unrelated events set the stage for a battle between the forces of darkness and those destined to become the 'bearers of light'. From ravaged fields in the Great Plains to clandestine installations around the world, the Aegis League must race against time to save humanity.

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Bookvie: The Martian - out November 27, 2015 (UK)

Who's in it:
Kate Mara, Jessica Chastain, Kristen Wiig

Thursday 18 June 2015

Blog Tour Spotlight - Winning Glory by Ann Gimpel

Winning Glory
GenTech Rebellion, Book 1
Ann Gimpel

Publisher: Dream Shadow Press
Length: 60K words
Release Date: 4/21/15
Genre: Military Romantic Suspense

The line between hunter and hunted thins, blurs, and finally shatters.

Series Backstory:
Sometime between the interminable wars in the Middle East and 9/11, the United States moved forward breeding a race of super humans. Clandestine labs formed, armed with eager scientists who’d always yearned to manipulate human DNA. At first the clones looked promising, growing to fighting size in as little as a dozen years, but V1 had design flaws.

Seven years ago, a rogue group turned on their creators, blew up the lab, and hit all the other breeding farms, freeing whomever they could find. In the intervening time, they’ve retreated to hidden compounds and created a society run by men. Women are kept on a tight leash because the men fear if they discover their innate power, they’d launch their own rebellion. 

Book Description:
Being a genetically altered human without a name grew old, so Glory named herself. Surrounded by a maze of unpleasant alternatives, she makes a bold choice and ends up a fugitive in the midst of a Minnesota winter. Once she’s on the run, she discovers how unprepared she is for life outside her protected compound.

CIA agent, Roy Kincaid, devoted his career to hunting super humans who staged a rebellion seven years before. He’s not making much headway, so he goes deep undercover. One blustery night, a striking woman staggers into the café where he’s catching a late meal. Part waif, part runway model, the half-frozen woman arrows straight into his heart.

Glory’s flat out of alternatives, but death in the storm might be preferable to telling the tall stranger looming over her anything. Sensing Roy is dangerous, she pushes into his head seeking clues and discovers he hunts those like her. Maybe she can fool him, just for tonight. Get a hot meal and dry motel room out of the deal. If she’s lucky, he’ll never find out she’s on the run from the same group he’s targeted for death.

The thing she didn’t count on was falling in love.

Buy Links:
Amazon ¦ B&N ¦ iTunes ¦ Kobo

Blog Tour Excerpt & Giveaway - You Can't Get Blood Out of Shag Carpet by Juliette Harper

Welcome to the blog tour of You Can't Get Blood Out of Shag Carpet by Juliette Harper! This is the first book in A Study Club Mystery series and it's now available for sale on Amazon and Smashwords for only .99 cents!

This tour runs June 15-26 with reviews, interviews, guest posts and excerpts. Check out the tour page for the full schedule.

You Can't Get Blood Out of Shag Carpet
Author: Juliette Harper

Book Description:
Wanda Jean Milton discovers her husband, local exterminator Hilton Milton, dead on her new shag carpet with an Old Hickory carving knife sticking out of his chest. Beside herself over how she’ll remove the stain, and grief-stricken over Hilton’s demise, Wanda Jean finds herself the prime suspect in the case. But she is also a member of “the” local Study Club, a bastion of independent Texas feminism 1960s style. Club President Clara Wyler has no intention of allowing a member to be a murder suspect during her administration. Aided by her younger sister and County Clerk, Mae Ella Gormley; Sugar Watson, the proprietress of Sugar’s Style and Spray; and Wilma Schneider, Army MASH veteran and local RN, the Club women set out to clear Wanda Jean’s name — never guessing the local dirt they’ll uncover in the process.

Only .99 cents at:

Cover Reveal - The Day Human Way by B. Kristin McMichael

The Day Human Way
(The Day Human Trilogy #3)
Author: B. Kristin McMichael
Published by: Lexia Press
Publication Date: July 28th, 2015
Genres: Paranormal, Young Adult

Cover Reveal - Reunion of Souls by Paul Lonardo

Reunion of Souls
Author: Paul Lonardo
Genre: Contemporary Romance