Monday 31 August 2015

Blog Tour Guest Post - Magic, Mayhem and Life Underground with Bunkie by Shelley Brown

Magic, Mayhem and Life Underground with Bunkie
Author: Shelley Brown
Genre: Second - Middle Grade/Adventure
Length: 4 pages
Release Date: August 1, 2015
ISBN-13: 978-1514880319
IMPRINT: Sunquills

Book Description:
Set in a bustling meadow in the Colorado highlands, Magic, Mayhem and Life Underground with Bunkie is a light-hearted story about a rabbit who might have hopped right out of Mayberry and onto the black-and-white, boldly-illustrated page. But the adventures of this warm-fuzzy bunny won’t lull you to sleep. Life in the meadow for Bunkie Bernstein is no picnic – at least not until he gains access to the tasty vegetable patch on the Murdock Farm – a feat that requires the help of a scurrilous snake and shape-shifting flower. When a fire in the forest forces Bunkie to move, he befriends a pika that he just can’t quite trust. Whoever heard of a rabbit that can’t jump, anyway?

Things start to look up when Bunkie meets, Beatrice. This beautiful, cotton-white female rabbit is like a dream. However, Bunkie quickly learns that Beatrice is the one dreaming when he discovers that this beautiful bunny thinks she is human! Their eventful year comes to a close just as winter sets in, but not before encountering a ghost in the burrow – a perfect mystery on one fall hallowed eve.

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Promo Blitz & Giveaway - Inkling by John D. Waterman

Author: John D. Waterman 
Genre: Science Fiction
Published: 2013

Book Description:
Follow the characters Gyro and Skoots as they set out on their adventure across the galaxy. What could possibly go wrong when they sign up to be miners on a far away planet?

“Inkling” is the science fiction story of a man named Gyro, a down-on-his-luck veteran of Planetary Defense, who also happens to be an amateur computer programmer. Desperate for a job, he signs a five-year contract when the Virtue Mining Corporation offers him a career on Joules, a far-distant mining planet. He goes through basic training with Skoots, a former high school sports star who has a major obsession with women. Despite their differing personalities and outlooks on life, the two men become fast friends.    During transport to the mining planet, a distorted hyperspace jump throws their spacecraft into an uncharted sector of the galaxy, thus placing the welfare of the crew and passengers in jeopardy.  Hopelessly lost in space, Gyro has an idea, an inkling about how to use his programming experience to rescue the ship, but a mutiny erupts on board, making survival a race against time as their food supply runs out.

Read this book to: Learn why Gyro would want to sign up for an off-planet mining job. See how he develops ideas for programming his computer. Find out how to properly prepare for a hyperspace jump. Travel across the galaxy with a tough crowd of miners. Marvel at Skoots' obsession with women. Learn a little about mining silver. And more .

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Blog Tour Promo - What To Do With A Duke by Sally Mackenzie

What To Do With A Duke
Author: Sally MacKenzie
Publisher: Zebra
Genre: Historical Romance
Format: Kindle/Paperback/Audio

Book Description:
Welcome to the charming, fatefully named village of Loves Bridge, where a woman destined for spinsterhood can live a life of her own choosing—or fall unexpectedly, madly in love…

Miss Isabelle Catherine Hutting would rather be lounging in the library than circling the ballroom in search of a husband any day. So when Cat hears that the town’s infamous Spinster House is open for a new resident, she jumps at the chance to put all this marriage business behind her. But first she must make arrangements with her prospective landlord, Marcus, the Duke of Hart—the most handsome man she’s ever seen, and the only man who’s ever impressed her in the least…

With her wit, independent spirit, and not least of all her beauty, Marcus can’t help but be stirred by Cat. It’s terribly unfortunate he’s not looking to marry, given the centuries-old curse that left his family with the Spinster House to begin with. No duke shall live to see his heir’s birth. But is there a chance the curse could be broken—in true fairy-tale fashion—by an act of true love? The race to Happily Ever After is about to begin…

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Book Of The Month: Geniuses in Disguise

And the August Book Of The Month Award goes to:

Geniuses in Disguise
Author: Bethea Eleora
Genre: YA Sci-Fi

Sunday 30 August 2015

Promo Blitz & Giveaway - Approaching Twi-Night by M. Thomas Apple

Approaching Twi-Night
Author: M. Thomas Apple 
Genre: Literary Fiction / Sports Fiction 
Date Published: February 2015

Book Description:
An aging baseball player is given one final chance at professional and personal redemption in small town America as he struggles to come to grips with his past, his sense of self, and his career.

Journeyman relief pitcher Jonathan “Ditch” Klein was all set to be a replacement player during the 1994-1995 baseball strike…until the strike ended. Offered a contract in the minor leagues, playing at the same Upstate NY ballpark he once found success in high school, Ditch has one last chance to prove his worth. But to whom? A manager with an axe to grind, a father second-guessing his pitching decisions, a local sportswriter hailing him as a hometown hero, a decade older than his teammates and trying to resurrect an injury-ridden career…Ditch thinks he may have a possible back-up plan: become a sportswriter himself. The only question is whether he is a pitcher who aspires to be a writer, or the other way around…

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Saturday 29 August 2015

Cover Reveal - Once Upon a Time University by Savannah Ostler

Once Upon A Time University
Author: Savannah Ostler
Genre: YA Fantasy / Adventure / Romance

Promo Blitz & Giveaway - Casting Lots by William D. McEachern

Casting Lots
Author: William D. McEachern

Genre: Historical Fiction
Date Published: January 14

Book Description:
Casting Lots is the tale of how a Greek slave, Lucinius, becomes an influential religious leader and literary figure in the First Century A.D.  His spiritual awakening is prompted by an unlikely mentor, a Centurion, who was at the crucifixion. 

Lucinius is ordered by his master to assemble the stories told by eye-witnesses to the life and death of Jesus Christ.  Cornelius was the Centurion at the Crucifixion. Cornelius is hated by the Jews and the Romans.  He is haunted by the Crucifixion because he won the shroud worn by Christ in a game of dice.  He takes Lucinius on a journey throughout the Empire and tells him what seem to be fantastic stories about famous Romans during the era of the Republic, some 100 years ago.  These stories contain elements which Cornelius could not possibly know, unless he is making them up or unless there is some other explanation.

The book answers the question of who wrote the Gospel of Luke and why he wrote it.  The book answers the question of who is Cornelius and why he said Jesus was an innocent man at his Crucifixion.   Thus, it is a tale of the two men's spiritual journeys.

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Cover Reveal - Beyond the Veil by Laura N. Anile

Beyond the Veil
(Time Shifters, #2)
Author: Laura N. Anile
Publication Date: September 2015
Genres: Dystopia, Young Adult

Book Of The Week {Wattpad}

And the Book Of The Week Nominations are:

Click on the book covers to sample the works.

Demonic Eyes, Heart of Gold (YA Fantasy)

Whisper of Spilt Blood (YA Mystery / Thriller / Crime)

Betrayal, Bloodlust, and Bureaucrats (NA Adventure)

The Overlooked (NA Fantasy)

Craving Crazy (NA Action)

Friday 28 August 2015

Blog Tour Excerpt - August's Gardens by Michelle Barclay

August's Gardens
Author: Michelle Barclay
Genre: Horror / Fantasy
Date Published: 8/18/2015

Book Description:
Morrigan is beyond death, trapped in a hellish nightmare from which only the Artist can save her. The Fiend is behind enemy lines learning to reap what he has sown. The Artist reaches deep into his past to find a reason for the strange woman he now must rescue from the vile Dark Man. The Winged Man is forced to wait while all of the elements he needs to start war with hell itself fall into place. Will he fight alone or will his shattered family unite with him?

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Blog Tour Guest Post - A Fearful Lie by Jean Fournier Johnson

A Fearful Lie
Author: Jean Fournier Johnson
Genre: Literary Fiction/Mystery
Length: 346 pages
Release Date: April 25, 2015
ISBN-13: 978-1508674542

Book Description:
By the time Gloria sees the little boy step out from between the parked cars it is too late. She hears the sickening thud as her vehicle strikes his body. She remembers that third drink at the bar, her husband's career as a police officer. Fearful that if she stays she will ruin the lives of those she loves, Gloria drives away. She leaves the child on the sidewalk for his mother to find.

Having convinced herself she can live with this decision, Gloria is surprised to find her guilt beginning to take a toll on her family. Turning away from her marriage as it falls apart, she decides to atone for her crime by devoting her life to helping others.

What better place to start than with Marisa, the mother of the boy she killed?

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Book Blitz - Shadow in the Sea by Sheila A. Nielson

Shadow in the Sea
Author: Sheila A. Nielson
Publication Date: July 15th, 2015
Genres: Fantasy, Young Adult

Book Description:
When sixteen-year-old Sadelyn Hanson washes up on the shores of Windwaithe Island, her beauty and the strange marks on her wrist make superstitious locals suspect she is a mermaid. Feigning amnesia, Sade hides a far worse secret: she was sailing to her own murder trial when she was thrown overboard by the real killer, the cunning and cruel Captain Westwood.

Sade’s quiet effort to rebuild her life on the island is threatened when she meets an actual young merman. Unable to speak his language, Sade still longs for the warm companionship he offers, despite the locals’ dire legends about merfolk and their dark magic. But her confused feelings for the impossible boy become the least of her problems when Captain Westwood’s ship docks at Windwaithe. With nowhere to escape, Sade must trust in the one person who doesn’t fear the merfolk. A woman who had dealings with them herself—years ago.

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Cover Reveal - Cursed by Christina Bauer

(Beholder, #1)
Author: Christina Bauer
Published by: Ink Monster LLC
Publication Date: March 29th, 2016
Genres: Fantasy, Romance, Young Adult

Promo Blitz - To Be Honest by T.C. Booth

To Be Honest
Author: T.C. Booth
Genre: Young Adult Contemporary Romance
Date Published: July 21, 2015

Book Description:
T.C. Booth’s latest novel, To Be Honest, is a heart-warming young adult contemporary romance that focuses on cyberbullying, diversity and the struggles of living with a handicap, from the point of view of a teenage girl.

The book features Starla Emerson, a girl whose self-esteem vanished almost overnight when a freak accident left her with a deformed hand. When her family moves and she can no longer rely on her best friend and boyfriend for moral support, she finds herself all alone one hundred and twenty miles away home.

Starla tries not to stand out at her new school, but when a stranger posts pictures of her on the internet, this puts her in the spotlight against her wishes. And when the cyberbullying threatens to destroy her relationship, things take a turn for the worse.

To Be Honest has received glowing reviews on Amazon.

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Bookvie: Me and Earl and the Dying Girl - out September 4, 2015 (UK)

Who's in it:
Thomas Mann, RJ Cyler, Olivia Cooke

Thursday 27 August 2015

Blog Tour Spotlight & Giveaway - Connor by Miranda Stork

The Athol Trilogy, Book 1
Miranda Stork
Genre: Paranormal
Publisher: Isara Press
Date of Publication: April 19th, 2012
ISBN: 978-1482795585
ASIN: B007VZO792
Number of pages: 297
Word Count: 80,924
Cover Artist: Miranda Stork

Book Description:
Erin is a young psychologist, with no time for anything but her work, and unable to remember anything about her past. She leads an uneventful life, but a lonely one, in which she secretly wishes for a soulmate...

Conner is an unusual patient who approaches her, thrusting her into a strange world of darkness that runs beneath our own. He believes himself to be a creature of legend-a werewolf. But he also draws Erin with a roguish charm, and an irresistible feeling that seems to bind them together...

Conner desperately tries to save her from an unknown evil that pursues her with a relentless passion that crosses centuries, an evil that once took her very soul away, somewhere in Erin's lost memories.

As she becomes more entwined in a series of events that will remind her of who she really is, will she make it away from the oncoming darkness unscathed...?

Buy Links:
Amazon US ¦ UK ¦ CAN ¦ Apple ¦ B&N ¦ Kobo ¦ Audible