Friday 4 September 2015

Cover Reveal - Atlantis Quest by Gloria Craw

Atlantis Quest
Author: Gloria Craw
Release Date: 02/02/16
Publisher: Entangled Teen
Pages: 356

Promo Blitz & Giveaway - Reflections of Infinity by C.W. Holcomb

Reflections of Infinity
Book 1
Epic Fantasy
Author: C.W. Holcomb
Date Published: February 2015

Book Description:
Amid the power struggle for the throne of a vast Empire, mortals and newly born magical gods come into contact for the first time on the Known Worlds. Meanwhile a young boy is swept along with a fierce group of warriors on their expedition to a only recently discovered Wild World where otherworldly dangers and treasures await!

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Thursday 3 September 2015

Blog Tour Excerpt & Giveaway - Rival Dreams by Natalie Decker

Rival Dreams
(Rival Love #3)
Author: Natalie Decker
Published by: Swoon Romance
Publication Date: September 1st, 2015
Genres: Romance, Young Adult

Book Description:
Skylar Fletcher and Caleb Morgan have been together for almost two years. On the surface, everything is great. Skylar is kicking major butt in swimming and has been offered the captain spot. Caleb is the top quarterback in the league. And even though their schedules can be a little hectic at times, they’ve always seem to make time for one another.

But once Caleb is approached by the NFL, his behavior turns odd. He flakes out on appointments to check out apartments and doesn’t call her on the nights when they’re apart.

Pro football has been Caleb’s dream since forever. But what kind of idiot asks a girl to drop everything so he can follow his dream?

RIVAL DREAMS is the dramatic and heartwarming conclusion to Natalie Decker’s RIVAL LOVE series.

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Blog Tour Excerpt - Outside, Inside by Cindy Helms

Outside, Inside
Author: Cindy Helms
Genre: Children's Book (4-8)
Date Published: August 25, 2015

Book Description:
Have you ever felt like all of your friends had forgotten about you?  Have you ever felt left out?  This is exactly what happens to Birdie in Outside, Inside.  When Birdie does not see his friends around, he decides to go out and look for them.  He quickly finds that something strange is going on.  Birdie’s friends are really planning a super fun surprise that gives Birdie a change of heart.  Outside, Inside is a simple story about the joy of friendship and giving.  Using 35 easy words and vivid, colorful characters, this story is enchanting for the youngest of readers.

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Cover Reveal - Romancing the Nerd by Leah Rae Miller

Romancing the Nerd
Release Date: 02/02/16
Publisher: Entangled Teen
Pages: 352

Blog Tour Excerpt - Deceptive by M.D. Melai & C.S. Leigh

Author: M.D. Melai & C.S. Leigh
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Date Published: February 5, 2015

Book Description:
Twenty-one year old Liliana Dapprima was living her life exactly how she planned. She had an amazing job as an interior designer and lived with her best friend Violet in Toronto. But, everything changes when her father forces her to move to New Jersey to re-design his businesses in New York City. Upon her arrival in New Jersey, she finds out she must live with her old flame, Emilio Amante, who had completely tore apart her heart.

She must learn to live alongside Emilio as she tries to start a new relationship with the new man in her life, Lucas. And to make matters even more complicated, Emilio is Lucas’ boss.

Dealing with a love triangle is hard enough, but then Lily must also deal with secrets from and about her family. She is constantly lied to and when she gets attacked multiple times by a rival family, she wants answers and will go to any extent to get them.

Liliana has been living in a world where everyone and everything is not what it seems.

What will happen when tragedy strikes and secrets are revealed?

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Blog Tour Interview - The Teddy Bear Eye Club by Suzanne M. Hurley

The Teddy Bear Eye Club
Suzanne M. Hurley
Publisher: Wings ePress
Pages: 286
Genre: Young Adult
Format: Kindle/Nook

Book Description:
Depressed, fourteen-year-old Mayah Lewis hides from the world, until she befriends new girl, beautiful bald-headed Celeste Daniels.

Everything begins looking up, until one day, Celeste disappears.

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Promo Blitz & Giveaway - The God Thought by Dave Cravens

The God Thought
Author: Dave Cravens

Genre: Science Fiction
Date Published: April 23, 2015

Book Description:
A MASSIVE EXPLOSION… levels a small town in Kansas and rips apart the commercial airliner flying overhead. The wife and child of Oliver Wells are among the thousands reported dead. Authorities blame the tragedy on an accident at a fertilizer plant not up to code. A year later, still grappling with his depression, Oliver is accosted by a mysterious stranger who offers another answer:




Thrust into a hidden world of conspirators and luminaries who would do anything to attain the farmer's knowledge, Oliver finds himself in a race to confront the man who killed his family. To do so, he must test the limits of his sanity... AND UNLOCK THE POWER OF THE GOD THOUGHT FOR HIMSELF.

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Wednesday 2 September 2015

Blog Tour Excerpt & Giveaway - The Deep Beneath (H.A.L.F) by Natalie Wright

The Deep Beneath (H.A.L.F)
(H.A.L.F #1)
Author: Natalie Wright
Publication Date: January 7th, 2015
Genres: Science Fiction, Young Adult

Book Description:
H.A.L.F. 9 has taken his first breath of desert air and his first steps in the human world. Created to be a weapon, he proved too powerful for his makers and has lived a sedated life hidden from humans. But H.A.L.F. 9 has escaped the underground lab he called home, and the sedation has worn off. He has never been more alive. More powerful. Or more deadly.

Erika Holt longs to ride her motorcycle east until pavement meets shore. She bides her time until graduation when she’ll say adios to the trailer she shares with her alcoholic mother and memories of her dead father. But a typical night in the desert with friends thrusts Erika into a situation more dangerous than she ever imagined.

Circumstances push the two together, and each must make a fateful choice. Will Erika help H.A.L.F. 9 despite her “don’t get involved” rule? And will H.A.L.F. 9 let Erika live even though he was trained to kill?

The two may need to forget their rules and training and if either is to survive the dangers of the deep beneath them.

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Book Blast & Giveaway - Better Than Chocolate by J. Lynn Rowan

Better Than Chocolate
Author: J. Lynn Rowan
Genre: Chick Lit Romance

Book Description:
Carmella Sannarelli just found out that her best friend, Sadie Miller, has broken her engagement and is eloping on St. Croix. Though Carmella agrees to act as the maid of honor, she’s determined to find out what went wrong between her friends.

But she’s not counting on coming face to face with Ryan Wutkowski (the jilted fiancé) on the plane, or with staying at his hotel during a two-day stopover in San Juan. They try to act like nothing’s changed. But Carmella’s totally flustered by the weird vibes Ryan sends her, as well as how tingly and off-kilter she feels every time he so much as looks at her.

Now Carmella can’t stop thinking about Ryan or his behavior, even though most of her time in St. Croix is taken up by pre-wedding activities and dodging advances from the womanizing best man. And she knows there’s more to the story behind Ryan and Sadie’s breakup than either of them will admit to her.

Especially after Ryan shows up at the rehearsal dinner and gets himself invited to the wedding...

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Blog Tour Interview & Giveaway - The Convenient Wedding by Susie Warren

The Convenient Wedding
Author: Susie Warren
Genre: Contemporary Romance

Book Description:
The Convenient Wedding

A reluctant socialite is pulled into a scandal and must choose between her families’ reputation and her future happiness.

Lucia Montgomery is from an old and powerful political family in Connecticut and desperately wants to shed her reputation as a superficial socialite. Against her family’s wishes, she seeks a position working for a fiercely contested political campaign and the dark horse in the race, Anderson Adams. She is thrown into the middle of a scandal of her own making when she is tricked into going to his hotel room. Anderson persuades her to play along with a pretend engagement then an actual wedding to save her reputation and his campaign. The media falls in love with the charismatic couple and they must figure out how to reconcile their public image with their private life.

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Tuesday 1 September 2015

Blog Tour Excerpt & Giveaway - The Banished Craft by E.D.E. Bell

The Banished Craft
Author: E.D.E. Bell

Book Description:
The Banished Craft is a genre-bending fantasy saga that follows the adventures of Cor, a woman caught in a dying world that does not accept her, and Atesh, a dragon scientist who’s been asked to violate his own ethics or put the lives of his family at risk. Follow their trials as they deal with a shattered world, mired in political upheaval, while they try to rediscover a lost magic. The Banished Craft begins the Shkode trilogy: a quirky and modern take on dragons and wizards, exploring themes of identity, prejudice, violence, compassion, and the ways we are all connected.

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Cover and Book Trailer Reveal - A Whisper of Death by Paul Barrett

A Whisper of Death
The Necromancer Series
Book 1
Author: Paul Barrett
Genre: YA Dark Fantasy
Publisher: Fiery Seas Publishing, LLC
Date of Publication: December  22, 2015
Cover Artist: Jess Small

Cover Reveal & Giveaway - Christmas Kisses by five bestselling and award-winning authors

 Christmas Kisses is a collection from five bestselling and award-winning authors. Set in the snowy town of Echo Ridge in upstate New York, these inspirational romances are sure to delight while you sip cocoa by the fire and listen to Christmas carols.

***Pre-order now for only $.99***

Book Blast & Giveaway - Happily Never After by Bess George

Happily Never After
Author: Bess George
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Publisher: Soul Mate Publishing

Book Description:
Dallas ADA Kelsey Brackston survives a brutal attack but struggles with PTSD. When someone begins to stalk her, she relocates hoping for a new start. A person can’t be hurt if they can’t be found. Her logic seems flawed when someone tries to kill her—again.

This could be Bode Taggert’s last chance at being a cop after crawling out of a bottle. Focused on the job, he avoids personal commitments. Something within him resonates with the lady ADA. Maybe it’s her desire to move forward after a life altering event. Or not being able to move forward no matter how hard you try.

Despite his good intentions, Bode falls for the sexy lawyer. While he and the police concentrate on arresting her stalker, Kelsey vanishes. With his career—and heart—on the line, Bode will stop at nothing to find her. But will their newfound faith in one another be enough to save the day? Or will their inner demons destroy them both?

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Monday 31 August 2015

Blog Tour Spotlight - The Maurin Kincaide Series by Rachel Rawlings

The Morrigna
The Maurin Kincaide Series
Book One
Rachel Rawlings
Genre: Paranormal Urban Fantasy
Number of pages: 326
Cover Artist: Joseph Eastwood

Book Description:
I'm Maurin Kincaide, a psychometric, and until a few days ago I was working for Salem's Preternatural Task Force as an interrogator. I cracked more cold cases and got more confessions than anyone else in the department. Of course that was before I traded in my badge for an ancient Celtic sword. Now, I'm the Special Liaison for the Council, the governing body of the Others, and I take my orders from witches, werewolves and vampires.

I didn't just make a career change though. I'm not the same person I was before. I'm stronger, I can heal from wounds that would kill a normal person. I'm developing latent psychic skills at a breakneck speed. Oh yeah, and it would seem that a Pagan goddess has taken permanent residence in my body and mind. Crazy thing is, I'm starting to feel normal, like this is who I'm supposed to be.

Of course, there are those who don't agree. Morrigan and her sisters for example. Actually, I'm pretty sure they'd like nothing more than to see me dead. And if I can't stop them and the demons they've raised, they just might get their wish.

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