Monday 17 June 2024

Book Blitz & Giveaway - Every Scar Tells a Story by Rayna York

Every Scar Tells a Story
Author: Rayna York
Publication Date: June 15th, 2024
Genre: YA Contemporary Romance

Book Description:
They say time heals all wounds, but they never mention the scars left behind.

Serena McNeal, outgoing and ambitious, is ready to escape her small town as soon as she graduates high school. Knox prefers to live in the shadows, finding comfort in his anonymity. As their worlds collide and the ghosts of Knox’s troubled past resurface, more than their newly-created bond will be tested. Because now, every decision made could be the difference between sharing a future together or facing a reality where neither one survives.

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Monday 10 June 2024

Book Blitz & Giveaway - Break My Bones by Rachael Tamayo

Break My Bones
(Deadly Sins, #1)
Author: Rachael Tamayo
Publication Date: June 6th, 2024
Genre: Adult Thriller

Book Description:
Three years ago Brooklyn James ran for her life with her toddler in tow. Now, her estranged husband, Cain, is back. Brooklyn will be forced to decide, will she run once again, or stand her ground and face the devil himself?

Brook is the manager of a popular Dallas Nightclub, mother, and wife. Three years later she and her daughter are back on their feet and things for her are going better than she imagined when she was forced to run for her life from her husband Cain and ended up homeless with a toddler to protect. Despite her current success, spending every waking moment watching for his inevitable return has taken its toll on the young mother.

Cain James has been released from a three-year stint in prison, and has hooked back up with his lifelong best friend, Donovan. With money in hand due to a substantial inheritance after his father’s death, and the support of the man that has always helped him when he needed it most, he’s got a plan to win back his wife, by any means necessary.

As Cain becomes a man undone by obsession and descents slowly into madness, Brook must watch virtually helplessly and decide, will she run from him again, or stand this time, risking everything?

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Monday 3 June 2024

Book Blitz & Giveaway - Need You Now by Maria K. Alexander

Need You Now
(A Pelican Bay Novella)
Author: Maria K. Alexander
Publication Date: June 2nd, 2024
Genre: Adult Comedy / Contemporary, Romance

Book Description:
Can two lost souls reunite in time to save her shop and their hearts?

Abby O’Connell returned to Pelican Bay to start a new chapter of her life. With the revitalization of the hurricane-ravaged beach town, it’s a perfect time to open the bath and body product shop she’s always dreamed of. But with her place looking more like a construction zone, the risk of not being ready for opening day is high. Just when she thinks things can’t get worse, she takes a fall on the beach, only to be rescued by her sexy surfer ex.

Connor Maguire was always the party guy. In recovery from a substance abuse disorder, he’s gotten his act together and now is a partner in a home improvement business and co-host of a reality TV show. Surfing has always been a way to escape his worries while becoming one with the waves. When he witnesses a woman fall on the beach, the last person he expects is the girl whose heart he broke ten years ago.

With a week until the grand opening of her shop, can he use his renovation skills to bring her shop and their hearts to life without risking his hard-earned recovery?

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