
Wednesday 2 September 2015

Blog Tour Interview & Giveaway - The Convenient Wedding by Susie Warren

The Convenient Wedding
Author: Susie Warren
Genre: Contemporary Romance

Book Description:
The Convenient Wedding

A reluctant socialite is pulled into a scandal and must choose between her families’ reputation and her future happiness.

Lucia Montgomery is from an old and powerful political family in Connecticut and desperately wants to shed her reputation as a superficial socialite. Against her family’s wishes, she seeks a position working for a fiercely contested political campaign and the dark horse in the race, Anderson Adams. She is thrown into the middle of a scandal of her own making when she is tricked into going to his hotel room. Anderson persuades her to play along with a pretend engagement then an actual wedding to save her reputation and his campaign. The media falls in love with the charismatic couple and they must figure out how to reconcile their public image with their private life.

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Author Interview

1. What inspired you to write your first book?
I started writing for the sheer joy of creating stories and to see what would happen. I like to play with language and enjoy learning about the craft of writing. As a writer, I have ultimate control and can let my imagination run wild.  My first novel, The Forgotten Heiress, was inspired by a story my great aunt had told me. When she was a young girl, her parents had taken in an infant for the church. They cared for and loved the baby but knew the church would at some point place the child somewhere else. On the child’s 4th birthday, the decision was made to send the child to Ireland to live with a guardian. They never knew the child’s real name or the reason she couldn’t be raised by her birth parents.  I made this the jumping off point for the novel. Why would someone feel the need to hide their child’s identity?

2. Do you have a specific writing style?
I’m not sure about a specific writing style. I tend to like interesting plots and layered stories for more emotional impact. And I’m always looking for ways to improve my writing. My style is probably hopeful and optimistic while dealing with real issues and dilemmas.

3. How did you come up with the title for your book?
The Convenient Wedding was originally named something else but I kept putting it aside and working on other stories. So by the time I was ready to publish it, another writer had used the original working title. I took a look at what was already out there and came up with a title that conveyed the message to readers that this story was going to be about a ‘marriage of convenience’.

4. Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp?
The message is to ‘make yourself vulnerable’ when getting to know someone. I think in our society, there is a tendency to want to hide or protect oneself. The characters in the story are definitely guarded and have to learn to reveal themselves on many levels.

5. How much of the book is realistic?
I’m not sure romance readers chose novels for realism. I think it may be more about escaping real life or wanting to visit a faraway place. But I think the plot is realistic – at times people do chose to marry for the wrong reasons. Luckily in romance novels – there is the ‘happily ever after’ ending.

6. What book are you reading now?
I’m just starting the newest Nora Roberts novel. I went to a workshop given by her recently and was so impressed by her work ethic and sense of humor that I decided to download her book. I haven’t read her in more than a decade and am looking forward to it.

7. Are there any new authors that have grasped your interest?
Yes. Bria Quinlan and Rachel Grant. They gave a workshop at RWA Nationals and were so impressive that I was compelled to download their books. They both understand the industry and are focused on want readers are looking for.

8. What are your current projects?
I’m working on the third book in The Bolles Dynasty series, The Chosen Heir. It’s a continuation of the Forgotten Heiress.  A driven entrepreneur decides to honor his disgraced father’s memory… and finds himself falling for a woman who insists on exploring each scandal and half-truth. Until he was seventeen, William Bolles had led a privileged life in New York but his world was shattered when his billionaire father, Oliver Bolles, died unexpectedly in a motorcycle accident and far-reaching scandals were revealed in every tabloid paper and news outlet.

By thirty, William had taken his small inheritance and increased it by hundredfold through smart investment and taking enormous risks. Partly to escape his family’s clutches and partly to stay clear of rumors and gossip, he based himself in Dublin. But his sister, Olivia, insists that he invest into a failing hat company and hire her acquaintance, Bridget North, to help salvage the beloved supplier. He has no interest in hiring the woman who has nothing but contempt for his business ideas but finds it tough to disappoint his sister.

Bridget is a beautiful, obsessive number cruncher with an extraordinary fashion sense that pursues the truth even if it becomes difficult or challenging. She was raised by dreamers in a chaotic environment and has vowed to create order and stability in her life. William is not what she expects and she finds herself drawn to him even though she knows he is trouble.  

9. Did you learn anything from writing your book and what was it?
I ended up doing quite a bit of research on campaigning and read several books on the subject. Throughout the novel, the campaign forces the main characters to stay in the media spotlight and ups the stakes for them. If Lucia decides to leave the campaign then Anderson would lose the race. But can she withstand the pressure and stay the course when she is uncertain about his feelings for her? What is he willing to do to get her to stay?

10. What were the challenges (research, psychological etc) in bringing your story to life?
The first challenge was deciding what would motivate two talented and smart people to make a flawed decision. Getting married or engaged added pressure and risk for both of them. Why would they do it?

About the Author
Susie Warren writes contemporary romance. Besides being an avid reader, she spends much of her free time crafting intense and complex stories about falling in love. When she is not writing, Susie works as an administrator in a small, independent school while caring for three teenagers and keeping tabs on her inventor husband. With the launching of her first book, The Forgotten Heiress, she has slowly begun to navigate the social media realm.

Susie loves to hear from readers and responds to each email and Facebook post. Please reach out to her via Facebook at or Twitter @susiecwarren

For more information on her upcoming releases, new excerpts and other related postings, or to sign up for free promotions, please visit

The Rosa Legacy Series

The first novel in The Rosa Legacy series, Ruthless Perfection, started with the idea of a traditional Italian mother who wanted her only daughter happily married. The mother, Carla Rosa Neri, along with her two sisters, Francesca and Marie, had emigrated from Italy as young girls and each went off to create a dynamic and successful family.

Each of the sisters had an only daughter and they made sure the girls spent time together. They attended the same boarding school in the northeast and visited each other’s homes in the summer.

Ruthless Perfection

Carla Rosa married into the Neri family with a long history in the Carrara marble industry. Her daughter, Isabel Neri, being a filmmaker and wanting to honor her grandfather’s legacy, approaches a reclusive billionaire, Marc Santoro, to ask permission to produce a documentary about the life of a quarry worker. Ruthless Perfection is the story of how they fall in love.

The Exiled Jeweler

Francesca Rosa married into the Berceto family with a long history in the jewelry making business. The Second novel in The Rosa Legacy series, The Exiled Jeweler, is about her daughter, Emelia, who went into seclusion after a scandal tore the family apart. Emelia is a talented jewelry designer who lived a sheltered life and was drawn into a passionate encounter with her family’s rival, Alexander Armati at a gala. Outside in the garden, photographs were taken on them and sold to the tabloid press. Her family was shocked and embarrassed and sent Emelia off to Florida. Four years later, she returns when her grandfather has a heart attack and her parents are deciding to sell the family business.

The Convenient Wedding

Marie Rosa married into the prominent Montgomery family, with a successful background in politics. Her only daughter, Lucia, is fascinated by politics and becomes a campaign aide. The opportunity to work on a senate campaign in Connecticut draws her into the middle of a scandal. Anderson Adams is a dark horse in the senate race yet convinces Lucia to play along with a strategy to save his campaign. The third novel in The Rosa Legacy series, The Convenient Wedding, is the story about how they reconcile their public image with their private life.


$50 Amazon / B&N Gift Card.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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  1. The beautiful cover is what I like the most from today's post.

  2. Thanks for having me. I'm doing a flash giveaway on FB this morning - simply visit and comment for a chance to win a print copy of The Convenient Wedding Today!

  3. Informative interview!


  4. Loved the author interview, it's great to hear about them.Thank you

  5. this sounds like a great read

  6. I love marriage of convenience stories.

  7. I really enjoyed the interview! Thank you!

  8. Great interview! I enjoyed reading it and can't wait to check out the book..thanks for sharing :)

  9. I love reading about the the author so thank you for the interview.

  10. It's nice to read insights from the author.

  11. I enjoyed the interview! Thanks!!

  12. I liked the interview best. This book sounds like a fun and intriguing read. I am looking forward to reading this book!

  13. Enjoyed reading your interview today
