
Monday 10 November 2014

Blog Tour Interview & Giveaway - Krymzyn by BC Powell

by BC Powell
Publication Date: October 4th,  2014
Genres: Fantasy, New Adult, Science Fiction

Chase was twelve the first time he arrived in a strange land where dark, ominous clouds never move, ancient trees violently spring to life during Darkness, and people seem to live without emotion. Doctors tell him they’re hallucinations, but he knows his visits are real. She’s there-Sash-and she’s more real than anyone he’s ever known.

His visits stop but, as years pass, the memories haunt Chase. Without warning, the young man suddenly finds himself again in a world called Krymzyn. Arriving during Darkness, he’s rescued from death by the extraordinary, beautiful but terrifying young woman he first met when he was twelve.

When Chase is thrust into the war of balance against vile creatures who threaten all who live there, Sash helps him understand his purpose in Krymzyn. A dark secret from the beginning of time reveals he might be able to stay there forever. To prove he belongs in Krymzyn and be with the only woman he can ever love, Chase will have to risk his own life in the ultimate battle.

Buy Links:
Amazon ¦ B&N ¦ iBooks ¦ Kobo

Author Interview

1. What inspired you to want to become a writer?
As a young reader, I fell in love with books like “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe,” “A Wrinkle in Time,” and “Dune.” Those stories not only took my mind to places I’d never been, but they inspired me to try to write my own stories. I’ve suffered from insomnia most of my life, filling late-night hours by creating fantasy worlds. Hopefully, my stories and characters can trigger an emotional response in readers, and take their mind on a journey they haven’t been on before.

2. Tell us your most rewarding experience since being published.
Taking part in Authors Support Our Troops, which is organized by horror author and zombie overlord Armand Rosamilia. Many of our troops overseas don’t have access to entertainment, especially those in the Middle East. Armand collects brand-new, signed books donated by authors to send to the troops. If my words can provide entertainment through an escape into fantasy for a soldier overseas, then I feel like I’ve done something really special.

3. If you could have a signed copy of any novel, what would it be and why?
“Huckleberry Finn” signed by Mark Twain. The “Great American Novel” signed by such an iconic author would simply be beyond belief - and something I doubt I could ever afford.

4. If you could have any superpower, what would you choose?
This thought has often plagued my mind. If I had to pick one, it would be the ability to stop time, suspending everything on Earth except me. I could get so much done while the rest of the world is motionless.

5. Please tell us in one sentence only why we should read your book.
It’s an original story set in a unique world that readers have never seen before, with characters facing complex emotional struggles and challenges.

6. Any other books in the works? Goals for future projects?
I’ve completed the second draft of book two in “The Journals of Krymzyn” series. “The Infinite Expanse” will be released in March 2015, and I’m currently on the third draft. I’m about halfway through draft one of the third book in the series, and I am hoping to have it released by October 2015. Four more books are outlined (it will make sense why there are seven in the series if you read Krymzyn) and all of them are partially written. Then I have the first draft of an epic paranormal book finished, which is the first in a trilogy, but that story still needs a lot of restructuring. So I have quite a bit on my plate and a lot for readers to look forward to!

7. Do you write as you go or do you have the book planned before you start the first draft?
I have the key events outlined before I write, but much of the story evolves spontaneously through the process. As long as I know the beginning and the end, the journey in between will come to me as I write. But before I write a word, I know the characters in depth, especially the emotional experiences and challenges I want them to face along the way.

8. What movie and/or book are you looking forward to this year?
I can’t wait to see the movie “Interstellar,” which just came out, but I haven’t seen it yet. Christopher Nolan is an amazing filmmaker. The story looks fascinating with a very strong cast. As far as books, I’m trying to catch up on an ever-growing backlist of books already released.

9. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
Carmel, California. I love the ocean and have to be close to it, but I hate the crowds of Los Angeles. We travel to Carmel three or four times a year, and I believe it’s one of the most beautiful places on Earth, both visually and in mood. I hope to move to Carmel in a few years.

10. Can you see yourself in any of your characters?
I think my protagonists are the person I would like to be, but they also embody characteristics I admire in my three sons. I’m an optimist by nature and always try to look for the best in people. I think both the male and female protagonists in Krymzyn reflect that attitude.

About the Author
BC Powell is a fantasy author from Los Angeles, CA. "Krymzyn" is his debut science fiction fantasy novel, the first book in a series titled "The Journals of Krymzyn."

Powell has a diverse background, having held several creative positions in the entertainment industry, including executive roles at ABC-TV and Technicolor. In recent years, he's authored several non-fiction works, primarily educational books and training programs for trading the financial markets. He dual majored in journalism and philosophy at Trinity University in San Antonio, Texas.

Writing fiction has been his lifelong passion and goal. "Krymzyn" is his first published novel and represents, in his words, "finally finding the story I want to tell with characters that are able to bring that story to life." He's an avid reader and lists Ernest Hemingway, Frank L. Herbert, Stephen King, Jane Austen, and Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. as his favorite authors.

Brad, as he prefers to go by in personal communication, lives with his longtime girlfriend, three sons from a previous marriage, and their rescue dog and cat. He enjoys hiking, ocean kayaking, spending time at Southern California beaches, movies, and reading.

Author Links:


$100 Amazon Gift Card.

One Signed copy of Krymzyn (US, Can & UK).
Ends December 13th (Midnight GMT).
Prize will be sent out after December 17th.

Blog Tour Organised by:


  1. Thanks for being on the tour, Alecia! :)

  2. Thank you so much for having me on your blog! I really appreciate it.

    BC Powell

  3. Thank you for this awesome giveaway!

  4. Wow, two awesome giveaways!!! I'm not sorry to say that I'm more excited for the book!!!

    Melissa H.

  5. What a fascinating book! Intriguing cover. Great interview. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Thanks, sounds like a great winter read.

  7. I love the fantastic cover. I like your choice of a super power. I have seen the question before and I say invisibility, but I think I like your answer much better. I feel the same way you do.. Have a super weekend.

    sherry @ fundinmental

  8. Thank I really enjoyed the interview. I dont think I would stop time but it would be really fun to have the superpower of invisibilty
